Nienhuis 2015-2016 Catalogue

Montessori Music - Sensorial Exploration And Notation With The Bells Jean K. Miller, Ph.D. Illustrated handbook with detailed instructions for sensorial presentations and notation introduction. For use with Item Number 568200 and 0063A0. • 26 pp, heavy stock, 2008 edition Item Number: 535000

Music And Movement Instructional DVD For Montessori Teachers

Sanford and Judy Jones, Youth Opera International, Inc. This DVD shows teachers how to structure Movement Exercises, Music Appreciation Activities, Singing Lessons, The Montessori Bell Lessons and Sensorial Through Notation. The DVD is geared toward children ages 3, 4 and 5 and is divided into 3 lessons – Jumping, Even and Uneven Rhythms and a Small Group Lesson on the Montessori Bells. Item Number: 534900

Plantsongs - From The Ground Up Bruce Marbin. Five songs with staff notes, words and illustrations. Titles are: The Tree, The Flower, Leaves, Roots and Mushrooms. • 5 pp, soft cover, 1989 edition

Item Number: 537000

I Can Do It! - Piano Book Christine Bemko Kril. Written for children and adults who wish to learn to play the piano or keyboard. A step-by-step approach to learning music in a fun, encouraging manner. Includes a color keyboard finger chart and songs. • 79 pp, soft cover, 2005 edition Item Number: 535100

Montessori Mozarts Maureen Harris. A music curriculum. Gives the necessary skills to provide musical experiences to the children in a knowledgeable manner. Includes lesson plans and 2 CD’s. • 106 pp, soft cover, 2005 edition Item Number: 535200


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