1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book



The vineyard district to the South of Bordeaux, that is known as Graves, produces a vast quantity of really excellent wine, both red and white, the former being predominant, at least in quantity. In order, therefore, to prevent confusion in our purpose, it must be explained that the White Graves are usually ' classed ' (in a similar way to the Medoc Clarets) among the Classification of the White Wines, and will therefore be dealt with under that heading. For the moment we are only concerned with the Red Graves, and here is appended a list of selected growths, , representing the best among a large number of marks. En passant, it should be noted that in no cir cumstances should the Graves be confused

with the Sauternes. They usually appear in wine lists together under the general heading of White Bordeaux.

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