
Introduction & contents

Welcome to the winter edition of Chinwag

This edition we are leading with some good news from our recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You can read more about this on page three, but as Chief Executive of The Christie, I’m proud to say that once again we’re Outstanding. Of course I see examples of the outstanding care you all deliver to our patients every day, but for that to be recognised officially by the CQC is a stamp of approval that is very well deserved. As always, it has been a busy few months at The Christie. As Chinwag went to press, we were due to start treating our first patient with proton beam therapy. This has obviously involved a great deal of energy and effort from everybody involved and it is fabulous to see it reach this stage.

Patients are also already benefiting from our wonderful new outpatient facilities, providing a much-improved environment. The department will be at its full capacity in the new year. Over the summer, we were delighted to join in the national celebrations for the 70th birthday of the NHS. Fun events were held to mark the occasion and it was also an opportunity to showcase some of our ground- breaking work in the national media, demonstrating how we always strive to be at the forefront of innovation and treatment for cancer patients. Every single member of staff plays their part in this, and I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to every one of you for all that you do.

Chief Executive Roger Spencer

Roger Spencer, Chief Executive


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Get in touch If you have any news, achievements, team updates or interesting stories you would like to share in Chinwag, contact the communications team on ext. 3613 or 3840 , or via email

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