ATT November 2018 LDP Connect - Final

NOVEMBER 2 0 1 8

VOL . 1 0 , I S SUE 1

To get a sense of her geographic journey, I created the featured map above. The markers in orange indicate places she has moved to three or more times (San Antonio), blue is a location she has moved to twice (Dallas, Atlanta) and orange for a location she moved to once (Midland, Zurich, Redmond, Austin.) Her message about all these moves is that she has always remained open minded about her opportunities at AT&T and has gone wherever the company has had the occasion to take her. This map is a visual representation of that commitment. She told the audience, “Be willing to say ‘yes’ enthusiastically and do not be afraid.”  For many new LDPs such as myself, this was inspiring to hear as we embark on our career journeys and begin to think about how open we are to all the chances presented to us. If you got the call to move to Europe to launch a new product like Dahna did, would you? Another piece of advice that stuck with many in the audience... Was Dahna's recommendation to always be kind to others. “Take the time for small acts of kindness for other people” said Dahna as she showed on the presentation screen personal, handwritten notes from Randall Stephenson she had received throughout her career. She has adopted that practice herself as a leader and there are dozens of posts on Twitter made by recipients of her kind notes that testify to this practice. To get more of a sense of Dahna herself, turn to Twitter (@dahnahull). Her feed is filled with exciting news about AT&T and relevant issues such as women in tech. Dahna’s feed also shows her avidness for retweeting her team’s Tweets as well as many  from others inside and outside the company who have been positively affected by her. 

“Be willing to take risks. Be willing to say ‘yes’ enthusiastically and do not be afraid.”.

Take the time for small acts of kindness for other people.”

Dahna’s legacy is even felt in the AT&T eStore, where you can buy the “Dahna Shirt”, a professional yet classic button up designed for women at an affordable price. I’ve felt it, ladies, it is so soft! I am so honored to call myself an LDP and continue down the path leaders like Dahna have paved for us. Thank you Dahna, for all you do!

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