Emergency Preparedness

Appendix H.15 – COMBATIVE

Kern Medical Emergency Preparedness

o Description of behaviors:  Belligerence, yelling, cursing, etc  Face red  Prolonged eye contact  Pounding fist on table, wall, etc.  Finger pointing or fist pumping

 Staff response

o Remain calm. Use a distraction technique and create space/barriers between you and the aggressor.  NOTIFY SECURITY  Allow the aggressor to “vent”, but set reasonable limits (no threats, etc)  If aggression escalates, initiate a Code Gray

LEVEL III: PHYSICAL AGGRESSION - Physical violence or the

threat of imminent physical violence. o Description of behaviors:

 Verbalization stops or phrases are repeated, voice is strained  When attack is imminent: (1) Eyebrows drop (to protect eyes) (2) Lips tighten over teeth (3) Jaw clenches (4) Head is down (5) Breathing is rapid and deep (6) Change in stance (7) Break in eye contact to look at the “target” o IMMEDIATELY MOVE AWAY FROM THE ASSAILANT  Use a distraction technique such as a loud positive command (“Stop” “No”)  Use a diversion or distraction (such as a hand gesture) and move away o Dial the emergency number (5#) and initiate a CODE GRAY  Give your location  Use “duress alarm” if available

 Staff Response

 CODE GRAY ACTIVATION: Upon receiving a Code Gray notification, the operator will announce the Code Gray and the location over the hospital paging system. Personnel not trained in the management of aggressive behavior should stay away from the area and

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