SALTA 2nd grade


Circle the appropriate measuring tool.

For each object: 1.

Choose the most appropriate unit of measure (centimeter, inch, feet, or meter.) 2. Estimate the length. 3. Find the actual measure. 4. Create a chart to record your information. Objects: pencil, eraser, height of door, length of classroom. (DOK 2)

1. What would you use to measure your height? measuring tape ruler yard stick

2. What would you use to measure your waist? Measuring tape ruler yard stick

3. What would you use to measure a paper clip? Measuring tape ruler yard stick

Use a ruler to find objects that are the following lengths. 5 centimeters 10 centimeters 15 centimeters 20 centimeters Draw pictures of the ruler and each object. (DOK 2)

4. What would you use to measure a couch? Measuring tape ruler yard stick

(DOK 1)


Measure the length of your desk to the nearest inch. Then measure the length of your desk to the nearest centimeter. Describe how each measurement is related to the size of its unit.


My desk is ______ inches long.


My desk is ______ centimeters long.

c. Why is measuring in centimeters different from measuring in inches? (DOK 2)

On her paper, Susan wrote that the marker was 17. On his paper, Glen wrote that the marker was 7. Both students got the answer correct. How could this be? Use pictures, words, and numbers to justify your answer.

(DOK 3)

( DOK 1)

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