Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2017 ERP of the Year


AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE  Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Dietary Starches & Dietary Fibers  Page 3 of  6 


Criteria for Vetting Methods to be considered:  AOAC convened the AOAC Official Methods of Analysis SM  (OMA) Expert Review Panel for Dietary Starches and Dietary  Fibers on Thursday, December 7, 2017 from 10:00am EST to 11:00am EST via GoToMeeting and audio teleconference.  Please note that this is a continued review from our meeting that was held on September 26, 2017.  The purpose of the meeting was to convene via teleconference and discuss the email ballot to address the revision of the  nomenclature prior to AOAC First Action publications within two (2) months upon receipt of the revised manuscript to be  provided by the method author for the collaborative study manuscript/ OMAMAN‐38: Total Dietary Fiber in Foods  Enzymatic‐Gravimetric‐High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Method (Study Director: Barry McCleary, Megazyme, Bray  Business Park, Southern Cross Road, Bray, Ireland) .    Barry McCleary of Megazyme submitted their revised manuscript for review by the AOAC Expert Review Panel for Dietary  Starches and Dietary Fibers.  The Expert Review Panel previously reviewed OMAMAN‐38: Total Dietary Fiber in Foods  Enzymatic‐Gravimetric‐High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Method and adopted this method for AOAC First Action  Official Method status by a unanimous decision with an ERP consensus on the nomenclature within two (2) months of this  meeting (November 26, 2017).  Copies of the method(s) and supplemental information was provided to the ERP members as an Electronic Expert  Review Panel E‐Book with their acceptance of the Terms and Conditions prior to receipt of the E‐Book.  The method  author submitted the revised manuscript and data tables with the following changes and notes:  1) Corrected method and tables for the RINTDF method for total dietary fiber.  2) All reference to Megazyme has been removed from the document except for the last item under Reagents. This  identifies where these specific reagents can be obtained. This is in line with what was put in documents for  2009.01 and 2011.25.  3) I attended the “Dietary Fiber” technical committee meeting of AACC International last week. At this meeting,  the members of the committee stated their preference for use of the terms HMWDF, IDF, SDFS and SDFP over  the new terms that Jon DeVries and Paul Wehling were requiring, namely “Gravimetry” and “HPLC”. So, for the  sake of consistency and the fact that I believe there will now be no problems in sticking to the terminology that  was used in 2009.01 and 2011.25, I have left the acronyms as they were.  An email ballot was sent to the ERP members with a request for their recommendation based upon the revised  manuscript regarding the nomenclature as discussed during the previous ERP meeting.  Each member was to indicate  one of the following recommendations:    I AGREE  that the manuscript as revised, meets the above recommendations of the ERP.   I DISAGREE  that the manuscript as revised, meets the above recommendations of the ERP.  If you select, “I Disagree”, please indicate what part of the motion has not been fulfilled based on your review of  the revised method. 


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