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AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE  Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Fertilizers  Page 3 of 5 


Criteria for Vetting Methods to be considered: AOAC convened the Official Methods of Analysis SM  (OMA) Expert Review Panel for Fertilizers for Total Sulfur   that was held on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 from 11:00am EST to 1:30pm EST via GoToMeeting and audio  teleconference.  The purpose of the meeting was review the collaborative study manuscript OMAMAN‐24: Determination of Total  Sulfur Using High Temperature Combustion (Original Study Director: Calum McCusker and Tyson Rowland,  Elementar Americas, located at 520 Fellowship Road, Suite D‐408, Mt. Laurel, New Jersey 08054) for AOAC First  Action Official Methods consideration.   Candidate method, OMAMAN‐24: Determination of Total Sulfur Using High Temperature Combustion, was  reviewed as a collaborative study and against the collaborative study protocol to verify that the method is  scientifically valid and that the applicability is supported in the manuscript. Supplemental information was  provided to the reviewers which included the revised collaborative study manuscript, a summary of comments  from the review of February 3, 2017, Article: Determination of Total Sulfur in Fertilizers by High Temperature  Combustion: Single‐Laboratory Validation, and a copy of the AOAC Expert Review Panel Chair Report  (September, 2015). The ERP members used the AOAC First Action Method Review form to submit their  comments. Criteria for Vetting Experts and Selection Process: The original twenty‐five (25) candidates are being submitted for consideration by the Official Methods Board to  evaluate candidate methods for Fertilizers which include the subject matter areas of Metals, Nitrogen (slow  release), Phosphorus & Potassium, Total Sulfur, and Urea as per the Expert Review Panel (ERP) Policies and  Procedures. The candidates were highly recommended by the Agricultural Materials Community, the Association  of American Feed and Control Officials (AAFCO), the Association of Fertilizer and Phosphate Chemists (AFPC) and  other subject matter experts. Many of the following candidates have participated in various AOAC activities,  including but limited to, Method Centric Committees that were formed under the legacy OMA pathway.  The  following members were present to review methods: William Hall, James Bartos, Elizabeth Guertal, Solomon  Kariuki, Salvatore Parisi, Heidi Phillips, and Keith Wegner.   ERP Orientation:  All ERP members have completed the mandatory AOAC Expert Review Panel Orientation Webinar.   Expert Review Panel Meeting Quorum The meeting of the Expert Review Panel was held in person. A quorum is the presence of seven (7) members or  2/3 of the total vetted ERP, whichever is greater. Seven (7) out of the seven (7) members were present and  therefore met a quorum to conduct the meeting. Frank Sikora of UK Division of Reg Services, represented Solomon  Kariuki on this teleconference.  

Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs):  N/A 

Conclusion: The Expert Review Panel reviewed OMAMAN‐24: Determination of Total Sulfur Using High Temperature  Combustion and adopted this method for AOAC First Action Official Method status by a unanimous decision. The  decisions have been captured and reflected in the meeting minutes.   


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