Planting Churches among the City's Poor - Volume 1


Establish Discipling Fellowships

Once the first converts are won to Christ, the four steps of building discipling groups begin:

1. Start the initial cell group. 2. Recruit and train apprentice leaders. 3. Form new groups as soon as possible. 4. Meet regularly with cell group leaders. 96

Start the Initial Cell Groups The initial cell groups take on different characteristics according to the needs and distinctives of the target group. Bible study groups study the Word of God corporately and develop new relationships in the community. Contact groups are action-oriented, focusing on evangeli zation through special events such as concerts or other outreach activities. Task-oriented groups organize around a point of service, such as setting up a community food pantry, or ministering to the handicapped. Worship groups emphasize singing and prayer as primary activities. Forum groups discuss issues of community interest or concern, gaining biblical insights and awakening people’s understanding of a Christian world view. Other groups could be created based on an understanding of the gifts, personalities and needs of the participants. 97 Regardless of the particular accent, each type of group should evidence the five activities mentioned in Acts 2:41-47: study, fellowship, worship, stewardship and witness. 98 The initial meetings can occur in any suitable location: a home, school, 99 hotel, restaurant, store, park or community center. The church planters should choose a location that is not objectionable to those entering the


96 Robert E. Logan, “How to Start a Growing and Reproducing Church”, Taken from Peter Wagner course outline “Techniques of Planting New Churches” offered at Fuller Seminary (Robert E. Logan, 1988), p. 5 97 See Redford, p. 64 and Robert C. Linthicum, City of God, City of Satan: A Biblical Theology of the Urban Church , (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1991), pp. 274-277

98 David Hesselgrave, Planting Churches Cross-Culturally , (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980), p. 272

99 Many schools are required by state or local ordinance to make their facilities available to community groups at no or minimal rental charges.

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