Health Hotline Magazine | July 2020

ANGELICA ROOT is a wonderful go-to herb for respiratory issues. The plant is known for its expectorant properties and has been used traditionally as an herbal remedy for bronchitis, cough, asthma, and other ailments of the respiratory system. viii There’s even data showing that angelica root increases the release of oxygen to tissues by facilitating blood oxygen transport. ix MULLEIN is particularly soothing to the mucous membranes and also has expectorant actions. x It’s no wonder mullein has been used as a traditional herbal remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. Some herbal texts also extend its therapeutic use to pneumonia and asthma. xi OSHA ROOT, an amazing perennial herb for respiratory health and native to the Rocky Mountain region, xii not only helps clear mucous from the sinuses and lungs by increasing expectoration, but also increases blood circulation to the lungs, helping toincrease dilation during coughing and constriction. xiii Simply put, osha helps you take deeper breaths. Researchers have also studied its e ect on oxidative damage, an important aspect of lung health because an infection in the lungs can lead to large amounts of oxidative stress that damages healthy cells. In one test, researchers measured the protective e ect of the herb by inducing oxidative stress in human lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Lymphocytes were treated with either 0, 50, 100, 200, or 400 micrograms of osha root. At a dose of 400 mcg, osha root reduced lipid oxidation in the lymphocytes by 94 percent and also increased glutathione levels. xiv xv YERBA SANTA LEAF was listed as an o cial remedy from 1894–1956 in the U.S. Pharmacopeia, a standardized drug reference, for coughs, pneumonia, and bronchitis. xvi xvii Its respiratory benefits lie in the herb’s ability to

improve respiratory health, clear mucus, and alleviate congestion, as well as open up the lungs. This e ect is felt in the sinuses as well and it has the ability to alleviate hay fever and sinusitis. xviii While all these herbs support lung health individually, when combined in herbal formulas they provide synergistic support that is greater than their individual impact. BLACK SEED OIL (black cumin) is an herb native to Southeast Asia and the Middle East and deserves some major cred as a powerful lung- supportive supplement. Despite its name, black seed oil typically looks more yellow in capsule or liquid form. It contains thymoquinone, a compound with potent antioxidant properties, which has been shown to have an anti-asthmatic e ect on asthmatic airways. xix xx A study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2017 found that “people with asthma who took black seed oil capsules had a significant improvement in asthma control compared with those who took a placebo.” xxi It’s also used to boost the body’s immune response and to ease coughs, bronchitis symptoms, and colds. xxii xxiii Black seed oil even shows promise in the treatment of allergies. In a 2011 study, black seed oil was found to reduce the presence of nasal congestion and itching, runny nose, and sneezing after two weeks. Another report published in 2018 concluded that the oil has therapeutic potential in the treatment of sinusitis due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihistamine, immune-modulator, antimicrobial, and analgesic e ects. xxiv xxv

References available upon request.

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