1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book



GIN PUNCH FOR BOTTLING. Following General Ford's plans, as already described, for making sherbet, add good Gin, in the proper proportions before prescribed ; this, bottled and kept in a cool cellar or cistern, will be found an economical and excellent summer drink.


Use small Glass Jug. Liqueur Glass Maraschino. Liqueur Glass Curasao. Liqueur Glass Brandy. Quart Cider. Lumps of Ice. Add 1 Split ofSoda Water. Stir gently and decorate with slices offruit in season. Use Large Glass Jug. [ Liqueur Glass Calvados. I Liqueur Glass Brandy. I Liqueur Glass Orange Curasao.

CIDER CUP (No. 1.) (4 persons).

CIDER CUP (No. 2.) (4 persons).


1 Lumps of Ice. 1 Bottle Cider. 1 Split of Soda Water.


f>ecorate with slice offruit, and %dd 2 sprigs of mint on top. H

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