News Scrapbook 1981-1982




USD offers religion programs An m titute on "Varieties of Spiritual Direction" will be offered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jun 14-18 in Camino Hall at the University of San Diego, 23 in Camino Hall. The fee is $80 A work/ hop on "A Minis- try of Enchantment," deal• Ing with the u of Scrip- Convergence of Spirituali- ties," exploring the conver- gence of Buddhism and Hin- dui m with Christianity, from 9 a.m. to noon June 21· 25 in Camino Hall. The fee is $Hl0.

Loyola Uruversity in Chica- go will lead a seminar on prayer from 9 a.m. to noon July 6-9 in Camino Hall. The fee 1s $80. The Rev. Paul Surlis, pro- f or of moral theology at SL Johns University in Jamaica, N.Y., will conduct a seminar on social ethics from 9 a.m. to noon July 6-9 111 Cammo Hall and on "Love and Sexuality in Christian Perspective" from 9 a.m. to noon July 12- 16, also in Camino Hall.

ture, mu ic and symbols to preach the Gospel, will be conducted from 9 a.m. to noon June 21-25 in Camino Hall by Jack Miffleton of the University of San Fran- ci co. The fee is $75. The Rev. Joseph J, Spae, co-director of the Universi- ty of Chicago Institute of Theology and Culture, will lead a workshop on ''The

Th course, for which the fee is $80, will be taught by Dr. K ith J. Egan, prof · r of prituality and h1 toncal theology at Marqu tte Uni• vers1ty; nd Sister Marie Bre1tenbcck and the Rev. Ernest O Larkm -of Phoe-

A course on "Catholic So- cial Ethics in the American Context" will be taught by the Rev. Charles E. Curran, professor of moral theology at Catholic University of America, from 9 a.m. to noon June 28-July 2 in De Sales Hall. The fee is $100. The Rev. Mark Link of


The Rev Joseph A. Fitzmyer of the Catholic University of Am r1ca will I ach cour on St. Paul'· eth1 nd theology from 9 a.m to noon June 14·18 In De S 1 Hall. The fee i $100. The Rev. Walter Bur- ghardt of Georg town llm• verslly and Catholic Uni• versity of Amema will teach a cour on ''The Word Made Fl h Today" from 9 a.m. to noon June 21-

D~. Fran_s Bakker, director of The Radiant. Life Clinic and Research Cente~, is belng sponsored by The Laughing Man Institute in La Jolla to d~ a lecture and seminar here in San ~•ego. Born in Indonesia, he grew up in _Holl?nd where he attended the University of Leiden and co-founded the Rott:rdam Medical Center. This center is w:ll•known throughout Europe for its multi-disciplinary coordinted approach to the health car~ of families in their social environment. It has served a population of 25,000 with the team effort of 30 social workers, physical th_er~p1sts, clergyman, nurses, m1dw1ves, psychologists, and doc- tors. He_ later became the founder of The Institute for Humanistic Med· . . H 11 1cme in o and. In 1976, he moved to the United S~ates where he became associated with the American Spiritual Master Da Free John. Over the years, Dr: Bakker has been involved in an in• depth study of the processes of death and dying He is currently presenting t_he_ most recent and complete fmd1_ngs o~ this increasingly contro- versial subject. His lectures deal with such questions as:

• Who or what dies. • I ittruethat"whenyou'redead you're dead." ' • What should you do at the moment of death? • How can you truly serve the death process in another? • What is the truth behind near-death and after-death experiences:> It's ti~e that a lot of the myth~, taboos, and misunderstandings about the death process are revealed for what they real! are It's important that a perso~ understands this transition which absolutely occurs in every hum b .• 1· an eing s ife. By having a better undertanding of what death and dyi are about, there is a fuller capacity~~ a~proach this event with dignity, wisdo1:1, and a lessening of the fears associated with such a profound moment in one's life. Dr. _Bakker will be speaking at The Laughing Man Institute at 2160 Avenida de la Playa in La Jolla on Wednesday Ju~e 16th at 8:00 p.m. He will also b~ d_o,ng a two day sem1m1r with films, v,deo-~pes, workshops, etc., at the UnVJers1ty of San Diego on June 19th and 2~h. Please call 459-9109 for further information. *


USO graduates San Marcos Alcobia-Peterson



ieved a bachelor's degree

residents were among the 905 students receiv- ing degrees at the University of San Diego commencement exer- cises held May 23. Christopher Roenker received a baccalaureate degree in business administration; Kath- leen L. Pool was awarded a master's degree in education; and Mary

in biology.

