Alcalá View 2000 17.2
Salary, Benefit Issues Dominate September SEA Meeting September's SEA mee ting began with some controversy on the course of action the group should take regarding three letters received from anonymous staff members concerning the recently completed staff sa la ry survey. SEA Secretary Chere Smith said she h ad been told by Thomas Barnett of human resources that the survey results wou ld be kept confidential and a memo from President Hayes regarding com- pensation issues wou ld be forthcoming; Smith recommended holding on to the letters until the memo is issued. Policies and Proced ures committee to review the ex isting policies and recom- mend possible changes. Medical Benefits for Retirees
Safety, rece ived two items to take to his nex t meet ing with that depa rtment. The first is the stipulation, in writing on the back of reserved parking passes, that only the owner of a reserved space my reques t a vehicle parked there be towed away. SEA Pres ident John Frazer sa id that makes the space owner's car an easy target for vandalism, as the re would be no question as to the identity of the person respons ible for the offend- er's car being towed. Mildred Brown of Hughes Cen te r requested a rev iew of th e po li cy that prevents part-t ime employees from pay ing fo r their parking passes through payroll deduct ion. The winners of the parking pass raf- fl e, h e ld Au g. 3 1 in A ro mas , were announced: Pat Gillis of the School of Law, Emma Sanders o f Fac iliti es Managemen t and Kay Norton of the Registrar's Office each received a check fo r $ 120 to cover the cost of th e ir annu al park ing passes. Funds for the passes was prov ided by an anonymous donor. The SEA rea li zed $454.85 in proceeds from the raffle. Next Meeting A ll staff employees are always welcome at SEA meetings. The next meetings is scheduled from 2-3 p.m., October 11 at UC 107.
Mary Quick, acting director and exec- utive ass istant of special projects/capital programs, attended the meeting to pre- sent the findings of her research on the retirement benefits offe red by USO. Quick contacted several unive rsiti es similar to USO to determine if employ- ees are permitted to remain part of their respect ive institution's gro up hea lth insurance plan after retirement. S ince USO currently does not, Quick sa id it posed a tough choice for those eligible to retire before age 65 - COBRA can ex tend coverage for on ly 18 months, and if that time expires before Med icare benefits become effective, ret irees risk exo rbit a nt med ic a l costs. "We a re behind the t imes," Quick sa id, pointing out that many of the unive rsities she contacted a llow re tirees to purchase coverage at the group rate. The iss ue was recommended as a "hot top ic" to be taken up by th e Huma n Reso urc es Advi so ry Committee at th e ir n ex t meeting. Parking Points Douglas Gilbert, representative of Copley Library and Sacred Heart Hall a nd the SEA's li a ison with Public
After a lively discuss ion, Manchester Conference Center repres ent a tiv e Cindy Thomas made a moti on that two of the letters be forwarded immedi- ately to the president and a third, con- cerning the Catholic Church's position on a li ving wage, be se nt to Msgr. Daniel Dillabough. An invitation wi ll be extended to Hayes and Dillabough to address the SEA reps at the October meeting, fo ll ow ing rece ip t of th e memo, to discuss the larger issues raised by the survey in addition to the letters themselves. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. As the issue was discussed, the exact processes available to staff members for airing grievances came into question. Thomas, Pe rl a Bleisch (Wa rr e n Hall/LRC) and Margie Carroll (Serra Hall) were appointed to a Grievance
t {J:J) University of 8an Die8o Office of Publications Maher Hall 274
Alcala View Vol. 17, Issue 2 Editor
Timothy McKernan Contributing Editors Michael Haskins, Susan Herold Production and Design Judy Williamson Photography Timothy McKernan
Alcala View is published monthly (except January) by the publications and human resources offices. The newsletter is distributed to all USD employees. [0500/1350]
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