2017_SBRT_Course Book

Maintained Neurocognitive function

Total (n=1194)

1 tumors N=455

2-4 tumors (B) N=531

5-10 tumors (C) N=208 117/ 122 (96%) 53/60 (88%) 18/20 (90%) 4/4 (100%)

P value B vs C

4 months after SRS 12 months after SRS 24 months after SRS 36 months after SRS

623/662 (94%) 333/366 (91) 120/128 (94) 28/30 (93%)

263/284 (93%) 139/152 (91%)

0.27 0.60 0.20 1.00

243/256 (95%) 141/154 (92%)

47/48 (98%) 10/11 (91%)

55/60 (92%) 14/15(93%)

• In long term survivors, decline of Neurocognitive dysfunction is detectable, but not higher than 10% even in the group of multiple brain metastases.

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