City of Surrey 2017 - 2021 Financial Plan


MISSION STATEMENT To provide a range of parking options and choices for resident, business and transit needs, and effectively manage the demand for on and off street parking facilities in an innovative and cost effective manner while ensuring the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorized vehicles. KEY PROGRAM AND SERVICES The Parking Authority Utility is a self-funded program that involves planning, managing and regulating the City’s on and off street parking assets, employing leading edge technologies, such as license plate recognition and “smart” pay stations. All aspects of parking are handled through this team including the development of parking standards, parking signage, pay parking, parking lot enforcement, truck parking, and the City’s Electric Vehicle charging network. The section also administers the contracts that provide transit shelters, bus benches, and digital billboards, all of which generate revenue to support transportation infrastructure throughout the City. 2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS


 Early completion of installation of 15 new transit shelters, with accelerated installation of 2017 shelters.


 Completed inventory/occupancy analysis of parking supply in the Cloverdale Town Centre and upgraded public parking area landscaping, lighting, and layout to improve aesthetics, accessibility, and safety;

 In cooperation with RCMP and Justice Precinct stakeholders, completed a short and long term justice precinct parking strategy; and  Completed design of pedestrian and vehicle-oriented wayfinding package for Justice Precinct. of EV charging network; and  Hosted regional Institutional Parking Forums, bringing together YVR airport, TransLink, and 10 cities to expand awareness of EV charging networks, License Plate Recognition Technology, and parking management best practices.


 Upgraded Cloverdale Electric Vehicle (“EV”) Fast Charger to dual connection unit, allowing use by all types of EVs. Installed Fast Charger at City Hall;  Initiated EV Charging Policies and Practices discussion paper to shape future deployment and management



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