Alpha Tech Pet Catalog

Animated publication

Veterinarians • Pet Resorts • Animal Shelters • Groomers


Scientifically Formulated Solutions Sanitation • Cleaning • Animal Care


Alpha Tech Pet


Disinfectants & Sanitizers............................................................................................................................ 4 Odor Control & Cleaning............................................................................................................................ 10 Consumer Product Sizes........................................................................................................................... 13 Pet Grooming & Laundry. .......................................................................................................................... 14 Pet Health.................................................................................................................................................. 16 Equipment & Accessories.......................................................................................................................... 18 Cleaning Tools. .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Floor Mats.................................................................................................................................................. 26 Assessment Tool & Reference................................................................................................................... 27

Before deciding to use Bleach, read on...

Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is a halogen with a broad spectrum of activity that works by oxidation, denaturing proteins. Household bleach concentrations vary from 2% to 6%. A 1:32 concentration (about 1600 ppm) is normally recommended for general disinfection, but levels as high as 1:10 are recommended for ringworm (mi crosporum canis), and 1:9 (5600 ppm - 14 oz/gallon for Tuberculosis). Kate Hurley of UC Davis recommends the following formula for determining correct 1:32 dilutions: 21 divided by the % active = the # ounces of solution / gallon of water required Bleach is Unstable Bleach is significantly inactivated by or ganic matter, light, and extended storage. Because bleach degrades so quickly the EPA requires special labeling lan guage stating the following: “Degrades with age”

Because of its instability and quick in activation, bleach solutions should be discarded every couple of hours. Bleach loses its content continuously from the moment of manufacture, los ing up to half its actives by the time of purchase within 60 days of being man ufactured. Bleach is Not an Effective Cleaner When using bleach, pre-cleaning is necessary, and it must remain in con tact with surfaces for 10 to 30 minutes. There is no sustained release of actives. In bleach 2 forms of free chlorine are present in a pH dependent equilibrium. The more potent of the two is HOCL- (hypochlorous acid), found only in trace amounts when a solution has a pH of 9.0 or higher. Because bleach has a pH of 11.5, not much HOCL- is actually available as a disinfectant. Instead what’s mostly present is the less effec tive form of free chlorine OCL- (the hy pochlorite ion). Unfortunately the OCL- is 120 times less effective than HOCL- as

a disinfectant. This is why bleach often experiences failures in eliminating dan gerous pathogens like hepatitis and parvovirus, and it’s also why high levels and strict controls are required for con fidence when using bleach as a disin fectant. Bleach is Corrosive Because liquid bleach is so unstable it needs to be stabilized by adding lye, a very corrosive chemical, resulting in a high pH of 11.5. Therefore bleach is very corrosive. Bleach is a very potent mucous mem brane, tissue, and upper respiratory ir ritant. Bleach should never mix with acids as toxic chlorine gas will be released. A movement is gaining momentum where States and Municipalities are moving away from (discouraging) chlo rine use due to the formation of car cinogenic by-products and volatile or ganic compounds (VOC’s).

25 Porter Road, Suite 210 Littleton, MA 01460 Phone 800-222-5537 Fax 978-486-3693

All Alpha Tech Pet products have been veterinarian formulated.

25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Check out this Special Offer!


Dr. Shawn E. Seitz President Alpha Tech Pet

Would you like to try out some of our products? Here’s a great combination pack that allows you to sample some of our best selling products.

Alpha Tech Pet uses science to develop products that work and solve problems. We’re the most well known provider of sanitation supplies to the animal care in dustry in the United States. We’ve been in business specializing in this area since 1989. Our owner, Dr. Shawn Seitz, is a veterinarian, who’s an entrepre neur continually developing environmen tally friendly solutions to enhance animal care facility sanitation awareness and ef fectiveness. We sell in both the ethical (veterinary) market, as well as in the non veterinary animal care markets (animal shelters, hu mane societies, boarding facilities, pet resorts, zoos, sea world, etc.). We sell di rectly, through distributors, and through buying groups of aggregate distributors. We sell our own products, as well as repre senting those of others who pass our own internal high level of scrutiny for appropri ateness to the industry. We provide unmatched customer service, and superior sanitation protocol aware ness education. We know what we’re doing, we’ve been doing it a long time, and we do it very well. Welcome to Alpha Tech Pet!

SKU: 8400

OxyVet ® WOUND WASH Soothe and clean superficial minor skin irritation

OxyVet Wound Wash acts as an excellent cleansing agent. It is a plant oil derived phospholipid complex with anti-irritation effects

and long-lasting skin conditioning as well as broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.

See Page 16

for details

SKU: 5800

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet T c t l


Disinfectants & Sanitizers

Broad Spectrum Germicidal Cleaner KennelSol ® & KennelSol ® HC

KennelSol is a broad spectrum germicidal cleaner, de odorizer and disinfectant formulated for animal care facili ties. An abundant level of detergent and odor control makes it an extraordinary cleaner while it’s wintergreen fragrance leaves behind a “fresh and clean” scent. KennelSol HC is a high concentrate version of KennelSol for those who want to buy KennelSol in a more economi cal concentration.

Wintergreen Fragrance

The Science Because KennelSol kennel cleaner disinfectant has a neutral pH it is the perfect replacement for bleach and harsh chemical cleaners. KennelSol will not corrode metals or stain sur faces and clothing and has a won derful wintergreen scent.

