USD President's Report 2003

University of San Diego Arcnives

one stone, one pond ... ripples that go on.


As the old man walked the beach at dawn. he noticed a young

man ahead of him picking up starfish and flinging them into

the sea. Finally c1tching up to the youth, he asked him why

he was doing this . The answer was that the stranded starfish

would die if they were left until the morning sun.

"13ut the beach goes on for miles and there arc millions of

surfish," countered the old man. "How can you make a

difference'" The young man looked at the starfish in his hand

and threw it to safety in the w::1ves. "It makes a difference to

this one," he said.

-Loren Eisclcy, Author and Poet


JOHANNA HUNSAKER: 6 faculty, sc h oo l o f bu sin ess admini stration

FATHER JOE CARROLL: 8 class of 1970 , co ll ege of arts and sc ien ces

THOMAS O 'BRIEN: 10 class of 1993, sc h oo l of law

ELAINE ELLIOTT: 12 dir ecto r , u sd ce n te r for co mmunity se rvice -l ea rning

ANITA HUNTER: 14 fac ulty, bairn sc hool of nursing and h ea lth sc ie n ce

PEDRO ANAYA JR. : 16 gradu ate stude nt, sc ho o l of education






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Over a span of 50 years, young university has maintained an accelerated pace o f grow th and development, ach.i eving nati onal recogni ti on for its academic excellence. The uni versity's repu tation for academic rigor has, consequently, attracted extraordinary scholars among its fac ulty and high-achi eving students who, in tum, become extraordinary citizens of the world. The energy and enthusiasm for scholarship that are hallmarks of this university extend to dimensions far beyond the classroom walls. report focuses on another dimension of the university's missio n: its commitment to service. Members of this faith-based university - Catholic in its character - take seriously their indi vidual and collective call to holin ess. We believe that to become fulJy human is indeed to become God-like. Thus, we try to make every encounter an opportunity to learn from and contribute to the development o f our human famil y. USD students, fac ulty, staff and alumni take serio usly the challenge: " If you want peace, you must work for justice." And so we reach out. W e reach out through our C enter for Communi ty Service- Learning, which integrates academi cs and service in a hands-on approach that teaches students to learn by doi ng, and to learn by giving. We reach o ut through our Uni versity Ministry programs, which offer students countless opportunities for service, including serving meals to th e homeless, delivering meals to homebound HIV/AIDS patients and spending spring break building houses in Tijuana. And we reach out through the American Humani cs program , which combines leadership training w ith service to no nprofit organizations. Wc also reach out in countless ways throu gh our academ.ic programs. Our busin ess students hold clinics to help people improve thei r family businesses. Our law students for 25 years have provided mental health advocacy services to county residents by investigating complaints regardin g pati ent care in psychiatric hospitals, and by assisting health care providers in draftin g hospital policies and procedures related to patients' rights. Our th eater students foster communication and dialogue about family issues by

dramatizing tru e-life storie · told to th cm by local teen-agers and perfo nning them at community gatherings. Our science students monito r polluti on in nearby M.issio n Bay, our nursing students provide health care to scn.iors at the local communi ty center and our education students tutor first-generati on college applicants. These are just a handfi.11 of the many programs offered in our sc hools. Behind these programs are the pcoplc who make USD's outreach happen. They bring to lite our mission of servi ce. And they know that making a difference - wheth er for a multitude or a single person - is what matters most in this world . As you turn th ese pages, you will meet men and women who, like stones that make ripples in a po nd , have plunged into th eir work and created ripples that go on . I hope, before you fin ish reading, th at you too are moved , compelled , to be th e stone - and to make some tipples of your own .

Mary E. Lyons, Ph .D . President

"It is urgent for everyone today to work together for the full development of others." -John Paul 11, Sollicituado Rei Socia/is

JOHANNA HUNSAKER fac ulty, sc hoo l o f bu sin ess admi n istrati o n

But J ohann a Hunsaker ca res. Hunsaker. who volunteers as a court-appointed peciaJ advocate for children, had just finished a case in which she fo und adopti ve parents for three siblin i:,rs li ving in separate foster home ·. She was lookin g fo r her next case. The moment she read his file, she knew 9- year-old Danny was the one. "Dann y had absolutely nobody," says Hunsaker, who was assigned his case in 2001. " No relati ve wanted him, and nobody ever visited him once he became a ward o f the court. That's why I chose him ." Hunsa ker, who teaches organi zati onal behavior and women in management in the School of Business Adrninistrati on, became a court-appointed special advocate, or C ASA, in 1995. She wa · trained to w rite court reports, interact with j udges, navigate th e courts and wo rk with social workers, teachers, th erapists and doctors to advocate for the needs o f children in th e foster care system . At age 12, and with his special needs, Hunsa ker says th ere's litcl e hope o f adopti on fo r Da nny. He ' ll be in the system fo r another six years, but Hunsaker will be with him fo r the lo ng haul. 'Tm doing something positive fo r one kid, " Hunsaker says. " I know I ca n't change the system , but I can make a difference in his Li te and , right now, that's what matters most." The day Hunsaker met Dann y, th ey shared a pizza . Hi s tattered cloth es were filth y and di beveled, he wouldn 't ma ke eye contac t, and when he ate he shoveled fo od into his mouth - a sign, th ough his records didn 't reflect it, that he may have been underfed . Hunsaker's first o rder of business was to requ est S250 from cl1e state for new clocJ1 cs - a simple act. she says, that boosted his self-esteem . Next, alarmed by his lethargic demea nor and inad- vertent twitches, ~he requ ested his mental health be re- evaluated . Doctors fo und he was misdiagnosed with - and was reactin g to medi ca ti o n for - schizophrenia, when. in fact, Dann y showed no evidence o f a mental disorder.

