2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays


- Cut 2 separate lines into 2 3 metres long line. leave an excess amount of the railway

because different heights and radii will change the length.

- Combine 2 x 3 meters lines to for a proper track that can hold the ball. This can be

done by using the track holder (provided in the set).

- Build at least 20 track holders that attach to rods (instructions in the manual provided

with the set) and 10 rods holder.

Rod-rod holder

Rod-track holder

- Build 50 tract holders that make 2 lines into a track. Arrange the holders into pairs and attach them to the lines (like this picture below)

- Attach base platforms and then attach rods into place.

(refer to image below)

- Attach 4 x 30 cm rods with 2x rod-rod holder. Then stick

a 30cm rod horizontally to the rod holders to create a top

support for the loop.

- Attach 2 track holders with 2 x 20cm rods to the base

platform to create bottom support for the loop.

P a g e | 12

IB Diploma

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