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Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide

KennelSol ® 7.0 - 8.0 excellent


pH Cleaning Ability Environmentally Friendly

11.5 very poor

1.0 - 2.3 poor


definitely not

releases phosphates

Concentrated formula knocks out pathogens in one easy labor saving step Effective against viruses (including canine parvovirus), bacteria, and fungi KennelSol is on EPA’s List N for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 Retains efficacy even in hard water No rinsing necessary Non-corrosive and non-staining to surfaces and clothing if spilled

SKU Product Name 4160

KennelSol 1 Pint 12/case

KennelSol 1 Gallon Bottle 4/case KennelSol 5 Gallon Pail KennelSol 15 Gallon Drum KennelSol 30 Gallon Drum KennelSol 55 Gallon Drum KennelSol HC 5 Gallon Pail KennelSol HC 30 Gallon Drum KennelSol HC 55 Gallon Drum KennelSol HC 1 Gallon Bottle 4/case

4200 4205 4215 4230 4255 4300 4305 4330 4355

KennelSol - 2 oz./gallon of water (8 oz./gallon for canine parvovirus) KennelSol HC - 1 oz./gallon of water (2 oz./gallon for canine parvovirus)

25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Disinfectants & Sanitizers

Properties of an Ideal Disinfectant Let me begin by saying, the “ideal” or per fect disinfectant does not actually exist. This is because the extremes of safety and efficacy are often at odds with one another in use applications and during product de velopment. Being able to define what an “ideal” disinfectant should look like howev er, will help you sort out the many options available for sanitizing and disinfecting your facility and allow you to evaluate any product on the market for its suitability as part of your sanitation program. Use the list that follows as a comparison metric against which you will be able to evaluate the many disinfectant options available today. lack dye concentrations sufficient for sat isfactory color upon dilution and are therefore easily wasted. Cost effective. Ready-to-use solutions are not cost effective options for wide spread usage considerations. And as already suggested, super-concentrates, due to waste and inadequate cleaning ability, may not be genuinely suitable solutions for widespread usage consider ation either.

Safe. You want to use products in your facility generally regarded as safe for use around animals and people. But remem ber, safety is often in conflict with effica cy, so the key here is balance. Ease of Use. Time is money, and the more steps it takes to do a job, the more it gen erally costs a facility to do that job. You want to utilize products easy to use and safe to use. Pleasant Fragrance. If an odor bothers you, you can bet it also bothers animals who have a much more heightened sense of smell than we do. Odors create a neg ative impression of your facility and also add unwanted stress to animals as well as to your staff. Spectrum of Activity. Without a doubt you want to utilize products having a superior spectrum of activity against major patho gens of concern to the animal care indus try. Having said this however, it should be clear to each of you as you’ve been read ing through this article that this single characteristic alone is an insufficient ba sis for choosing a disinfectant. You need a complete and balanced package. In summary, the ideal disinfectant doesn’t actually exist because the extremes of safety and efficacy are often at odds with one another in usage applications and during product development. Even still, nu merous products are available today that are appropriate for use in animal care facil ities and come close to the metric given in this article for identifying what an ideal dis

One-Step Functionality. You should ide ally be looking for products with the ability to clean, disinfect, and deodorize in a sin gle step; without rinsing or pre cleaning being necessary for demonstrated efficacy. Facility Sparing. Products you choose need to be compatible with the various materials commonly found in animal care facilities, like stainless steel, galvanized steel, carbon steel, aluminum, copper, vi nyl, etc. Hard water compatibility. Hard water is water that has a high mineral content. This mineral content affects how well some disinfectants work. If your facility is in an area with hard water, check labeling be fore simply assuming a particular disinfec tant is appropriate for use with hard water. Ability to function in an organic load. This is an often overlooked characteristic of a disinfectant. I still run into facilities using chlorine bleach who believe they’re using a product that will “kill everything,” not realizing that bleach requires pre cleaning, as bleach is significantly inacti vated by the presence of organic debris. Environmentally friendly. As animal care facilities utilize significant amounts of dis infectants, choose solutions as environ mentally friendly as possible.

Neutral pH (preferably 6.5 to 7.5). The pH scale is a measurement of how acidic or basic a substance is and ranges from a numerical value of 0 to 14. The farther one moves away from neutrality (pH of 7.0), the greater the likelihood a substance will burn, corrode, or irritate; and the harsher a chem ical will be on the surfaces it is applied. Excellent cleaning ability. Though cleaning is not generally considered, in itself, a process of disinfection; it is esti mated that the combined effects of satis factory debris removal, along with a re duction in actual microorganism counts and the direct cellular actions surfactants have upon microorganisms, account for reducing overall microorganism contami nation by up to 90%. Cleaning ability should rank near the top of your list of concerns in choosing a disinfectant. 1:64 concentrate (2 ounces of solution per gallon of water). Though super-con centrates (1:128 and 1:256 solutions) do have a place for use, those solutions do not contain enough material after diluting for effective widespread cleaning ability and odor control. Super-concentrates also

infectant should look like. Shawn E. Seitz, D.V.M. President, Alpha Tech Pet, Inc. 25 Porter Road, Suite 210 Littleton, MA 01460

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Disinfectants & Sanitizers

StayFresh ™ APS Chlorine Dioxide Air Purification System StayFresh APS air purification system affords a means for professionals to safely and reliably deodorize their facility with chlorine dioxide gas technology. Until now chlorine diox ide generating equipment was a costly means of producing chlorine dioxide gas for the intended treatment. This air puri fication system when mixed with water produces controlled amounts of molecular CIO 2 gas safely and reliably for amaz ing odor control. The Science Chlorine dioxide deodorizer gas was the principal agent of choice used by the US Government in the decontamination of buildings after the 2001 Anthrax attacks. According to US CDC, chlorine dioxide is added to drinking water to protect

us from harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. The EPA recognizes it as a drinking water disinfectant, and it is included in the WHO guidelines.


