
ference, and his Majesty has sent Negotia­ tors w ith ample powers, to His Danish Ma­ jesty , to request, in the most amicable man­ ner, such explanations as the times require, and a concurrence in such measures as can alone give security against the farther mis­ chiefs which the French meditate, through the acquisition o f the Danish Navy. The K ing , our Royal and most Gra­ cious Master , has therefore judged it expe­ dient to desire the temporary deposit o f the Danish ships of the line, in one of hisjMaje- sty ’s ports. This deposit seems to be so ju s t, and so indispensably necessary, under the rela­ tive circumstances o f the Neutral and Belli­ gerent Powers, that His Majesty has farther deemed it a duty to himself and to his peo­ ple, to support the demand by a powerful fleet, and by an army amply supplied with every preparation necessary for the most ac.- tive and determined enterprize. W e come therefore to your shores, in­ habitants o f Zealand 1 not as enemies, but

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