SALTA 2nd grade


Using centimeters as your unit of measure, estimate each of the following: • the width of your thumbnail • the length of your forearm • the length from your ankle to your hip

Record each estimate. Compare your estimates with a classmate. (DOK 2)

(DOK 2)


Measure two objects to determine which is longer once in centimeters and once in inches. Find the difference after each set of measurements.

Have your students take several items out of their desks. Books, glue stick, pencil, crayon or scissors. Students are to measure 2 of the objects and record the length on their paper. Students then find the difference in length of the two items and write it on their paper. Repeat using centimeters or inches. (DOK 2) The lines show the wingspan of a dragonfly and a butterfly. How many centimeters longer is the butterfly’s wingspan than the dragonfly’s wingspan? Draw a picture of your ruler measurement.

(DOK 1)

(DOK 2)

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