StayFresh APS MAINTENANCE ClO 2 sustains airborne odor control and sanitation for 30 days.

ClO 2 provides immediate odor control for the toughest airborne odors and treats areas for 2 days.

• Full facility coverage • OSHA regulated • Veterinarian approved • Easy to use

For best results we recommend release of both treatments at the same time in separate containers.




9 - 10,000 cubic foot treatments / Case (maintenance and shock)


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StayFresh ™ APS Destroys Odors It’s as easy as 1-2-3!




Prepare Material

Hang in Air Vent

Works for 30 Days

25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Disinfectants & Sanitizers



Chlorine Dioxide Molecule


General ClO 2 Information & Use Benefits

GAS StayFresh ™ APS products produce ClO 2 gas. When used, the gas widely pene trates facilities and effectively seeks out areas often overlooked by hard surface disinfectants. This is especially import ant in HVAC systems that control the flow of air in a facility. It is also especially important in hard to reach areas and in areas where porous surfaces, chain link fencing, cracks, crevices and other sur faces are often overlooked in a routine Chlorine dioxide is widely recognized as being a highly effective biocide with su perior efficacy against viruses, spore forming bacteria, and fungi, as well as protozoan parasites like giardia and cryptosporidium. It was the principal agent of choice used by the US Govern ment in the decontamination of buildings after the 2001 Anthrax attacks. ClO 2 has also been shown to be an effective agent at combating airborne pathogens at concentrations well below permissible OSHA human exposure levels and is therefore considered by numerous stud ies to be a useful preventative against disinfecting regiment. ClO 2 AS A BIOCIDE

various airborne pathogens. In addition, ClO 2 has been shown to have synergistic effects when used in combination with other disinfecting agents, enhancing the overall effectiveness of disinfecting regi ments. ClO 2 AND BIOFILM Biofilms house a variety of pathogens and are hard to penetrate. Not surpris ingly, it has been found that substantially longer contact times and/or much higher concentrations of biocides are required than generally recognized to reach mi croorganisms hidden in these biofilms. Because of its mechanism of action and its affinity for water, studies have shown ClO 2 is particularly effective at removing and controlling biofilms, thus exposing microorganisms, and making overall dis infection more effective. ENVIRONMENTALLY SPARING Unlike Chlorine, ClO 2 does not adversely react with organic compounds and as a result does not produce unwanted car cinogenic chlorinated volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.s) and trihalometh anes. In fact, instead of combining with the aromatic rings of organic com

pounds, ClO 2 actually breaks these rings apart reducing levels of chlorinated or ganics. StayFresh ™ APS products are biodegradable, decomposing in sunlight and heat into nothing more than salt. HVAC SYSTEMS Because ClO 2 has a high affinity for moisture it seeks out and penetrates ar eas where viruses, bacteria, and molds congregate. This is especially important in HVAC systems that control the flow of Because chlorine dioxide has been shown to be an effective agent at com bating airborne pathogens it makes it an ideal consideration for use in isolation wards where airborne pathogen disease Because ClO 2 breaks down the aromatic rings of various organic compounds it makes it a superior odor eliminator by destroying odors at their source. It is effective on all animal associated odors like feces, urine, and vomit, as well on other unwanted odors like mold, mildew, skunk, and even smoke. air in animal care facilities. ISOLATION ROOMS transmission is a concern. ODOR ELIMINATION

Education Videos

Disinfectant and Sanitation Awareness Video Series

Video 1 The Ideal Disinfectant Video 2 Facility Sanitation Awareness Parts 1-3 Video 3 Facility Sanitation Awareness Part 4

When it comes to understanding Sanita tion products and programs have you asked yourself why you use the products that you use? These sanitation videos will help you understand the world of sanitation so that you can: 1 have confidence in the products and programs you are using, or 2 learn how to take your sanitation pro gram to the next level by using better choices in your facility.

Click QR Code to Watch Series

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Disinfectants & Sanitizers

SAO ™ Dispenser The SAO Dispenser chemical-free cleaning system turns ordinary tap wa ter into Stabilized Aqueous Ozone™ - a powerful natural cleaner, stain remov er, deodorizer and sanitizer. Ozone is 50% more powerful than chlorine and up to 3000 times faster at destroying microorganisms. Stabilized Aqueous Ozone is made on-demand and onsite

with continuous flow for mop buckets, carpet extractors, automatic scrub bers, and sprayers (Protexus) - killing germs while cleaning. Each stabilizer cartridge can produce up to 800 gal lons of ready-to-use solution. Once generated, the solution maintains its efficacy for up to 24 hours and destroys microorganisms in 4 minutes or less. It provides residue-free performance for a longer lasting clean and low slippage on even the smoothest floors and exam tables. Stabilized Aqueous Ozone is approved by the EPA and FDA as a 100% natural, safe and effective clean er and sanitizer. Go “Green” with the newest chemical-free solution avail able for animal care facility sanitation. It’s easy to install, takes up little space, is extremely economical (only 44¢/gal lon of solution), is environmentally friendly, safe for use around animals, and comes complete with a one year manufacturer’s warranty. Alpha Tech Pet is proud to be the ex clusive distributor of the SAO Dispenser Stabilized Aqueous Ozone Generator to the animal care marketplace.