Hunsaker, who came to USD in 198 1, says Oanny has littl e interest in what she docs fo r a living. He's never asked her where she works. doesn't ca re about the Ph .D. fo llowing her name and doesn 't realize th at durin g th eir visits she's using her expertise in human behavior and orga nization to subtly talk to him about social skiJJs anger management, consequences and goals in life . The lessons, th ough ·ubtle, have resulted in signifi cant changes. Hunsaker helped Dann y transition from a locked youth fac ili ty to a group home where he attends public school. Flashi ng a copy of his most recent report ca rd . she boasts he ea rn ed fo ur As and a B. Her short-term goal is to help Danny tra nsitio n fro m special edu ca tio n classes, where he was placed because he's emoti onall y immature, to mainstream classes before he starts high school in three yea rs. A lo nger-term goal, she says, is to ensure he graduates from hi gh ~chool - a milestone achi eved nati onwide by only 40 percent of ch.ildren in foster ca re. " He tru ts that I care," Hunsaker says, '·that I'm not going to hurt him , that l'll do what I say I'm going to do and that I'll always be here for him. " Hunsaker visits Danny every few week . O ften with camera in tow, she attends his sc ience fairs, checks in wiili his doctors, mo nitors his progress in school, and takes him hiking and to the beach where he enj oys playing with her dogs. " I noticed with all my case th at th ese kids had no pictures," Hunsaker says. ''Their histori es are just piles o f court documents, but nothing that shows th em what they used to look like or how mu ch th ey've grown. So with Darmy I always try to take pictures. ''It's a symbol of love," she adds. " [t hows him that I ca red enough to record these moments in history and reminds him th at he did have happy memories and that there were days that he smil ed."

Da1111 y'., 11n111v " '"·' d1t11 1~d lo protect !tis idmtity.

FATHER JOE CARROLL c lass o f 1970, co lle ge of arts and sc ie n ces

The letter was to Father J oe Carro ll ·70 (M.A.) . fo und er of the Sa n Diego charity Father J oL·'s Vi llages . Anto ni o's yo un ger brother, J ose. \-\·as stri cken "·ith ca ncer last yea r, and Ca rroll se nt money for treat111L·nt. When J ose died. a few weeks bcforL' C hri stmas, Carroll aga in se nt funds , this time to help w ith fun eral costs. Moreno 's wo rds of appreciatio n arc ec hoed dai ly by thousands of ot hers helped by Carro ll , w ho created w hat has become a model progra111 for helpi ng the hom eless. Carro ll recen tl y was visited by someo ne to w hom he had, yea rs ago, give n ;1 lawn111ower from th e orga ni zation's thrift shop. Th e boy rl'turn cd as a man in a tru ck beari ng the logo of th e landscaping busin ess he created. Another visit ca111c from th e owner of a hi gh-ri se vv indow was hin g co111pa11 y, w ho as a boy was hL·d Carro ll 's thrift shop w indows fo r pocket change . " No 111atter w here yo u go with him , it'll happen ," says Keith McKay, vice president of the rl'tai l division of Father J oe's Villages. ''You don't wa nt to go w ith hi111 if yo u're in a hurry, beca use he' ll always get tied up talking to someone." The story began in I982 . ThL· Sa n Diego Diocese's bishop . Leo Maher, ass igned C 1rroll to a j ob Ca rroll didn 't want - runnin g the St. Vin ce nt ck Paul Center. Ca rroll , w ho had been co ntent as a parish priest, began by handi ng ou t peanut butter sa ndw iches to th e ho meless at 8 a.m .. ope nin g the mail and cl osin g up by mid-morn in g. Ca rroll con1plain ed to Maher the effo rts were 11 't eno ugh. Ca rroll in sisted he wa nted to create a co111prehensivL' "one- stop shop ping" progra111 to offer ho usi11 g, basi c m ed ica l ca re, j ob training and other services. His co ncept was ce ntered arou11d w hat he learned while earnin g a master's degree in secondary education. At USI) , Ca rro ll says he leJ rn ed about the stages of growth in which people need basic necessities, like food, before all else. " Thar's w hy here, it all begim w ith a m eal,'' Ca rroll says. "Unless yo u' re fed, yo u ca n't think about ;1 bed o r abou t ed ucatio n. Then. as you so lve the food and ho usin g problem ,

you ca n move toward self-a ctuali zati o n, o r w hat we ca ll dignity. w hi ch mea ns knowing yo u ca n go o ut i11 the world and succeed. It all ca me from my experien ce at USD. I rook that co ncept to soc ial work and it's w hat mad e us different .., Carroll th o ught the idea wo uld be so a111bitio us that Maher would refuse to go alo ng and get someo ne else fo r the job. H e guessed wrong. In fac t, Maher encouraged Carro ll to take o n the perso na of w hat the bisho p ca ll ed the " hu stler priest." Ca rroll obli ged, findin g in himse lf a well of tale nt fo r persuasion that al lowed him to culti vate donors and voluntee rs. In time , St. Vincent de P aul Vi ll age became the flagship of Father J oe's Villages, a network of seve n assistance ce nters througho ut Southern Ca li fo rnia w here those in nCL'd ca n recc i\'L' three meals a da y. every day of the year. Th ey ca n m eet with case manage rs, ea rn GEDs, train 0 11 computers. find jobs at employment fairs and receive m edi ca l and dental care . C hildren arc served by 011-site county-run elem entary and hi gh schools. Numbers tell th e rest of th e sto ry: 1.5 mill io n mea ls served annuall y; residential fac ilities fo r mo re than


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-Isaiah 61:1

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THOMAS O'BRIEN class of 1993 , schoo l of law

