
OMA 2015.13: Collaborative Study Protocol Expert Review Panel Use Only September, 2017

DEVIATIONS FROM THE METHOD AS DESCRIBED, NO MATTER HOW TRIVIAL THEY MAY SEEM, MUST BE NOTED ON THE REPORT FORM. 5. Report all of your results as soon as analyses are completed. Do not do more or less than indicated in the instructions. For example, do not do duplicate analysis and report the best or average result. More or fewer results complicate the statistical analyses and may invalidate your results. Data sheets are provided with these instructions and indicate which results are to be reported. Please include any criticisms, suggested improvements, or general comments about the 3M Petrifilm RAC Count Plate method on the Collaborators’Comments Form provided. Any results that were derived from modified protocols should be included but must be separated from the main report. Results and comments should be returned to the Study Director immediately

upon completion of each portion of the study. Information about this Collaborative Study Shipment Schedule

Test portions will be shipped by overnight express courier to arrive the day before initiation of analysis. If the test portions do not arrive by the normal delivery time one day prior to analysis, please contact a Study Director. All test portions will be shipped in leak-proof, insulated containers with ice packs. Analysis of test portions must be initiated on the day scheduled by the Study Director. All supplies (Appendix 8.3) will be sent by the coordinating laboratory. Proposed analysis schedule


Date Shipped

Date Tested

March 23 rd

March 24 th

Raw easy peel shrimp

April 2 nd

April 3 rd

Pasteurized skim milk

Instant non-fat dried milk Test Portion Receipt Note condition of package on the data sheets and notify the Study Director if any packages appear to have been compromised or if the food product does not arrive in the appropriate condition. Record the value noted on the temperature control included with each shipment. All frozen perishable shrimp and skim milk samples should arrive cold and should be stored at 2-8 ° C until the day of analysis. Instant non-fat dried milk should be stored at room temperature (21- 23°C). Test Portion Analysis AOAC Research Institute Expert Review Panel Use Only April 9 th April 10 th

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