SAO Dispenser Stabilized Aqueous Ozone Generator Unit with Stabilizer SKU: 9300

SAO-24 Stabilized Aqueous Ozone Generator “Replacement

Cartridges” SKU: 9320

Tested to meet or exceed UL and CSA standards. EPA, FDA, USDA and OSHA compliant. Exceeds GS - 37 standard.

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destroying microorganisms. Ozone de stroys microorganisms by reacting with oxidizable cellular components. There fore, membrane phospholipids, intracel lular enzymes, proteins, and genomic material are targeted by ozone; these reactions result in cell damage and death of microorganisms. Ozone destroys virus

es by diffusing through the protein coat into the nucleic acid core, resulting in damage of the viral RNA. At higher con centrations, ozone destroys the capsid, or exterior protein shell by oxidation so DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), or RNA (ribonucleic acid) structures of the micro organism are affected.

Ozone is one of the strongest oxidizers known to man. The strong antimicrobial character of ozone is partially related to its oxidation-reduction potential (2.07 V), which is higher than that of chlorine (1.36 V). This makes it 50% more powerful than chlorine and up to 3000 times faster “The use of aqueous ozone as a powerful safe & natural germ killer goes back over 100 years.”

1840 1906 1940 1976 1982 1984 2001 2002

Ozone Discovered in Germany Drinking Water Purification in France US Naval Academy pool EPA antimicrobial approval IBWA bottled water approval Olympic Games competition pools USDA Organic Program approval





Inside SAO Dispenser unit, oxygen from the air is safely turned into ozone then infused into tap water, creating Aqueous Ozone.

Aqueous Ozone’s extra oxygen atom is fatally attracted to pathogens & contaminants.

Harmless to people but deadly to bacteria, vi ruses and contaminants, the extra oxygen atom actively detaches and attacks them.

The ozone turns back into oxygen. Only pure oxygen and water remain after heavy duty cleaning and sanitizing has taken place.

FDA food safety approval

25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Disinfectants & Sanitizers

emCare ® 72% Alcohol Hand Sanitizer Gel • Wintergreen scent • Perfect as refill for Luxton dispenser • Ethyl alcohol • Eliminate 99.99% of germs and bacteria

emCare - 4/case SKU: 7024

Virkon Powder 10# pails 4/case SKU: 4800

Luxton Automatic Hand Sanitizer Wall Mounted SKU: 7092

Luxton Automatic Hand Sanitizer With Floor Stand SKU: 7090

Strike 999 Disinfecting Wipes 4 tubs/case SKU: 4460

SteriCide RTU Quarts 9/case SKU: 4700

SteriCide RTU Gallons 4/case SKU: 4710

Wysiwash Caplets - 9 pack (calcium hypochlorite) SKU: 9205

PurTabs - Medium SKU: 9262

PurTabs - Large SKU: 9264

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Odor Control & Cleaning

OdorPet ®

Stain and Pet Odor Remover OdorPet is our professional strength stain and pet odor remover that eliminates all the smells and stains pets leave behind. Now you can get rid of the mess with our veterinarian formulated pet odor eliminator and pet stain remover. OdorPet is biodegradable and has a near neutral pH so it can be used on all surfaces and fabrics as frequently as needed. It is even the best pet stain remover for carpets and all fabrics, guaranteed.

Industrial Pet Mess Eliminator OdorPet is an odor counteractant and cleaner “for pet messes anywhere.” Excellent on urine, feces, animal body fat buildups, blood, mucus, and bird urates Pleasant and popular black cherry fragrance or lavender fragrance Biodegradable Has a near neutral pH Safe for use around animals

Available as a ready-to-use spray as well as in a concentrated formula



OdorPet 16oz. Ready-to-Use Spray Bottle 6/Case with Sprayers Black Cherry fragrance (SKU 5400) Lavender fragrance (SKU 5401)

5400 5401

5410 OdorPet Concentrate 1/2 Gallon 4/Case 5415 5416 OdorPet Concentrate 2 1/2 gallon bottle

The Best Industrial Pet Odor and Stain Remover for Carpets, Floors and Surfaces

Black Cherry fragrance (SKU 5415) Lavender fragrance (SKU 5416) OdorPet Concentrate 5 Gallon Pail Black Cherry fragrance (SKU 5420) Lavender fragrance (SKU 5425) OdorPet Concentrate 30 Gallon Drum Black Cherry fragrance (SKU 5440) Lavender fragrance (SKU 5441) OdorPet Concentrate 55 Gallon Drum Black Cherry fragrance (SKU 5460-BC) Lavender fragrance (SKU 5460-L) OdorPet 5 Gallon Pail (Non Fragrance) (SPECIAL ORDER ITEM - no picture) OdorPet 30 Gallon Drum (Non Fragrance) (SPECIAL ORDER ITEM - no picture) OdorPet 55 Gallon Drum (Non Fragrance) SPECIAL ORDER ITEM - no picture)

5420 5425

The Science Bio-active formulation for immediate, intermediate, and long-term action Proprietary components encapsulate odor producing substrates, then free them for action by special strains of microbial components Microbial components then clean and break-down debris to CO 2 & water (400+ billion microbes per gallon of diluted solution) Microbial components are DNA finger-printed to be sure they are safe non-pathogenic (Class 1) microorganisms.

