City of Surrey 2017 - 2021 Financial Plan


MISSION STATEMENT To continue to provide clean and safe drinking water to support the building of a healthy, sustainable community.

KEY PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The Water Utility plans, designs, constructs and replaces the infrastructure required to deliver water to the City, administers water metering and the water conservation program, audits water loss, and administers cross connection control. The Utility’s primary responsibility, in partnership with the Operations Division and Metro Vancouver, is to supply clean, safe drinking water to the residences and businesses of Surrey. The Water Utility provides safe and clean drinking water to properties and over 500,000 residents through a 1,800 km distribution network, nine pump stations, and 150 pressure reducing stations. Over 98% of Surrey’s residents obtain their drinking water from the City’s Water System. The rate charged by the Greater Vancouver Water District (“GVWD”) for water is projected to increase significantly over the next 10 years, as shown in the chart below. It is expected that Surrey’s proposed meter rate increase would be similar to that of GVWD’s bulk water rate increase. The flat rate would reflect the average consumption of unmetered single family homes and is expected to increase in similar pace as the metered rate.

Source: City of Surrey Finance Department



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