
OMA 2015.13: Collaborative Study Protocol Expert Review Panel Use Only September, 2017

Appendix 8.1

Instructions to Collaborators

General Instructions about Collaborative Studies Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide detailed instructions for performing the collaborative study for the 3Mâ„¢Petrifilm â„¢ Rapid Aerobic Count Plate Method. The trial will be conducted by Study Directors: Bob Jechorek of 3M Food Safety, Erin Crowley and Patrick Bird of Q Laboratories, Inc., the coordinating laboratory. The Study Directors are responsible for providing the test portions, clarifying procedures, collating the results, and submitting a final report to AOAC INTERNATIONAL. Should any questions arise before or during the course of the study, please direct them immediately to the attention of one of the Study Directors: Robert P. Jechorek Patrick Bird & Erin Crowley Study Co-Director Study Co-Directors 3M Food Safety Department Q Laboratories, Inc. 3M Center, Building 260-6B-01 1400 Harrison Avenue St. Paul, MN 55144 Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 Phone: 651-733-9764 Phone : 513-471-1300 Fax: 651-733-5819 Fax : 513-471-5600 Email: rpjechorek@mmm.com Email: pbird@qlaboratories.com ecrowley@qlaboratories.com Important Information 1. Read the methods carefully. If you have any questions, contact one of the Study Directors. 2. It is advised to make at least one practice run before the trial using your own materials so that you can minimize errors in manipulations. Check that all pipettes, equipment, and 3M Petrifilm RACPlate supplies are on hand. 3. Make the determination on the specified date. Store the test portions according to the instructions. It is essential for the validity of the trial that all collaborators commence the analysis of each test portion on the designated day. Immediately upon receiving each shipment, confirm the contents with the Study Director by faxing the form provided in the shipment. 4. THIS IS A STUDY OF THE METHOD, NOT OF THE LABORATORY. THE METHOD MUST BE FOLLOWED AS CLOSELY AS PRACTICABLE, AND ANY

AOAC Research Institute Expert Review Panel U e Only

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