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The worst part of the case, says Thomas O'Brien '93 Q.D.) , is that the trafficker was the victim's aunt. "It's difficult to imagine the isolation of this young woman," says O'Brien, an assistant United States attorn ey in th e central distri ct of California. "She has no papers, no money, speaks no English, and has nobody to turn to for help." T o O'Brien - who took th e case after the victim sought help from the aunt's apartment manager, who in turn contacted the poli ce - th ese innocents are a reminder th at while defense attorn eys serve th eir clients, guilty or not, as a prosecutor he serves no client, only an ideal called justice. "Our job is to do justice," says O 'Brien , who tried 35 ga ng murder cases as a deputy disnict attorney for Los Angeles County before moving in 2000 to his current post in the civil 1ights section of th e Los Angeles U .S. Attorney's office. "Because we represent th e government, prosecutors are - and should be - held to a higher ethical standard than any other attorney in th e courtroom. " Government statistics estimate chat as many as 4 million victims of human trafficking were n1oved across international borders in 2002. For O 'Brien, though , justice comes case by case. Sometimes a single investigation can take two years, but O'Brien isn't dissuaded by arduous inquiri es. "You ' re after peopl e who think they got away with it," O'Brien says. "There 's a great deal of sa tisfaction holding people accountable for their actions and b1inging justice to the victims." The 44-year-old O 'B1ien says that while he was in law school , his USD professors repeatedly pressed students to cxa rninc the ethics involved, and justice achi eved, in their decision-making processes. "Even in the traditional courses such as lawyering skills and criminal law, we were constantly challenged to examine our legal dec isions from an ethical perspective," O 'Brien says. "So no matter what class I was taking, th ere was an overall outlook that fostered my innate sense to fight for what is good and what is right. "

That's why he chose to sit on the prosecutor's side of th e courtroom , a decision cemented while he was a law clerk at th e Los Angeles District Attorney's Office in the suburb of Compton. It was 1992, and Los Angeles was ree ling from riots sparked by the acquittal of four police offi cers accused of beating motorist Rodney King. The first case in whi ch O'B1icn assisted involved the prosecution of two men who severely beat a th_ird in a robbery attempt in th e 111..idst of the riots. He realized th en that if prosecutors do a good job, communiti es are safer. If th ey do a bad job, criminals can end up back on the streets. O 'Brien's experti e prompted him to vo lunteer for th e U.S. Dcpart111 ent ofJusti ce's Overseas Prosecutorial Devel opment, Assistan ce and Training Program. Through the program., American prosecutors advise and compare notes with counterparts in countri es with fl edgling democracies and rudimentary criminal codes. His mission knows no political or physical boundaries. R ecent human trafficking cases took O 'Brien beyond Los Angeles' gritty streets to th e international arena, where smugglers promise victims jobs in the United States as au pairs and bartenders, but deceive and coerce th em into modern-day sla very. In 2001, O 'Brien spent three weeks in R.omania, talking to prosecutors and investi gators who must solve human traffickin g crimes with no help from the fntern et or computer databases. As in many former Soviet bloc nations , the transition away from communism has resulted in widespread poverty, forcing people searching for a better li fr to believe traffi ckers' false promises. To O'Brien, helping colleagues alleviate the suffering ca used by such crimes is another part of his service to justice. 'Tm interested in helping prosec utors and poli ce who arc combating this problem overseas by sha1ing our experi ences fighting these crimes here in th e U .S.," says O'Brien , who taught his Romani an counterparts about c1iminal prosecu tion processes in th e United States. "The better prepared law enforcement is to identify and prosecute traffickers, th e lesser the threat is to everyone."

ELAINE ELLIOTT direc tor , usd center for community se rv ice-learning

context of the civil war often meant taking one step forward , two steps back." Some might be frustrated by that reality, but Elliott measures success in a different way. "You don't stop working for good because you don 't succeed or because you suffer," she says. "Sometimes there's value in losing. You discover humili ty in your approach to tl1e world , and you identify with people who are suffering and the problems th ey face. " That's the lesson Elliott imparts every day through USD 's nati ona.lly recognized Conmmnity Service-Learning program , where she started as an administrative assistant nearly 10 years ago and worked her way up to the director's position in 2002. "The U.S. bishops have there are four points or essential characteristics of a Catholi c university, and servi ce is one of them," Elliott says. "Service is fundamental to the mission of USD , and th ere is a treasury of great Catholic teach.ings and principles that comes from faith about how we, as a Catholic university, should make the world look. Those are the principles we're trying to teach to our students." As she moves among th e countless community groups that need assistance - such as shelters for the homeless, migrant outreach organizations and San Diego 's Juvenile Ha.ll - Elliott watches for the chance to pair faculty and their classes with relevant servi ce projects. "l help students who are coming to terms with tl1eir own values see the world in new ways," she says, noting mat extensive co- curricular opportunities and more th an 100 courses at USO incorporate service-learning. "My j ob is to show students how to live a life in which at least some of their time is dedicated to improving the lives of others. I teach th em to listen to what th eir values tell th em about their responsibilities in th e world."

