TPT January 2011

NDT 的双重 庆祝 德国 NDT Systems & Services AG 公司今年有两个原因值得庆祝,除了十周年纪念外,公司看到了其 Stutensee 总部的正式落成。这个位于 Blankenloch West I 工业园享有盛名的 7,500m 2 新建筑由 Vollack GmbH & Co KG 公司在一年内建成,自 2009 十月以来已起到了一定效果。 公司的成功的故事始于十年前,当时 27 名工程师和物理学家在 Stutensee 聚集,以他们的知识在无损检测自动检测系统领 域建立他们自己的市场。十年后, NDT AG 在管道检测高分辨率超声波技术领域已发展成为一个技术领先者,以及厚钢板自动检测系统领域的专家。 第一个板检测系统在公司成立后仅销售了一年。但是, 2004 年在中国第一次交付的一个重要安装引发了一个繁荣,随之 是来自远东市场的 15 个订单。随后,新的市场,如印尼、巴西、韩国、俄罗斯和印度被打开,伴随着在新的商业领域 的技术投资。 “我们的员工是我们公司最重要的资产,他们中的每一个人,我永远都记在脑海里,” NDT AG 的首席执行官和创始人之一 Alfred Barbian 说到。迁入新的总部后,所有办公室、研讨会和业务单位都重聚在一个屋檐下,以加强不断增加的员工的团队精 神。由于公司的成长已围绕整个 Stutensee 城所有区域,部门之间更有效的合作,是这次迁移的另一个作用。 公司期待商业前景不仅是因为现有的石油和天然气管道老化,而且因为对全世界管线经营者更严格的法定要求,公司 在投资高分辨率多技术工具,以增加天然气市场不断增加的管线网络工作。在固定的轨道轮、厚钢板或管道检测系统 的新发展有助于公司在 Stutensee 的增长。 Email: Website: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated PRAB website offers easier access to metal management solutions PRAB has updated and expanded its website,, to provide visitors with more information and access to its diverse line of metal and fluid management equipment. “Today’s recommenders and purchasers of processing equipment are using the Internet more and more for research and education,” said Tracy Swartzendruber, Marketing Director for PRAB. “We’ve listened and are responding to our customers’ requests for more detailed information and easier access to our broad range of solutions.” Specifically, visitors can now research by product line, challenge or application. In addition to updated content for its crushing, shredding, briquetting, wringing, conveying and related equipment, information on PRAB’s fluid filtration line is now available. New forms allow visitors to easily request a quote or free test drive of PRAB’s solutions. Useful, relevant information is just one click away with new site search and popular topics links. The site also boasts an expanded video library and easy access to sales literature, all of which are available on-demand. “Our goal in updating the website is to have the online experience with PRAB match more closely with the ease and confidence customers have noted of their traditional - or offline - experiences with PRAB,” said Swartzendruber. “We’re excited to offer visitors 24/7 access to a depth and breadth of content focused on meeting the unique challenges of the metalworking industry.” For more information, go to PRAB is a leading engineer and manufacturer of conveyors and chip and fluid management systems. Its customized solutions automate metal handling, reduce labor costs, reclaim and recycle expensive cutting fluids/coolants and maximize return on recycling metals. With its expertise honed by more than 4,500 installations for the world’s leading OEMs and suppliers, PRAB continuously improves material handling, housekeeping and compliance to environmental rules and regulations within the automotive, aerospace, medical, electronics, defense, off road and energy markets. NDT Systems & Services AG – Germany Fax: +49 7244 7415 97 Обновленный сайт компании PRAB предлагает упрощенный доступ к решениям по обработке металлов Компания PRAB обновила и расширила свой сайт для обеспечения его посетителей более обширной информацией и доступом к разнообразной линейке средств управления в области обработки металлов и жидкостей.

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