City of Surrey 2017 - 2021 Financial Plan



 Develop a new City Policy that every contractor working on City roads or statutory rights-of-way must be certified through a safety training program.

 Prepare joint application with Rail Agencies for Federal Funding for Safety & Whistle Cessation Improvements at numerous crossings;  Complete detailed design and securing BC Hydro / Railway approvals of 70 Avenue extension from King George Boulevard to 136B Street; and  Implement project schedule for Engineering component of overall Land Development process to establish clear, realistic expectations and accountabilities including milestones on all “Nexus” and key projects;  Continue to work with IT staff to develop data-driven decision making (“D3M”) reporting tools;  Integrate the 4 Year Capital Program with Project Tracking System and ensure participation at Project Manager / Staff Level; ECONOMIC PROSPERITY & LIVELIHOODS

 Roll-out new Servicing Agreement;  “Right Sizing” Engineering Operations Business Unit Budgets for 2018 Budget to be better aligned with previous years’ expenditures and more accurate projections;  Increase Engineering Operations overall efficiency by 25% in the next 5 years (Year 2 of 5); and  Complete the purchase of the 143 acre Tree Seed Centre in Campbell Heights, for park purposes.


 Develop 3D GIS for components of Engineering's Infrastructure within 5 years; and  Advance Surrey’s Open Data Program

 Revise Engineering content of Land Development web pages to improve information accessibility;  Become Canada’s #1 Municipal Open Data Program according to Public Sector Digest;

through developing processes, implementing key data sets and external collaborations.



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