"My ch.ildhood set me in a different direction,·• says Elli ott, director of USD 's Center fo r Community Service-Learning, whi ch creates volunteer partn ersh.ips between the university and the community. '' In th e village where l lived, people were barely survi ving. Then we'd visit relatives in the United States and f'd see the contrast between the two worlds. It made me want to build a more just society and to make things more fair. " During the first part of her adult life, Elliott worked directly to improve the lives of those less fortun ate. N ow she's training oth ers to follow in her fo otsteps. "You can do so much good in th e world, no matter what you do, if you keep your values in mind ," he ays. " It's just a matter of thinking about how you can make a contributi on.' Elli ott thought long and hard about what kind of contribu- tion she wo uld makt:: when she returned to tl1 e United States at age 14. In college she met her future husband, Stephen, an American who grew up in Guatenu la. When th e pair traveled to Guatemala for a visit, Elliott knew she'd found the place to make her contributi on. ln 1978 the couple created a nonprofit organization , the lxil Fund, to support bilingual education, health care and business for th e !xii , indigenous Mayan people of Guatemala who, since the conquest of the country by Spain more than 500 years ago, have lived an impoverished and oppressed existence. The fun d also helped th e Elliotts, both evangeli cal Christi ans, work with the !xii people on educational, economic and spiritual development. Elli ott spent 15 years in Guatemala, mu ch of the time in th e midst of th e country's genocidal civil war, which ca used the deaths of more than 200,000 people and the displacement of a milli on mo re. As the chaos and vi olence escalated, she felt compelled to take th eir three children back to the United States. "We didn 't wa nt to leave, but we needed to," says Elliott, who saw almost two dozen fri ends di e. " It was hard , beca use although we felt that we made progress, working in the

t He lso binds up; He injures, al.H -Job 5:18


ANITA HUNTER. f:1culty . halrn sc hoo l of 11urs111 g and h c-alt h sc ience

As director of USl)'s Master's Emry Program 111 Nursing - for peopk \\·ith bachelor·, degreL'S i11 other fie ld, who opt to chan ge careers ;llld pursue 11urs111g - Hunter \\·ill crn1t i11u c· her 111ternati o11al healt h outreac h in March, whc·11 she \\·ill tak e her stud ents to neighbo rh oods i11 Tiju ;111a , Mesico. T here , 111 culLibo ratio 11 \\·ith the San i)i ego c hapte r of the N,1tio 11al AwK1 ,1tio11 o f l-lispa111 c Nurses. they will co ndu ct health scrc·c·11i11 gs and edu cationa l SL'Ss io11s for Hi spa ni c fa mili es. '"Sin ce I' ve come here . 1\-c look ed at wavs to reach out to the underser\-cd Hi spanics here i11 San Di ego and ;icross the horder." s;1ys l-lu11tcr, \YhOSL' c·speric-11ce with l-lisp;111ic popuhtio11s befrwc co111i11g to US!) in cluded dL·\·elop111rnt of ,1 mob ile hea lth clini c to ser\·L· South C,1roli11a·s 111igra11t \1·01-kcrs. ThL' oldest of sis childrL'll, l-lu11tn decided during her se ni or yc;ir in hi gh sc hoo l to bcco111e a nursL' . 111 ti111e . shL· sa\1· the profess io n as a ca lling. " I bcca111c a lll1rsc to hL·lp others, but I never thought I \H)uld 111,1ke it a lit,:lo11 g c 1rc·n ," Hu11tn says. ·• 1 lo ved what I did. and fou11d I wanted to 111 ake a differen ce. To 111,1kc· th;1t difl·L'rL'll Ce lllc';lllt rc·111;1i11111g co111111itted to \Hnki11g \\'ith th ose 111 nec·d." Fo r 15 \Tars. l-lumn was ,1 pL·diatri c nurse· pr;1etiti o11n \\'o rkin g with und erserved youth ,111d f1111 ili L·s i11 the 11111er city o f Spri11gtJeld , Mass. After ea rnin g ;1 doctonte , she taught at the U11i\-crsitY of Massac hu setts and then ,1t South C;1ro li11;1·s C k111 so11 U 11 ivc·rsit\·, \\' hLTL' she took 111orc tha 11 :ii)() srndL·nts and o ther hL·alth profL·ssio 11als rn1 t\1·0-\1-ce k health 1111ss iom to West Afriu. Januica and lrL·Lrnd. 011 thL'SL' 111 edica l 111iss io11 s she also conducted resea rch rn1 ,1doksce11t rc-sili e11ce . tr;1diti o11al hL·,dth pr;1cti ces and the ;1e hieVL'lllL'llt of culturall y co11 1pc·te11t hL·alth ca rL'. Taking her sk ills oversc·as \\·asn't \\·ithout h;irdships. l-lumn !us skpt 011 th L· fl oor i11 a rorn11 \Yith 1-1- o thn peopk and one toilet. suffnL·d parasiti c ail111c·11ts from th e co11ta 111111ated food and rh e L' rn·iro11111 e11r i11 Ch,111;1. ha ckL·d hn w,1y through thL· bush and j un gles of Chana ,111d J 1111aica , and em1u1Td rq)c'ated

