Toothless European Citizenship / Šimon Uradnik

to take a closer look at the concept of europaios demos . However, since that is not the very focal point of this monograph and since that would be worth independent research, as has been done innumerable times from the various angles of political and social sciences, 111 the author takes a relatively narrow approach in terms of what is crucial to the genuine link test under two requirements — examining whether the mutual societal attachment to the European Union and shared political interests are present. Both aspects are closely connected to the often invoked European identity, which the majority of scholars find in liberal-democratic values of the rechtsstaat or état de droit 112 common to almost all Member States, 113 also known as constitutional patriotism. 114 However, might sole shared legal and political values and principles bring forth the mutual societal attachment and the shared political interests, thus, the genuine link in Union citizenship? That is the centre of focus in the following sections. 2.1.1 Emotional Component: Mutual Societal Attachment As was intended, the genuine link in citizenship of the Union is explored through two perspectives or requirements where one is the 111 From the angle of the political and social sciences, see Beatriz P de las Heras (ed), Democratic Legitimacy in the European Union and Global Governance: Building a European Demos (Palgrave Macmillan Cham 2016); or Lars-Erik Cederman, ‘Nationalism and Bounded Integration: What it Would Take to Construct a European Demos’ (2001) 7/2 European Journal of International Relations 139 accessed 30 th March 2023. From the angle of empirical assessment, see Matthew J Gabel and Christopher J Anderson, ‘The Structure of Citizen Attitudes and the European Political Space’ (2002) 35/8 Comparative political studies accessed 30 th March 2023; or Martina Klicperová Baker and Jaroslav Košťál, ‘Chapter 9: Toward empirical assessment of the European demos and public sphere: comparing democratic value orientations of citizens and elites’ in Hakan G Sicakkan (ed), Integration, Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 2016). 112 The author does take into account the broad utilisation of the term the rule of law; however, the rule of law is more related to the common law system, whereas rechtsstaat or état de droit to civil law system, and thus, is used in this monograph. 113 The European Parliament provides a whole website about Hungary’s problems with following the principles of rechsstaat . To that effect, see The European Parliament, ‘Rule of law in Hungary’ (5 th December 2022) accessed 31 st March 2023. 114 Constitutional patriotism played a crucial role in the post-war unification of Western Germany, as Jürgen Habermas argued for an emphasis on that instead of on the ideas of an ethnically homogeneous nation-state. In European Union affairs, the notable scholar who promotes these ideas is Jan-Werner Müller; for all these purposes, see Jan-Werner Müller, Constitutional Patriotism (Princeton University Press 2007).


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