
Corporate news

The Christie reinforces presence in China Our consultancy arm, Christie International, has signed a deal offering expertise to a Chinese company.

We are working in partnership with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Northumberland County Council to supply expertise to the Rongqiao Group in China. The contract has been signed for the first phase of what is planned to be a long-term collaboration which will generate significant revenue to be reinvested in patient care. Rongqiao is a family-owned developer with experience mainly in the residential, hotel and education sectors. It is working on a number of social projects intended to improve access to high-quality education and healthcare in the eastern province of Fujian. It has sought the help of UK organisations as part of its plans to build a general hospital in Fuzhou, the province’s capital. The hospital will have the full range of services, including a state-of-the-art oncology centre, with a focus on rehabilitation and research and education. Roger Spencer, Chief Executive of The Christie, said: “The Christie is delighted to be involved in this exciting development and is fully committed to working in partnership with Rongqiao to establish world-leading cancer services in Fuzhou.” Meanwhile, three senior clinicians from The Christie recently took part in the prestigious UK China Oncology Patients have once again rated The Christie as one of the top performing trusts in the country for patient satisfaction in the annual 2017 national inpatient survey by the health regulator, the Care Quality Commission. The survey ranked The Christie as one of only eight acute specialist trusts to be given the CQC’s top banding of ‘much better than expected’ by patients. The Trust was also rated as one of only of 10 to score ‘much better than expected’ for medical care and one of only eight to be ranked as ‘better than expected’ for surgery experiences. And no question was ‘worse’ than most other trusts. The full breakdown of responses is available to view here:

Professor Chris Harrison delivering the keynote speech about England’s national cancer strategy

Congress in Beijing. Professor Chris Harrison, Executive Medical Director at The Christie and National Clinical Director for Cancer at NHS England, delivered the keynote speech and discussed England’s national cancer strategy (above). He also oversaw the cutting of an NHS 70th birthday cake at a ceremony attended by the British ambassador.

Prof Rob Bristow, Chief Academic Officer at The Christie and Director of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre, delivered the keynote speech on the second day of the congress, discussed clinical trials in oncology and held talks with potential research partners. Prof Peter Trainer, clinical lead of Christie International, set out its consultancy services to potential Chinese partners. Patients praise The Christie in annual survey

Patients consistently rate our care much better than expected


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