bo111b att,Kks in IJ L•It:1st. where bombs srn n etilllL'' wc·11t off onl y a block J\\'ay. During upco11 l111 g trips to Mes ico . Hun ter and her grad u,ltL' studc'11ts w ill spL·nd several days screc·11mg p,1 tic·1w, - those \\ itl1 littk o r 110 access to the hea lth ca re service, avaibbk i11 Mesico - fcx ailments i11cludi11 g asthma. di.1bnc·s, lwpcrtc·11sio11 ;111d k ,1d poiso11i11g from L'11\·iro11111L·mal co11ta111i11 atio11 . Their work \\·ill be ca rried 011 by ph ysic1a11 s i11 Tijuana \Yho . at ,111 ,1fforLbble price , ha ve ni lu ntecred to follm\· patients ll L'l'di11 g ;1ddirio 11al medical atte11rio11. l-lu11rn c'VL'lltuall v hopes to c:s; pand the progr.111 1 to wceklo 11g hea lth 111iss io11 s. sim iLir to thosL· she ctlllductc·d i11 G ln 11a ,rnd J1mai c 1. 111 addition to nlll duni11g hc·;dth snc·e11i11gs. stud L·11 ts \\·ill edu cate parie1Hs 0 11 subjL'C ts such as the 11eed to propnl\' gl.i ZL' k ,1d-basL·d cook ing porter\" to prc·\·e11t kad poiso11111g. ,111d hm1· to better co11tro l diabL'[L'S and hypcrtc'11S io11 by cookin g \1·irh vegctabk oi l r;1rhn than a11im ,il-based oil. o r s\Y itchi11 g from tlour torril bs to co rn torti ll.1 s. w hi ch can !own firs and c1 rbohydratL'S. The\' also \1·ill tralll crn 11111u11it\ ill'a lth \\·orkers ro co11ri1H1 L· rill' L'd uc 1tio11,1l dt<.irts. No 111artn \1·hcre she tnl'e!s. Humer lJL' ii L·\·es hn duty is not just ro help pL·opk, but to hL·lp them ti11d w,1ys to help rhc·msL·h-c·s. It's ;1 prin ciple to \1·hi ch she tL·els mor;1ll y ;llld L·thi c dk bound. "You wa m to gi ve L'\'cryt hi11 g \ 'O U ha\'L' to L'n-rybody." shL· savs. ''I' ve se L·11 other hea lth prm·idns and studL·ms µ;o \\·ith ;1 suitcase and co nlL' home wirh nothing. 13ur yo u ha\·c· to tJ11d ways to hL·lp thc·m stand 011 th eir 0\1·11 t\\·o feet ;llld h;rndk thc·ir 0\\·11 probkms. Th,1t \\';!\' . if yo u can llL'\"LT go there ,1g;1i11 . th e\" ca n carry 011 without yo u."

PEDRO ANAYA JR. gra du ate stud ent , sc hoo l of edu ca ti on

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San Diego'

en usi sfc gr p f igh sc o ers

Y llo , lac , hit , re and hr w ,

It's th e th eme song fo r Camp MiniTown, a fo ur-day workshop on diversity sponsored by th e nonprofit N ati onal Confe rence fo r Conm1Lln_ity and Justi ce. During the retrea t, Anaya, the orga ni zati on's program director, teac hes 63 students from six schools in th e Sweetwa ter Unified School District, near th e U .S.-Mexico border, to prevent bias in gender, rebgion and race, and to stop th e cycle of di scriminati on that often begins with hateful words. " l wa nt these youths to know th ey have the abil_i ty to make changes in th e communi ty ," says An aya , who th_is year led three fo ur-day camps and 12 one-day sessions at local schools for more than 1,100 students. "Someday f'll have children. These students will be th e teac hers o f my children. I wa nt th em to lea rn good stu ff." As a graduate student in the School o f Education's nonprofi t leadershi p and management program., An aya says he's become a better leader by learning how to decrease people's anx iety, switch from fo rmal to informal styles o f authori ty and analyze group dynami cs "Our activiti es are very in th e moment," Anaya says. ''I constantly have to step back and assess gro ups to determine how mu ch th eir anxiety w ill grow depending on wh_ich direc ti on I take th em in an activity." Camp Min.iTown's activities are built around skits, role- playing, group discussions and lessons about how cycles of discrimination have played out in history. O n the last day, students arc segregated without explanati on into groups based on race, rel igion or oth er characteristi cs. "They will sit in tl1ese groups for a l_ittle while and, inevitably, one person will raise his hand and say, 'Why is this happening? This isn't fair,' " Anaya says. "That starts a dialogue about how it feels to be segrega ted. It's a safe pl ace for them to talk about how to make sure it doesn' t happen in th e real world ." At 26, An aya already is a veteran huma n ri ghts activist. Wh ile in high sc hool, he orga n_ized a campaign to revoke a state

ballot initiative depriving undocumented inm tigrants of social services. A an undergraduate student at San Diego State University, he champi oned fa rm workers' rights and helped lead th e successfi.11 dri ve to create a state holiday honoring his hero , United Fann W orkers fo under Cesar E . Chavez. In 2003, An aya was one of five recipients worldwide awarded the R eebok Human Rights Award , wh_ich acknowledges young activists who make significant contributi ons to human rights through nonvi olent means. H e was recognized for encouragi ng and empowering young people to erad_icate injustice in th eir community and fo r fighting to end discrimination agai nst Latinos. "There's something inside that pushes me," says th e San D iego native. " It would be mu ch easier to just ignore it and pretend everything is perfect, but because I've been made aware o f things I ca n't ignore it. " Anaya moved frequ ently as a child because ]1_is parents, now U.S. citizens, were undocumented. One of three cl1_ildren , he became th e first in his fa mily to gradu ate from college after a high school teacher persuaded him to attend a conference at San D iego State University hosted by a Chicano student group . " I had never seen or heard o f people who looked like me and who had gone on to college," says Anaya, who majored in psychology and C hica no studi es at SDSU . "Here I was seeing th ese college students putting on a conference and teaching us to go to college and how important it was. By the time I left there I felt so empowered. It was a turning point for me." Th rough Camp MiniTown, An aya says he hopes to bring o th er children to that same point. "At our camps we give kids a new set of glasses through which to see th e world ," An aya says. "When they get home, they see th_ings differently. Their perspecti ves change. They see the voluntary segrega ti on in th eir schools, their cars perk up w hen th ey hear those words that can lead to discrimin ati on, and th ey now ca n do something about it."


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THE YEAR IN REVIEW president's report 2003

USO celebrated

the arrival of a new president.

new heights in academic excellence,

The campus completed several new Donald P. Shiley Center


for Science and Technology,

Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies,


JANUARY - MARCH The Institute for Peace & Justice received a $5 million gift in J anuary from Joan B. Kroc, who endowed a lecture series to bring top-level policymakers to campus to discuss issues of global concern such as war and peace, justice and human rights. The Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science in January opened a 3,500-square-foot lab at the Alcala W est office park. The lab includes exam rooms, observation rooms, offices, conference areas and a computer center. It is designed to teach basic nursing skills to students in the Master's Entry Program in Nursing, a fast-track program for people with bachelor's degrees in other fields who opt to change careers and pursue nursing.