The USD graduating class included 520 receiving undergraduate degrees, 126 receiving master's degrees, 259 receiving law degrees, and the first doctoral degree recipient in the field of educational leadership.


RAMONA SENTINEL JUN 2 4 198t Ramonan· • receives law degree Jeffrey A. Agnew, of Ramona, graduated from the University of San Diego School of Law with a Juris Doctor Degree on May 23 He is a 1975 graduate ·of Ramona High School received his bachelor; degree from San Diego State University in 1979 and is the son of Kenneth and Lillian Agnew of Ramona. Bar Examination in July and plans to join the law firm of Rich and Nachand in Escondido. He will work primarily in the areas of real estate and business litigation. Agnew will take the California


10 Coronadans graduate from USD Ten Coronado resi- dents were among the 905 students· who cum laude, admjnistra tion;

JUN l 4


LAW RICHARD D. HUFFMAN has been appointed acting director of the Center for Criminal Justice and Policy Management of the University of San Diego School of Law. Huffman is assistant district attorney of San Diego County. -~---

and Nancy Drake-Wedrick English . ' Alice M. Bohannon earned a master's degree in nursing and Charles H. Eaton III graduated with a master's in business administration. The USC graduating class included 250 students being con- ferred undergraduate degrees, 126 earning master's degrees, 259 receiving law degrees; and a doctoral degree given in educational leadership.

received degrees from the University of San Diego during com- mencement exercises last month. Johnson received her degree in behavioral sciences· Gilbert March, Spanish; Nancy Owen, summa cum laude, nursing; Schubert accounting ; Winthrop Robinson, summa cum laude, accounting; Theresa Schubert, busi- · ness administration· Craig Swanson, magn~ Patricia Kathleen

Graduatittg with honors

Gail Morse, Oeft) graduated "cum laude" on May 23 from the University of San Diego Law School. She and her mother, Jane, hostessed a graduation party on May 16 which was attended by over 100 persons, including Gail's friends from kindergarten to law school, members of Toastmistress and the American Soceity of Women Accountants, and many Alpine residents. Guest came from as far away as the east coast and Texas.



USO Plans Two Seminars This Week The Uruversity of San Diego's Office of Continuing Edu- cation will hold two seminars this week, one on the theol- ogy of the human person and one on children, faith and creativity. 1 . . Walter J, Burghardt, Jesuit priest and t~eo og1an m residence at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., will lead a seminar titled "Free Like God" from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Wednesday in Caf!li~o Hall. He w~II discuss the meaning of human and Chnstian freedom in the light of the New Testament, church fathers, Refor?1a• lion writers, modern theologians and the Second Vatican Council "·n Jack. Miffleton, composer, poet and storytelle~, w1 lead a seminar titled "A Ministry of Enchantment from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday in the Camino Student Lounge. f Miffleton is a teacher in the ~r~dualc progra!11 o_r religious education and pastoral min1Stry at the Umvers1- ty of San Francisco. He will lead teachers and,parents_in the use of story and music to create children s liturgies and celebrations. · th For information about these and other clas~es in e summer session contact Sister Marleen Brasef1eld in the Office of Continuing Education at 293-4585.

Mark ~ehb!rg of Escondido graduated with honors from the ~nivers1ty ~f _San ~iego. He received his B.A. degree in Business Admin1strat1on, graduating Suma Cum Laude Lehberg, a 1978 graduate of Orsnge Glen High School is~ men:iber of K_appa Gamma P.l.'s National Catholic H~nor Society_, He 1s the son of Jack and Sandy Lehberg of Escondido. '------------.J

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