COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Schedule 55

Water Resources Bond Fund - Series 2014 Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP) From Project Inception and For the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Actual Current Year

Project Authorization

Prior Years

Total To Date

Expenses: Capital Improvements:

Lake Brandt Pump Station Upgrade Mitchell - Flocculator Basin Rehab Water Booster Station Townsend - Filter Basin System Upgrade TZO - Incinerator 1/56 MGD Upgrade Total Capital Improvements


396,021 3,632,000 3,503,700


335,744 3,490,514 3,489,847 3,794,041 63,145,896 74,256,042



335,744 3,568,558 3,495,647 15,112,036 68,465,767 90,977,752

78,044 5,800 11,317,995 5,319,871 16,721,710

21,458,185 71,048,106 100,038,012

Nonoperating Expenses: Bond Issue Expense Total Expenses Nonoperating Revenues: Investment Income

391,993 100,430,005

263,057 74,519,099

194,019 16,915,729

457,076 91,434,828



Excess of Revenues Under Expenses Before Other Financing Sources





Other Financing Sources: Debt Issuances:

Revenue Bonds/BANs Issued Premium - Revenue Bonds Total Other Financing Sources

99,930,005 500,000 100,430,005


26,637,064 2,237,682 28,874,746

97,975,440 2,237,682 100,213,122


Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Over (Under) Expenses


$ (3,180,723)

$ 12,143,263

$ 8,962,540


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