Youth in Action. Students from San Diego and Mexico met at the WorldLink Youth Town Meeting to discuss issuessuch as terrorism and international humanitarian law.

NFL Commissioner Paul T agliabue was the featured speaker at a Jan. 22 Super Bowl luncheon sponsored by BusinessLink USD , the university's corporate affiliation program , in w hich he and a panel of experts offered an insider's look at th e NFL's champion- ship game. The NFL also came to th e J enny Craig Pavilion for the Gridiron Celebrity Basketball Game, a charity fund-rai ser featuring San Diego Chargers running back LaDanian Tomlinson, 49er receiver Terrell Owens and running back Curtis Martin of the N ew York Jets. Deborah Koniak-Griffin, director of the Center for Vulnerable Populations R esearch , discussed caring for young parents, an evolving area of nursing research, at the 15th Annu al USD Nursing Lecture on Feb. 5. The Center for Christian Spirituality offered a three- n1onth course from February through April that brought together business students and local business leaders to explore the relationship between business and spirituality and how spirituality can assist business leaders with professional challenges. American biologist Leroy Edward Hood, who created a way to sequentially map the human genome - the 3 billion pairs of DNA , often referred to as the genetic blueprint for human beings - was one of three world-renowned pioneers who came to campus for the second annual Kyoto Laureates Symposium. The symposium, held March 5-7, honored recipients of the Kyoto Prizes, given for lifetime achievement in the fi elds of arts and philosophy, advanced technology and basic science. Other honorees were Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov, a French

. - '-- -+-,. - I


Caretakers Classroom. The nursing lab includes gurneys, wheelchairs, blood pressure cuffs, IV poles and all the equipment and instruments used for a typical medical check-up.

The Joan B . Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice on J an. 8 held its annual WorldLink Youth Town M eeting with a keynote address, "Where Do you Turn for Justice When War Crimes are R eal?" by The Honorable Pierre-Richard Prosper, United States ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues. The IPJ also hosted a series of lectures and speakers who discussed topi cs ranging from peace in the D emocratic Republi c of Congo and Nepal to the role of religion in the Philippines and China's role in the North Korean nuclear missile crisis. The R eal Estate Institute held its seventh annual real estate conference on Jan. 14, at which more than 500 representatives from th e industry discussed corporate real estate and its growing influence in the real estate profession, as well as market issu es related to San Diego's ballpark proj ect.



The 14th annual Social Issues Confe rence, April 3-4, included a se1;es of workshops on social issues, a discussion about discrimin ation an d empowerment and a keynote add ress, " Freedom in America? War, Peace and Justi ce," by historian Howard Z inn. April's USD Ameri can Indian Festival fea tured an art show, a marketpl ace of Indian art, a fas hi on show, singers, dancers and sto1y teUers. The Institute for Peace & Justi ce fi lm se1;es included films and discussions about N orth ern Ireland's fragile peace and the aftermath of th e wars in Bosnia and Croa tia. The IPJ also hosted a lecture w ith N obel Peace Pri ze nomin ee H elen Caldicott of th e Nuclear Poli cy R esea rch Institute, and sponsored a series of conversati o ns o n the war in Iraq. The ninth annual Author E. Hughes Ca reer Achi evement Awa rds were held in the J enn y C raig Pavili on. Honorees at th e May 3 ceremony were: J ohn Ca n;eri '91, president and CEO of Colleges.corn; Gina C hampi on-Cain '94 (M.B.A.), pres iden t and CEO o f Ameri can Nati onal Investments; Anthony F. Smith '87 (Ed.D .), ma naging director of th e Leadership R esearch Institute, and an educator and consultant in organ iza ti onal change, executi ve development and leadership training and design; David S. Casey Jr. '74 Q.D .), senior partn er at Casey, Gerry, R eed & Schenk , who was voted one of the top five lawyers natio nwide; and Sandra C. Ga rmon Bibb '99 (D .N. Sc.), who is recognized as an expert in the population hea lth fie ld, whi ch aims to improve th e heaJth within entire populati ons. Spurred by the completion of the J enny C raig Pavili on in 2000 and the renova ti o n o f T orero Stadium in 2002, the athletics department dedi cated much of this year to spru cing up oth er faci liti es. C unningham Stadium, home to T orcro baseball, now includes a state- of-the-art batting cage, a new press box and a new soun d system. The Sports Center gym was gi ven a fresh coat of paint, new lighting and a new scoreboard . The rebuilt so ftball fi eld includes reconfi gured fe nces, additi onal sea ting, new bullpens, a sound system and a new scoreboard. The west tennis courts have new sea ting and fencing, and th e Manchester Athleti c Field was resurfaced to create a multi- use facility for intercollegiate athleti cs, club sports, intrarnurals and recreation.

Eminent Accolades. The Kyoto Prizes are considered among the woild's leading honors for lifetime achievement. Kazuo lnamori (for right), president of the lnamori Foumlat1on, poses with the 2003 rec1p1ents (left to right) Tadao Anno, Leroy Edward Hoon and Mikhacl Leon1dov1ch Gromov

math ematician who introduced th e met1ic structure th at advanced the study o f geometry, and T adao Ando, a Japanese architect whose designs forged new visions of harmony with natu re .

