Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2017 ERP of the Year


Does the method contain adequate safety precaution reference and/or statements? ER 1 No ER 2 Yes ER 3 Yes ER 4 Yes ER 5 Yes ER 6 Yes ER 7 Yes ER 8 Yes General Comments (3) ER 1

There should be a reminder in the cautionary statement that this test may generate high levels of L. monocytogenes, which can particularly dangerous to the immunocompromised and pregnant women. Page 1, lines 27-28: add "using heat stressed cells" to this sentence. Page 1, lines 28-29: add "using non-stressed cells" to this sentence. Page 2, line 24: change "compare the" to " compare the reproducibility of the". Page 2, line 25: change "to the" to "to the reproducibilities of the methods of the". [CONTINUED] Page 2, line 38: change "with Listeria" to "with heat stressed Listeria". Page 4, line 16: change "(12 high, 12 low, and 12 controls for each method)" to "(12 high inoculum, 12 low inoculum, and 12 uninoculated controls for each method)". Page 7, line 29 to page 12 line 32: Omit this material. Refer to the 3M MDA Listeria spp. manuscript for the relevant material taking care to emphasize the use of the L. monocytogenes reagent already listed in section B(b). Page 13, lines 12 and 14: Omit reference to Appendix. Page 16, references 5, 6, 8: These will not necessarily be accessible to the manuscript readers even if the website were properly provided. The corresponding J. AOAC Int. manuscripts might be more readily available. Page 18, Table 2: Add a footnote detailing the stress temperature and time. Page 21: Omit this blank page. Pages 22 and 23, Tables 2014.1A and .1B: These would be clearer if blank lines separated the five subsections. Also, in both Tables the Candidate Confirmed Positive (CC) sections could well be omitted and the results described in the narrative. It is somewhat confusing that they are not already mentioned in the narrative as are CP and C section results. Page 24, Appendix: Omit this page. Pages 32-37, Fig. titles and Figs: Omit figures

ER 2


ER 3 ER 4 ER 5 ER 6 ER 7 ER 8

No additional comments

Few more edits to be covered. Will be discussed during the meeting.


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