5440 5441

5460-BC 5460-L

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25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Odor Control & Cleaning

Skunk Away ® With NF-7 Technology

SkunkAway Water Activated Spray, 6/case SKU: 5600

The Science Through a proprietary chain reaction, NF‐7 disassembles mal‐odors and re‐ assembles them in a new odor‐free ma trix, eliminating skunk mal‐odor entirely. NF‐7 serves to cleave sulfur‐carbon bonds and complex the remaining com pounds with an electron‐rich replace ment. This complex reaction can be referred to as Reductive desulfonylation followed by Reductive elimination.

Permanently eliminate skunk smell with SkunkAway. This powerful and proprietary skunk odor remover completely neutralizes the musk and gets rid of skunk smells immediately. Just fill the bottle with water and shake to activate our skunk odor eliminator formulation, then apply to affected pet and surrounding area.

STOP Skunk Smells Fast!

Activate Spray by simply adding water Biodegradable Non-micro biocidal

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Instant Pet Urine Odor Remover Unscented Fabric Safe Non-toxic ®

PX550 16 ounces, 6/case SKU: 5210

Why PX550? Nothing like it exists on the market, and it works instantly. Plus, it’s safe, non-toxic, free of harsh chemicals, and made of 100% bio- renewable, food- edible ingredients. And, it’s made in the USA. The Science PX550 works through a chemical re action known as redox (disassem bling malodors at the source); and other confidential patented, propri etary mechanisms. Instantly destroys offensive odor molecules on contact.

PX550 instantly removes malodors of pet urine (professional strength formula helps prevent re-marking by eliminating odors associated with marking), litter boxes, fecal debris, ammonia, spoiled food, fish, garbage cans, …and more . PX550 is fragrance-free, biodegradable, non-toxic, eco-friendly, fabric safe, en zyme and bacteria-free, and is veterinar ian approved and recommended for use around animals. Ingredients - All PX550 ingredients are food-edible, USDA Bio-Preferred, and listed by the FDA under 21CFR-172.510 and FEMA as being GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).

STOP Urine Smells Instantly!

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800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Odor Control & Cleaning

Alpha Bio-Drain ™ Cleaner and Maintainer for Commercial & Industrial Drains Our biodegradable and enzymatic drain odor eliminator, Alpha Bio Drain, is perfect for veterinary clinics and animal care facilities to clean drains and remove odors. Alpha Bio-Drain is an industrial drain cleaner that works within minutes to eliminate odors, then continues working for days to open drains and maintain flow. Alpha Bio-Drain is also a biodegradable drain cleaner, super safe to use, and environmentally friendly. No more harsh chemicals going down your drains and into your septic or sewage systems.

Safe for Pets

The Science Alpha Bio-Drain’s patent-pending formula uses fortified enzymes, grease cutting surfactant and enzyme producing bacterial spores that work to gether to open and maintain drains and remove the odor. It insures the rapid breakdown of pro teins, carbohydrates, cellulose (hair), dirt, garbage and fats (grease)! Orange HD Degreaser Heavy Duty Degreaser and Cleaner with Citrus The powerful citrus ingredients of the heavy-duty Orange Degreaser cut through deep grease, grime and soils found on equipment, machinery, walls, and floors. Our Orange Degreaser works in high traffic applications like animal care facilities, schools, automotive, restaurants, food service and industrial operations. Orange degreaser works effectively to cut through tough filth and grime where tough soiling and grease buildup are an issue.

SKU PRODUCT NAME 5100 Alpha Bio-Drain 1/2 Gallon Bottle 4/case 5105 Alpha Bio-Drain 5 gallon pail

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Green Seal Concentrated Glass Cleaner - gallons, 2/case SKU: 5550 Commercial Mixing Station

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• pH Neutral • Fast Acting • Veterinarian Approved • Easy to Use

SKU PRODUCT NAME 9184 Orange HD Degreaser - 1 gallon, 2/case 9186 Orange HD Degreaser - 5 gallon pail 9187 Orange HD Degreaser - 30 gallon drum 9188 Orange HD Degreaser - 55 gallon drum

See Page 21 for details

25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Consumer Product Sizes

Consumer Size Bottles for Retail Alpha Tech Pet products come in a convenient consumer sizes perfect for your customers.

Sell ATP Products to your Customers and Make Money

KennelSol - Cleaner and disinfectant pg 4 OdorPet - Stain and odor remover pg 10 SkunkAway - Skunk odor remover pg 11 PX550 - Odor eliminator pg 11 Alpha Bio-Drain - Drain maintainer pg 12 PetSuds - Dog shampoo pg 14 OxzPet - Bleach alternative pg 14 LaundraPet - Laundry detergent pg 15 OxyVet - Wound wash pg 16

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Pet Grooming & Laundry

PetSuds ® Probiotic Dog Shampoo with Conditioner PetSuds Premium Pet Shampoo is a vet erinarian formulated, hypoallergenic blend of enhanced ingredients to deeply clean and condition your pet’s hair coat, while also promoting digestive health through its special blend of added Probiotics. What are Probiotics? Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that are believed to provide health bene fits when consumed. Several mecha nisms of action have been proposed to explain how probiotic organisms act within a host to yield beneficial effects: First, they are thought to work to promote digestive health and maintain digestive balance. By replenishing and maintain

ing healthy intestinal flora, harmful mi crobes are naturally reduced. Second, they are thought to provide im munomodulation of the host by increas ing antibody or cytokine production, modulation of phagocytosis, and by stim ulation of nonspecific immunity. As dogs groom themselves and lick their paws, the act of self-grooming allows in take of these beneficial microbes, thus contributing to a healthier gut, and mod ulation the host’s immune system. The microbial consortium used in Pet Suds also work directly on the outside by consuming debris and animal body secretions to keep coats healthier; pro moting healing of rough, flaky, oily, or ir ritated skin.

