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AOAC INTERNATIONAL Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces Page 6 of 6

and able to address questions and concerns of the ERP members. 3 A summary of comments was provided to the ERP members and the method author. 4 By consensus, the ERP presented the following motions: MOTION: • Motion by Fernandez, second by Carter, for a AOAC First Action Official Methods status continuance for OMA 2016.01, OMA 2016.07, and OMA 2016.08, pending the following information: 1) Specific user feedback on the method performance. Consensus demonstrated by: (Unanimous) 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Motion Passed. ERP will discuss, review and track First Action methods for 2 years after adoption, review any additional information (i.e., additional collaborative study data, proficiency testing, and other feedback) and make recommendations to the Official Methods Board regarding Final Action status. The ERP did not discuss any additional Final Action requirements. MOTION: • Motion by Salfinger, second by Fatemi, to recommend to the AOAC Official Methods Board repeal of the 3M Tecra Methods (OMA 995.22, OMA 2002.09, OMA 989.14, OMA 998.09 and OMA 993.06) Consensus demonstrated by: (Unanimous) 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Motion Passed. V. DISCUSS METHOD FOR REPEAL OF AOAC OFFICIAL METHODS STATUS


Adjournment The AOAC Expert Review Panel for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces adjourned at 7:00pm.

3 Attachment 3: Method Author Presentation for OMA 2016.01, OMA 2016.07, and OMA 2016.08 4 Attachment 4: Summary of Expert Reviewer Comments for OMA 2016.01, OMA 2016.07, and OMA 2016.08

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