Alcalá 1956

Music Club

The first meeting of the newly organized Music Club of San Diego College for Women was held Friday, October21, 1955. Votes were cast for representa tives from each class who would form a hostess commit­ tee for the various planned events. Results were to be posted upontabu lation. The first event scheduledwas a l ecture by Mr. Nyvall Th ursday, October 27, whichwill include demonstration of various musical pieces from different periods of history. Among other scheduled events will be a piano recital by Donald Reed , a nine-year-old Chopin technique expert, in November. In December, the annual caroll ing will replace an event. It was emphasized tha t the various event s were to serve not only for ente rtainmentbut to educat e the members in various musical subject s. The group was told that there would not be

regular meetings, but tha t events would be announced at Student Body meetings, and that one need only be interested in music to join. The council by election were: seniors, Evelyn Krail, Barbara Gannon, Paula Sabin; juniors, Virginia Rodee, Mary Lou Zrelak, Norma Mansir; sophomores, Nancy Adams, Pat McNair, Anne Aggeler; freshmen, Linda Hope, Ann Adams, Margaret Farrell. The program scheduled for November, a piano recital by Donald Read, was given. In January Mrs. Mary Alyngave a harp demon­ stration. Mrs. Arthur Sehwarzman was pre­ sented in a harp recital in the February program. On Wednesday evening, March 21, the Little Choir gave a rendition of the Seven Last Words. Nancy Adams was the accom­ panist.

Ann Ad ams, Ann Ag ge ler , Virg inia R o d e e , N a n c yA d a m s , N o rm a Mansi r, Ma ry Lou Zr ela k, Pat rici a McN ai r,Paula Sab in, Barb ara Ga n­ non, Eve lynKra il, pr esi dent,Mar­ ga ret Fa rre ll.

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