USD President's Report 2003


CR.EDITS The 2003 President's Report is


Liam E . McGee chair

Mary E. Lyons prc,ickm

published as an information service of the Office of Publica tions and the Office of the President. Contributors to the report include:

Mi chael T. Thorsnes ,·ice cluir

Francis M. Lazarus provo,t

Robert Hoehn

Paul Bissonette \·ice prc,idcnt, tln:11cL' a11d .1d1ni11i,aratio11

Michael R. H askins director of public.uion,

Frank Alessio Manu el Barba, M .D. R. Donna M. Baytop, M.D. Roy E. Bell Allen J . Blackmore John D. Boyce The Most Reverend Robert H . Brom Sandra A. Brue Gregg Carpenter Daniel D erbes R everend Monsignor William E. Elliot Ron L. Fowler

Daniel Dillabough vice prc:,;idc11t. ,nission .!lld u11ivcr';iry rcl:itio11...,

Timothy McKernan ,1Ssi,t.111t director of puhlicarion,

Robert B. Pastoor ,·ice prc,iclem. m,dcm ali:,ir,

Krystn Shrieve as,i,um director ot,

Cecilia Chan Robert Monroe ,, ritl·r-..


Patrick F. Drinan

Cllika Sasaki gr.tphic dcsig11LT

Sally Brosz Hardin l1.1h11 ,chool ot mmi11;,; and hc;ilrh ,cic·11cc

William Geppert Patricia M. Howe Sister Kathleen Hughes, R.S.C.J. Peter J. Hughes William D. Jones Margot Kyd

Marshall Williams pri11cip.1I phorow,q,h,·

Curtis W. Cook ,chool of bu'\i11cs'\ ad111i11istr;1tion

Fred Greaves Rodney N akamoto Gary Payne Brock Scott :1ddi phoro;,;r,1phy

Paula A. Cordeiro ,chool or education

John T. Lynch Mary E. Lyons Douglas F. Manchester H enry Nordoff Sister Gertrude Patch , R.S.C.J. R everend Monsignor Lawrence Purcell

Daniel B. Rodrigu ez sc hool of hw

Judy Williamson publiutio11, support

For additional information about th e University of San Diego, please contact:

John M. Robbins William H. Scripps Darlene Shiley

Office of Publications University of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego , CA 92110- 2492 (619) 260-4684 w,

H erbert M. Tasker A. Eugene Trepte Yolanda W alther-Meade William J. Zures


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