COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Schedule 56

Water Resources Bond Fund - Series 2018 Schedule of Revenues and Expenses - Budget and Actual (Non-GAAP) From Project Inception and For the Year Ended June 30, 2018

Actual Current Year

Project Authorization

Prior Years

Total To Date

Expenses: Capital Improvements:

Mitchell Structural Durability Improvements TZO Biological Nutrient Removal Total Capital Improvements


6,303,077 66,774,352 73,077,429



3,316,882 7,984,813 11,301,695

$ 3,316,882 7,984,813 11,301,695

Nonoperating Expenses: Bond Issue Expense Total Expenses

100,000 73,177,429

82,027 11,383,722

82,027 11,383,722

Excess of Revenues Under Expenses Before Other Financing Sources




Other Financing Sources: Debt Issuances:

Revenue Bonds/BANs Issued Total Other Financing Sources

73,177,429 73,177,429

8,552,671 8,552,671

8,552,671 8,552,671

Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources Under Expenses



$ (2,831,051)

$ (2,831,051)


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