The men's bas ketball team's decisive 72-63 victo1y over Gonzaga University on March 10 gave the Torcros their first W est Coast Confe rence men's basketball championship in 16 years and an au tomatic berth in the NC AA T ourn ament, in w hi ch USD lost in th e first round to Sta nfo rd , 77- 69. Freshman Ashl ey Swart was the fi rst USD athlete to compete in the NCAA

Hoop Dreams. Coach Brad Holland, two-time wee Coach of the Year, took the last snip from the ceremonial cham- pionship net

swimmi ng and diving champi onships, earnin g

honorable menti o n All-Am.eri ca n ho nors at the national cham- pi onship mee t held in M arch at Alabama's Auburn U niversity .

T he annual Sister Sally Furay Lectu re, named fo r U SD 's retired provost, on March 3 1, fea tured Harvard University Professor Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, who discussed "The Power of Naming: Femini st Studies in R eli gion."


High-Tech Tools. The science center's labs are designed to accommodate changes needed for new activities, new programs or technical advances.

Fond Farewell. Members of the Alcala Club, a group of students who work closely with USO presidents, said their goodbyes to retired President Alice B. Hayes at a farewell celebration in May.

In May, Alcala Park offered a final farewell to Alice B. Hayes, USD 's president fro m 1995 to 2003. At a Mass and reception, hundreds of students, faculty, staff, friends and family honored Hayes fo r helping the university create robust academics, top-notch students, winning sports programs and state- of-the-art buildings. More than 1,900 students graduated during undergraduate, graduate and law com- mencement ceremonies in May. President Alice B. Hayes told graduates at the weekend's three ceremonies that she would leave USD with a deep appreciation for the spirit of community, of friendship , of faith, of intellectual vigor and academ.ic integrity which they helped build at this university. USD 's International Center for Character Education sponsored its fifth acaden1y in June. More than 100 participants attended lectures by Philip Fitch, an expert in building character education in families and schools; Michele Borba, an authority on moral development in children; and Steven Seskin, a perfom1ing artist with th e Don't Laugh At Me Project, which promotes tolerance and discourages bullying in schools. Some 600 people attended the June 28 black-tie affair celebrating th e dedi cation of the Donald P . Shiley Center for Science and T echnology. The 150,000- square-foot facility, named for leadership donors Donald and Darlene Shiley, is the most sigriificant addition to USD 's academic infrastructure since the un.iversity was founded more than 50 years ago. It includes aquaria, an astronomy deck and greenhouse, as well as electron microscopy, laser, hydrodynamics and molecular modeling labs, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers and geographic information systems.


Fleet Feet. The women's soccer team, including senior Alexis Dbeji, shown here, reached the NCAA College Cup Tournament for a fifth consecutive season, a school record.

King of the Court. Freshman Pierrick Ysern, of Paris, France, was USD's No. 1men's tennis player. In 2003, he had a national ranking of 94, and helped the team finish 43rd in the nation.


Mary E. Lyons became USD 's third president on July 1. Lyons previously was president of the College of Saint Benedict, a Catholic liberal arts college in Minnesota. Prior to that, the native Californian, a retired U. S. Naval R eserve captain, was president of the Californja Mariti111e Academy. Sally Brosz Hardin took over as dean of th e Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science in July. Hardin formerly was a professor and Ph.D . program director at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, Barn es College of Nursing, and held teaching positions at The University of Illinois at Chicago, th e University o f South Caroli na and the University of Massachusetts. Tom Iannacone retired in July after 15 years as athletics director. Iannacone supervised the rise of the university as a fo rmidable NCAA Division I program . During his tenure, 40 teams advanced to NCAA postseason competition, including a record six in 2003 - men's and women's soccer, women's volleyball , 111en's basketball, men's tennis and baseball. In July, the continuing edu cation division hosted its se111jannual University of the Third Age program . The program , for seniors ages 55 and older, included lectures on th e arts, current affairs, history, science, medicine and technology, as well as sessions of T ai Chi Clman exercise. In August, USD received word that it is ranked among the top 100 national unjversities by U.S. News & World R eport. In its 2003 survey, the magazine placed USD in a tic for 99th among 248 nati onal universities, defined as those offering a wide range of undergraduate maj ors as well as master's and doctoral degrees.


OCTOBER-DECEMBER More th an 1,400 alu1m1i and family members attended this year's _Homecoming Weekend, O ct. 10-12. After the largest tailgate party in USD history, participants filled T orero Stadium to watch USD 's 41-35 win over Drake Uni versity. The alumni association honored USD 's first graduate, T erry Whitcomb '53, by crea ting the T erry Whitcomb Alumni Scholarship , whi ch recogn izes her exemplary con1mitment to USD as a student , facul ty member, administrator and alumna. At the Homecoming Mass, another longtime USD employee, Greg Zackowski '84 (M .B.A. '86), received the annu al Moth er Rosali e Hill Awa rd for outstanding service to USD. J ohn Cunningham - who came to USD in 1962 at th e age of 24 and coached USD n1en's basketball for 18 years and baseball for 35 years - was inducted into the Chet and Marguerite Pagni Famil y Athleti c Hall of Fame on O ct. 10.

After a grueling three-year application process, USD on Aug. 9 was granted a charter to start a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, th e oldest and most prestigious academic honor society in th e nation. Nationwide, onl y about 10 percent of all colleges and universiti es have Phi Beta Kappa chapters, and USD is one of only 18 Catholi c institutions among the ranks. President Ma1y E. Lyons spoke to prominent San Diego business leaders on

Academic Excellence. USO, which this year became one of only 18 Catholic institutions to have earned a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, has among its faculty 25 members of the honor society.

