The Strand Study Bible


1. I AM (Jn 8:24) 2. What is the image of God ? (Gen 1:26b,27b) 3. Why the FATHER is so impressed with the SON (Exo 23:23 and Phil 2:9) 4. The price of indifference (Eccl 3:21 and Zeph 1:12a) 5. The first insect mentioned in Scripture (Job 4:19 and Gen 1:24c) 6. The doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture (II Pet 1:21, Job 38:4, and Lev 13:46)

7. The first four God-given institutions (Gen 2:18a) 8. Intellectual Christianity ? (Mt 28:19a and II Cor 11:3)

9. Islam (began in Arabia c. AD 622) ( Religious Note after Gen 16:12 and Gen 16:10,12) 10. Israel , the only nation God ever birthed (Isa 44:2,24 & 46:3 & 49:15 & Jere 2:3 and Exo 14) 11. Why Israel will never cease to exist as a nation (Jere 31:35-37) 12. Seven features which separated the nation of Israel from all other nations (Rom 9:4) J 1. Why jail doesn’t work (Exo 22:1, Lev 6:4-5 & 24:12, Num 5:7, Deut 25:2 and Lk 19:8) 2. Jannes and Jambres (c. AD 250) (Lk 11:51) 3. Jehovah’s Witnesses (began in America c.1884) (Psa 37:9 and Jn 4:24b) 4. Jerusalem , the city of God (Gen 14:18b and Psa 122:3,6) 5. The character of Job (after the book of Job) 6. Jubilees (c. 170 BC) (Lk 11:51) 7. Judaism (began in Canaan c. 1400 BC) ( Religious Note after Deut 34:12 and Deut 34:6) 8. Judith (c. 100 BC) (Lk 11:51) 9. Joseph and Aseneth (c. 75 BC) (Lk 11:51) 10. The JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST (II Cor 5:10-11, Mt 5:19a & 24:51, I Cor 3:14-15 and Lk 12:43,46,47) 11. The doctrine of justification (Rom 3:28 & 13:11) K 1. Karma (works) verses grace (Titus 3:5a) 2. The importance of keeping your word (Eccl 5:5) 3. Killers that bring about a premature death (Rom 8:13b) 4. God our KI NG (Psa 44:4 and Rev 11:15) 5. The King James Version verses other English versions (Lk 3:36 & 10:22, Acts 7:45 and Rom 16:25b,26) L

1. Ladder of Jacob (c. AD 70) (Lk 11:51) 2. Those who knew the LAMB (Gen 14:20) 3. What about those who never knew the LAMB ? (Rom 1:21a) 4. Eight irrefutable proofs (signs) that we are indeed in the last days (Mk 13:4) 5. The law of necessity (Mt 12:2) 6. Twenty-one laws before the Law (Gen 26:5, Job 22:22 & 23:12 and Rom 2:15) 7. Laying on of hands ? (Gen 48:14) 8. God doesn’t always speak to the leader (Exo 19:9) 9. Twenty principles of good leadership (Exo 17:9) 10. How to choose the right kind of spiritual leadership (I Thess 1:6) 11. Leadership’s greatest principle (Deut 1:38) 12. Leprosy ; an illustration of sin (Lev 13:2, Ezk 4:17 and Lk 17:12a,18) 13. Letter of Jeremiah (Lk 11:51) 14. Letters of Aristeas (c. 150 BC) (Lk 11:51) 15. Three guidelines for Christian liberty (I Cor 6:12) 16. When does life begin? (Gen 4:1a) 17. Three reasons why God ends a life (Heb 9:27) 18. Life of Adam & Eve (c. AD 60) (Lk 11:51) 19. Seven unchanging characteristics of LIGHT (Gen 1:3b) 20. Only the light that’s been given us will judge us (I Sam 3:13 and I Jn 5:16a,b) 21. Crossing the line of God’s mercy (Num 14:23,29) 22. Lives of the Prophets (c. AD 50) (Lk 11:51) 23. How to combat loneliness (Hos 4:17)


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