ONLY Patented Probiotic Dog Shampoo on the Market

SKU PRODUCT NAME 5700 PetSuds - 16 ounces, 6/case

5725 PetSuds - 2.5 gallon 5705 PetSuds - 5 gallon

n Probiotic Dog Shampoo n Hypoallergenic

n Calming Lavender Scent n Promotes Digestive Health n pH adjusted formula promotes healing of flaky, oily, or irritated skin n U.S. Patent No. 10,111,829

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OxzPet ®

OxzPet is a color-safe, pet safe alternative to bleach for pet bedding, scrubs, surgical linens, towels, and other laundry items. OxzPet is an activated oxygen bleaching agent designed to clean as a color safe bleach. Just add one packet per load of laundry as a bleach alternative to bring out colors, remove stains and odors and clean all your kennel, veterinary and doggie daycare fabrics. Because OxzPet is an activated oxygen bleach, it will also remove soils and stains from plastics, stainless steel and hard surfaces, as well as eliminate nasty pet odors. OxzPet It is safe for use on laundry, carpet and upholstery while not producing fabric damage caused by bleach containing chlorine. Activated Oxygen Stain Remover and Cleaner

Steramine 1-G Sanitizing Dish Tablets 6 bottles/case, 150 tablets/bottle SKU: 5556 Commercial Washer & Dryer

OxzPet Stain Remover & Cleaner - 4 Bags SKU: 6300

See Page 19

n Color safe bleach alternative n Multi-purpose cleaner an deodorizer n Veterinarian approved

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for details

25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460



LaundraPet ®

Veterinary, Kennel & Consumer Pet Laundry Detergent

NPE Free

LaundraPet is a triple strength premium pet laundry detergent! Designed for the environment, some of the purest clean ing ingredients available to meet EPA green standards are used to maintain safety. LaundraPet is formulated with non-soap surfactants that provide more than three times the cleaning power compared to conventional laundry deter gents! It will effectively remove animal odors and heavy soils from washable garments and textiles leaving them soft and smelling fresh! Use LaundraPet to keep your professional clothing (scrubs, uniforms, and grooming apparel) stain and odor free. Use for pet bedding, blan kets and towels in your animal care facil Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach): Involved in more household poisonings than any other chemical. When it reacts with organic mate rial in the environment, carcinogenic and toxic compounds are created. These com pounds can cause reproductive and im mune system disorders. Petroleum Distillates (AKA: Napthas): Linked to cancer, lung damage, lung in flammation and damage to mucus mem branes. Distillation is the basic process used to separate and purify components of crude oil. These are found in gasoline, ker osene and mineral seed oil. Pesticides commonly contain petroleum distillates. EDTA: A skin irritant leading to allergies, asthma and skin rashes. Used as an alter native to phosphates to reduce mineral hardness in water. EDTA acts as a foam stabilizer. Does not biodegrade and can re dissolve toxic heavy metals in the environ ment, allowing them to re-enter the food chain.

ity to eliminate hidden odors! At only 2/3 oz (20 ml) per high efficiency machine wash load, or 1 1/3 oz (40 ml) for regular machine wash loads for both top and front loading machines, LaundraPet is economical in use. Since our formulation is low sudsing, LaundraPet is perfectly safe for use in HE washers!

n For All Your Laundry Needs n 3X Concentrate n Ingredients are safe for pets and people n Veterinarian Approved

SKU PRODUCT NAME 6100 LaundraPet - 64 oz, 4/case 6105 LaundraPet - 5 gallon 6115 LaundraPet - 15 gallon

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Hazardous Ingredients Commonly Found in Household Laundry Detergents Optical Brighteners: Synthetic Chemicals

that convert UV light wave lengths into in visible light (makes laundered clothes ap pear whiter). Does not affect the cleanli ness of the clothes. Toxic to fish and causes bacterial mutations. Can cause an allergic reaction when exposed to skin that is later exposed to sunlight. Phenols: (TOXIC) A suspected carcinogen (a substance capable of causing cancer) rapidly absorbed. Effects include swelling, pimples and hives. Internal consumption can cause circulatory collapse, cold sweats, coma and death. Alkyl Phenol Ethoxylates (APE’s): Com mon surfactants, can damage immune system. Suspected hormone disruptions (can mimic hormones in the body that reg ulate reproduction). Supermarket or drug store brands are more likely to contain APE’s than name brands.

Artificial Fragrances: Toxic to fish and mammals. Causes allergies, skin and eye irritation. Does not easily biodegrade in the environment. One of the top five allergens in the world, and has many effects on the brain and nervous system. Phosphates: Used to remove hard water minerals to make detergents more effective and prevent dirt from settling back into clothes during wash. When released into the environment, they can stimulate the growth of certain marine plants. Used as builders in Laundry Detergents. Linear Alkyl Sodium Sulfates (LAS): These synthetic surfactants are the most common in use. Biodegrades slowly, mak ing them a hazard to the environment. During the production process, carcino genic (cancer causing) and reproductive toxins, such as benzene, are released into the environment. Contact irritants of the skin as well as lung and eye irritants, espe cially detergent that is in powdered form.

