Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

For Teaching Foreign Language

Touch Spanish: 1 Gabriela Wilcox. Instructions and cards for introducing Spanish to children. “Touch Spanish” develops oral and written communication. Includes picture cards, labels and control cards. • 213 pp, binder, 26th edition, 2011 Item Number: 542100

Touch Spanish: 2 Gabriela Wilcox. Introduces phonics in the Spanish language, necessary for beginning reading. • 164 pp, binder, 8th edition, 2011 Item Number: 542200

Touch Spanish: 3 Gabriela Wilcox. Introduces verbs and pronouns in the Spanish language. It teaches the use of pronouns and verbs in the infinitive form with the help of a few conjugated verbs. • 220 pp, binder, 5th edition, 2011 Item Number: 542300


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