New Parents Handbook 2019

Medical Needs & Severe Allergies Please check that you recorded any medical conditions that your son has on the Admission Form, for many we will need no further information. However some students with medical conditions will need us to take an active part in supporting them and we are committed to doing this. For those in need of monitoring regularly, an individual healthcare plan (IHP) will be put in place. The need for regular monitoring by the School is likely to be for one or a combination of the following reasons:  A medical condition is ongoing.  A medical condition fluctuates.  The student requires medication, therapy, treatment or other intervention to maintain their health while in school.  There is a high risk that emergency intervention will be necessary at some point.  The school, associated healthcare professional and parent agree that there should be one in place. If your son has a medical condition that you believe may require an IHP, you will have completed the Medical Needs section on the Admission Form. If you did not, please contact the Admissions Department in the first instance. An IHP will require you to provide up to date information about your son’s medical needs at least once termly, even if this is only a verbal update. IHPs will be accessible to all professionals who need them in school. This will normally be:  Your son’s teachers  The named person responsible for the IHP  The SENCo.  The people who support your son in supervising or administrating medication e.g. First Aider. The IHP is a confidential document and therefore not accessible by all staff. For the full Medical Needs Policy please see the policy section on Insight.

SEVERE ALLERGIES A number of students join the school having severe allergies. We deal with each case by talking with parents where necessary and try to ensure each boy’s needs are met. Below is an outline of the procedures in place at school, and these apply in general to those with asthma as well.  Students who have severe allergies are listed with photographs in both the Main Office and the Staff Room. Staff’s attention is brought to this at the beginning of every academic year and they are asked to record the information.  Students should carry their Auto Injector (AJ) with them at all times. Student’s spare medication will be kept in the Main Office. In PE, Games or similar situations where students are unable to have their medication about their person, they should leave it with the member of staff in charge of their group.  At the first sign of an allergic reaction the student should administer the AJ himself, inform the teacher or send a friend to inform the Main Office who will summon help. In all cases a member of staff with First Aid training will attend to the student and an ambulance called. If the student is unable to apply the Auto Injector the First Aider will.  In all cases it is important that the student’s friends know that they may suffer a severe allergic reaction and they can communicate this to the Main Office asap. All Year 7 tutor groups which have boys with severe allergies will go through the above information early in the academic year with their form tutor. Boys who join the school in Year 7 will meet with the Head of Year 7 to ensure they know and understand what the school does in such circumstances. No responsibility is taken by the school for ensuring that students do not come into contact with the cause of their allergy, however the staff in the Dining Hall are always helpful and will deal with individuals to ensure that a hot meal can be provided daily, bearing in mind they cater for the whole school.


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