COLOR detergents: Colorants such as Rhodamine B are toxic and can even cause cancer and other harmful effects in people, the EPA has warned. Particularly harmful can be metalized dye. LaundraPet ® is a 3X premium pet laundry detergent that’s been designed for the environment. Up to 96 loads of laundry per 64 ounce bottle. Deep cleans, fights odors, removes stains. Ecologically safe!

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Pet Health

Superior Transdermal Penetration

OxyVet ® Wound Wash and Cleanser OxyVet Wound Wash acts as an ex cellent cleansing agent. It is a plant oil derived phospholipid complex with anti-irritation effects and long-lasting skin conditioning as well as broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. Great For: n Skin rips and tears n Hot spots n Flea dermatitis n Skin irritation n Lick granulomas n Abrasion abscesses n ...and more! Cannabis Terminology 101 Are you confused by all the terms sur rounding cannabis? What is the differ ence between cannabis, marijuana, and hemp? What is THC and CBD? Click the QR code below to get the answers to these questions and more. CBD Terminology Dr. Seitz explains all terms associated with CBD. The Science of CBD Watch Dr. Seitz discuss the science of CBD and its use in Vediol. Cannabis History Watch Dr. Seitz discuss the history of CBD and the endocannabinoid system. CBD Legal Brief Watch Dr. Seitz discuss the legal status of CBD. CBD Education

Scan to watch OxyVet Wound Wash pene trate skin in minutes

OxyVet Wound Wash, 6/case SKU: 5800

Cannabidiol Science is the Answer

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25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460


Pet Health

FORMULATION Vediol ™ Vediol ™ is a 100% hemp extract, plant based nutraceutical for support of a pet’s endocannabinoid system. Canna bidiol (CBD) Science is the answer. The Vediol blend delivers a highly purified cannabinoid consortium, devoid of THC, designed for maximum effectiveness. Vediol all-natural flavored CBD from law fully cultivated Hemp is based upon mul tiple patented technologies, providing a proprietary liquid formulation based on the science of CBD to help support a pet’s natural systems for a healthy and happy life. While no causal link has been established, abundant research would suggest non-human patients may bene fit from receiving hemp derived CBD in support of their endocannabinoid sys tem. Vediol makes no medical claims from use of its products. Vediol Proprietary Blend Ingredients: Hemp oil containing Natural Entourage Sesquiterpene complex of Beta-Caryo phyllene, Caryophyllene oxide, Alpha- Humulene, Cannabidiol (CBD) *, Ocimene-1, P-cymene, Olea europaea (oil), Taurinol™ (Taurine ester). In naturally occurring ses quiterpenes from lawfully cultivated in dustrial hemp, lecithin, all-natural flavor. * Contains 150 mgs/oz naturally occurring cannabidiol

All Natural Flavored CBD from Hemp

Why Vediol? The proprietary and patented/patent- pending technologies behind Vediol blend yield the following benefits for the veter inary community over other CBD isolates, alternatives, and blends currently avail able. Vediol is protected by one or more of the following patents and patent pend ing: 13/973,509; 15/144,039; 15/853,748; 15/986,515; 62/329,042; 15/582,007. *PBBD=E • Purity - Utilizing a proprietary subcritical “cold-pressed” technology to deliver a stable and high level of active CBD in every dose, ensuring there is no heat damage to active phytonutrients in the oils. As an FYI – heating oils above 115°F is damaging to phytonutrient quality and effectiveness. • Blend - Our proprietary blend insures the Entourage effect and enhanced synergistic product effectiveness. • Bioavailability - We utilize patent-pending Taurinol™ to enhance bioavailability of fat-soluble compounds, and Piperine ester to increase bioavailability of non fat soluble compounds. • Delivery - We use a technology that creates a condition of polymorphism to enhance absorption through formation of micro-particles called (“micelles”) for holding small volumes of chemical reactants for improved assimilation of active ingredients, plus two absorption enhancing technologies to enhance mucosal penetration for accelerated onset of beneficial effect. PBBD = Enhanced Product Effectiveness THE KEY

REALITIES ABOUT HEMP / MEDICINAL BENEFITS: 1. Many hemp products currently found on the market do not contain levels of CBD as advertised, are tainted with various impurities, and provide little to no therapeutic value, The hemp industry lacks broad oversight, and subsequently, many “fake” products make it to market. 2. THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis, and contrary to popular belief, the medicinal benefits of the cannabis plant can be unlocked without THC, and without inducing a “high.” 3. Products containing THC in excess of 0.3% are controlled substances under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) and are illegal at the federal level, and except for certain states that have legalized recreational marijuana, remain illegal at the state level in most US states. 4. Hemp by necessity must contain less than 0.3% THC. However, many hemp products are also devoid of other cannabinoids required for creating a proper “entourage effect” (biological benefits associated with full-spectrum extracts in proper proportions). 5. We use plant hybrids that result in zero THC, and above-average levels of CBD, compared to plant strains used in other products. 6. CBD has low bioavailability in dogs (only 4% - 12%) when ingested orally. We have implemented proprietary tech nologies to substantially enhance the oral bioavailability of Vediol. 7. Potential drug interactions do exist in dogs and cats (as in people) due to the potential that CBD can alter or interfere with drug metabolism. This does not put your pet in danger. We invite you to consult with your veterinarian before administering Vediol in concert with any other drugs they might prescribe.

