Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue


Music - Books & CD’s

Green Is Our Garden: Songs Of Nature Sanford Jones. A collection of 24 music pieces. • 55 pp, soft cover, 2006 edition

Item Number: 534000

CD: Green Is Our Garden: Songs Of Nature Sanford Jones. Accompanies the “Green Is Our Garden” music book.

Item Number: 534100

Folk Songs From Around The World Sanford Jones. A collection of 17 music pieces. • 19 pp, soft cover, 1980 edition

Item Number: 534400

Children's Songs Sanford Jones. A collection of 23 music pieces. • 23 pp, soft cover, 1987 edition

Item Number: 534200

CD: Children's Songs / Folk Songs From Around The World Sanford Jones. Accompanies the 'Children's Songs' and 'Folk Songs From Around The World' music books. Item Number: 534300

Nienhuis Montessori


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