Sept. 17 about USD's impact on the community, region and th e world during the annual State of th e University Address and luncheon hosted by Busin essLink USD , the university's corporate affili ation program. The Joan B . Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice continued its film seri es with th e premi ere screening of "Matters of Race," whi ch aired on PBS stations nati onwide this year. The R ea] Estate Institute hosted a workforce housing conference on Sept. 1. 9. The conference, attended by nearly 300 people, fo cused on th e value of housing to th e economic future of San Diego and how to solve th e housing crisis affecting many working famili es. USD in September laun ched the English Language Academy, a full-time program to teach international undergraduate and gradu ate students about the use of the English language for academic, techni cal and professional purposes. In addition to reading skills, research writing and oral flu ency, students are introduced to Ameri can culture through fi eld trips and cultural events. The expectation is that th e students who complete the academy wi.lJ score better on th e T est of English as a Second Language and apply for admittance into USD.

Meetings and Greetings. President Mary E. Lyons "hangs loose" as she hangs out with students at the luau activity held during 2003 Homecoming Weekend.

A border issues conference titled "Strangers N o Longer: A View from Both Sides" was held O ct. 20- 24 and kicked off a border pilgrimage designed to raise awareness of life along the U.S. - Mexico border and economic policies that affect bord er communities. The conference included a screening of "The Gatekeeper," a film written, directed and produ ced by J ohn Carlos Frey '86 that depicts civil unrest at the border. Other activiti es included a panel discussion about peopl e's experiences at the border, a lecture on migration patterns and a speakers session about various border issues.


The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice began a Women Peacemakers Program, which brought to campus four women who braved war in their homelands to become regional advocates for peace. The four women - Dalit Baum of Israel, Raya Kadyrova of Kyrgyzstan, Zahra U gaas Farah of Somalia, and Hyun-Sook Lee of Korea - were selected from among hundreds of appli cants to share their histories and experiences during a 10-week residency at USD. Students brought their families to Alcala Park for the annual Family W eekend in October to meet deans and faculty, visit classrooms, attend a tailgate party and cheer as the football Toreros shut out the Red Foxes of Marist College, 47-0. The weekend concluded with a family Mass and reception.

Making Peace. The first women to visit USO as part of the inaugural Women Peacemakers Program, included (back row, left to right) Oalit Baum and Hyun- Sook Lee and (front row, left to right) Raya Kadyrova and Zahra Ugaas Farah.

Junior Tiffanie Marley in November became the first Torero cross country runner to win a West Coast Conference individual title, posting a time of 18:04 in the SK nm in Belmont, Calif , th e eighth-fastest time in conference history. USD announced in N ovember that Joan B. Kroc, who passed away Oct. 12, bequeathed $50 million to th e university for the study of peace. The endowment will establish the Joan B.

was led by quarterback Eric R asmussen, who finished as the top passer in Division I-AA for the second straight year.

In D ecember, construction crews neared completion of the D egheri Alumni Center. Near the east entrance to campus, the three- story, 28,000 square-foot building was made possible by a $5-million gift from Bert Degheri '61. The center includes an alumni living room, open-air courtyard, conference room and hospitality center. It will house the offices of alumni relations, parent relations, development, and marketing. USD parents, students and alumni came togeth er D ec. 6 at Founders Chapel to celebrate the annual Alumni Mass, which included presentation of the Bishop Charles Francis Buddy Award to Bishop Charles Ray T . Lozada '84, who teaches in San Ysidro, Calif, one of the poorest school districts in San Diego County. Lozada formed the "Challenge Program," which brings at-risk students into his classroom. On D ec. 20, Jim H arbaugh, former assistant coach with the Oakland R aiders, was named USD 's new head football coach. H arbaugh, the program's 11th head coach since 1956, is a fonn er NFL quarterback who played 15 seasons in the league, including locally with the Chargers in 1999- 2000. He played in 177 league games with 140 starts after entering the NFL as a first-round pick by the Chicago Bears in 1987. During his career, he completed 2,305 of3,918 passes for 26,288 yards with 129 touchdowns.

Strong Finish. At Blue Lake Course in Portland, Ore., 2003 West Coast Conference Champion Tiffanie Marley came in 52nd overall with atimeof 22:08.

Kroc School of Peace Studies at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice. Funds from the endowment will educate and train graduate students in peace and conflict studies, support the addition of professional staff and faculty with recognized expertise in peace studies and expand the IPJ's work in peacemaking and peacebuilding. The campus celebrated the new leadership of Mary Lyons with a week of inauguration events in November culminating in her official installation as USD's third president in a ceremony before hundreds of people in the J enny Craig Pavilion. The football team finished with an 8-2 record and was co- champion of the Pioneer Football League's North Division, a title it shared with Valparaiso University in Indiana. The team


Statement of activities by combined net asset categories for the fi scal year ending June 30.


2001- 2002

REVENUES, GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Tuition and fees Federal grants and contracts Contributions Investment income, net Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Athletics, recreation and other Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support

Sl 66,700,000 8,800,000 27 ,800,000 5,200,000 31,500,000 2,200,000 S242,200,000

$152,000,000 9,700,000 10,000,000 (8,200,000) 27,700,000 2,200,000 Sl93,400,000

FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Educational and program expenses Auxiliary enterprise expenditures Management and general expenses Total Functional Expenses

S149,500,000 30,300,000 35,000,000 $214,800,000

S135,700,000 26,900,000 32,200,000 Sl 94,800,000

INCREASE IN COMBINED NET ASSETS Unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Permanently restricted net assets Total Increase in Combined Net Assets

6,700,000 9,800,000 10,900,000 S27,400,000

$17,200,000 (19,500,000) 900,000 S(l ,400,000)



2001 - 2002

a. 79% b. 5% C. 5% d. (4%)" e. 14%

a. Tuition and Fees






b. Grants and Contracts




11 %

c. Contributions



d. Investment Income



e. Sales and Services of Auxiliary Enterprises




f. 1%

f. Athletics, R ecreation and O ther


"Market flu ctuations ca used net investment losses to equa.l (4%) of Total Revenues, Gains and O th er Support.


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