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Vediol, 12/box SKU: 5900

800 222 5537 •

Alpha Tech Pet


Equipment & Accessories

Karcher Walk-Behind Floor Scrubbers

Karcher Floor Scrubbers are ideal for daily scrubbing of areas up to 15,000 square feet per hour. The award winning and innovative designs provide the best cleaning solution for automating and speeding up floor cleaning. These battery-powered scrubber dryers pre vent slipping, leave floors dry immediately after cleaning, are ideal for portable use, and prevent tripping over power cables. Equipped with a roller brush head and KART technol ogy (Karcher Advanced Response Technology) that is rotatable by 200 degrees in both directions and a generous working width. The position of the brush and squeegees, con tinuously transverse to the direction of travel, provides increased area performance and a uniform cleaning result. The built-in, maintenance-free, high-power lithium-ion batteries offer a lifetime up to three times longer than that of conventional lead batteries (3-hour charge time yields 45 minutes of run-time). When using eco-efficiency mode, users can double their run time (an hour and a half) and reduce operating noise by 40%. These scrubber dryers are perfect for cleaning flooring in veterinary facilities, pet resorts, pet stores, grooming establishments, other animal care facilities, labs, lobbies, bathrooms, etc.

Works Great with KennelSol HC

BR 35/12 Bp 14˝ Scrubber

BR 45/22 C Bp 18˝ Scrubber

Brush working width Vacuum working width

14˝ 18˝

18˝ 20˝

Fresh / waste water tank (gal)

3.2 / 3.2

6 / 6

Brush speed (rpm)

700 / 1050

750 / 1050

Brush contact pressure (lbs)





Area performance



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Sound pressure level (dB(A))

65 77


9660 BR 35/12 Bp (14˝ Scrubber)

Ship Weight (with accessories) (lbs)


Dimensions (L x W x H) Connected load (W)

39˝ x 18˝ x 51˝

36˝ x 22˝ x 44˝

9670 BR 45/22 C Bp (18˝ Scrubber)



Karcher Walk-Behind Carpet Extractor

It has never been easier and more enjoyable to clean Animal Care Facility carpets. Enjoy the superior ergonomics of extracting while walking forward. The extractor deck rotates to allow cleaning in any direction. This new extractor provides anywhere from 30-60% productivity improvement in addition to reduced dry times. Our cleaning technology pro vides productive interim & deep extraction cleaning in one machine. Clean your carpets with the efficiency and speed never before seen. The only self-contained walk forward extractor on the market. Perfect for cleaning carpeting in veterinary facilities, pet resorts, pet stores, grooming establishments, and other animal care facilities. Technical Data Working Width (in) 16˝ Cleaning Solution Capacity (gal) 6 Dirty Water Container (gal) 5 Pump Pressure (PSI) 100 Waterlift 120 Water Consumption (GPM) 0.65 Operating Noise Level (dB(A)) 66 Ship Weight (lbs) 100 Dimensions (L x W x H) 35˝ x 19˝ x 44˝ Length of Cord (ft) 50 Karcher Armada BRC 40/22 C 16˝ Artificial Turf/Carpet Extractor Steerable extractor head provides excellent maneuverability in any direction. Adjust the steering wheel to any operator height for optimum ergonomics. Easy maintenance - The brush and vacuum shoe require no tools to save time. In line solution filter is easy to access and can be removed with solution in tank. Set it and go single dial to select mode of operation is intuitive and easy. Eco-efficiency mode is quiet and perfect for daytime cleaning. Cord management keeps cord out of the way.

Use in Pair with OdorPet and/or SAO



Karcher Armada BRC 40/22 C 16˝ Carpet Extractor

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25 Porter Road • Littleton, Massachusetts 01460

13 Equipment & Accessories 19

Miele Octoplus ® and Little Giant

Professional Commercial Washers & Dryers

Miele laundry equipment is a trusted commercial brand selected for durability, longevity and value. Miele’s Octoplus machines use the same technology as larg er commercial equipment so they can handle large batches on a daily basis. Miele’s Little Giant machines are proven workhorses that offer top performance into a compact form. Both Octoplus and Little Giant will deliver professional re sults for your facility. The energy conservation standards built into Miele washers and dryers deliver results while lowering laundry costs with less water and utility expenses. Mieles are also easy to use which means your staff can begin using the machines right after installation. Alpha Tech Pet’s Customer Care support ser vices enhance the back-end relationship to address all questions while ensuring smooth delivery and installation to each location.

Octoplus PW 5105 Vario washer Octoplus PT 7186 Vario dryer

Cleaning up hair, blankets, and towels is a messy job. Miele washers and dryers are built tough to handle the demands of your facility. Octoplus Less than 6.5 ft 2 footprint Cycles run approximately 53 minutes Washer - 23 lb/8 kg load capacity Dryer - 20 lb/8 kg load capacity 370 G-force for greatest water extraction and faster dry time Patented honeycomb drum Available with floor drain Optional detergent pumps are available Little Giant Available in Stainless Steel or White Lotus Less than 5.38 ft 2 footprint Cycles run approximately 49 minutes Washer - 20 lb/8 kg load capacity Dryer - 18 lb/8 kg load capacity Patented honeycomb drum Energy Star and Energy Guide rating




9740 OCTOPLUS Washer

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Little Giant PWM 908 washer Little Giant PDR 908 dryer

9744 OCTOPLUS Dryer

9730 LITTLE GIANT Washer 9734 LITTLE GIANT Dryer

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