The Strand Study Bible


24. Taking the LORD’S SUPPER (I Cor 11:24) 25. Lordship Salvation (Rom 10:9) 26. Biblical love (II Jn 1:6, Mt 22:39 and Mk 12:31) 27. Understanding the lovingkindness of God (Psa 107:43) M

1. 1 Maccabees (c. 110 BC) (Lk 11:51) 2. 2 Maccabees (c. 80 BC) (Lk 11:51) 3. 3 Maccabees (c. 1 BC) (Lk 11:51) 4. 4 Maccabees (c. AD 25) (Lk 11:51)

5. How to maintain daily fellowship with God (Lev 1:2) 6. The doctrine of man ( EXODUS “MINI” SERIES) 7. Man affects man only (Eccl 3:14 and Job 35:5-8) 8. How to build unity within a marriage (Gen 2:24) 9. The myths of marriage (Gen 2:24) 10. What constitutes marriage in God’s eyes (Mt 19:6) 11. Steps to a successful marriage ( JOHN “MINI” SERIES) 12. How to know whom to marry (Gen 24:4 and I Cor 7:39) 13. Martyrdom of Isaiah (c. AD 100) (Lk 11:51) 14. Masonry (began c. 1700) (Num 9:3) 15. What to look for in a mate (Prov 18:22 and II Pet 1:5)

16. What is meditation ? (Psa 1:1,2 and Josh 1:8a,b) 17. How to become memorialized ? (Mt 26:13) 18. The danger of men and movements (Job 32:21 and I Pet 4:18) 19. The mercy of God (Gen 19:16) 20. Can a believer cross the line of God’s mercy ? (Num 14:23,29 and Prov 1:22-33) 21. The first metal mentioned in Scripture (Gen 2:11b) 22. Characteristics of the Millennial Reign of CHRIST (Gen 13:15 and Rev 20:4d) 23. Three schools of thought concerning the Millennium (Rev 20:4c) 24. Four different sources that desire the control of your mind (Phil 2:5) 25. If God can’t change your mind , He can’t change you (Jere 43:2) 26. The miracle of life – it’s not the birth; it’s the conception (Gen 4:1a) 27. Three miracles that distinguish the Bible from all other books (Gen 12:16 – point #2) 28. Misinterpreting God (Deut 5:29) 29. Are there mistakes in the Bible? (Jere 27:1) 30. How to control money so that it doesn’t control you (Jn 14:1a – point #5) 31. What money can’t buy (Acts 3:6) 32. The Moral Laws of God (Gen 26:5 – under The OT Laws , I Sam 2:25 and Prov 29:2) 33. More Psalms of David (c. 260 BC) (Lk 11:51)

34. Mormonism (began in America c. 1830) (Psa 82:6) 35. The Mosaic Covenant (Exo 19:3 Subject Head) 36. Motive for why we do what we do (I Sam 15:15, Mt 6:1 & 20:1,11, I Cor 3:13b, II Cor 5:14, I Jn 4:19, Jude 1:21 and Rev 2:4) 37. Why God allowed multiple marriages in the OT (I Sam 1:2, Deut 21:15 and I Tim 3:2b,12) 38. The evils of murmuring (Phil 2:14) 39. The beginning of both secular and sacred music (Gen 4:21 and Rev 18:22) 40. Music (Psa 47:7, Eph 5:19 and Colo 3:16) 41. The mysteries of God (I Cor 4:1 and Eph 1:9) 42. Mythology (began in the Garden of Eden c. 4000 BC) ( Religious Note after Gen 3:5) N 1. The names of God (Gen 1:1c)

2. How to change a nation (I Tim 2:4) 3. The law of the Nazarite (Num 6:2)

4. Nephilims (Gen 6:2, Num 13:33 and Rev 16:13) 5. New Age (began in America c. 1875) (Jn 4:24b) 6. New Covenant verses the Old Covenant (Jere 31:31 and Heb 8:6-7) 7. New International Version (NIV) (Heb 10:39, Rom 16:25b and Lev 11:20) 8. The New Testament manuscripts verses ancient writings (Lk 2:40 & 10:22) 9. The philosophy of Nihilism (Gen 2:9)


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