News Scrapbook 1981-1982
The La Cutan Week of June 17 through June 23, 198Z - Study tours scheduled A beginningat9a.m.for special the four-week period.
JUN J 1 1::,8'
sidio,andMissionSan DiegodeAlcala. Other tours are planned to visit the Hotel de! Coronado, Julian, Rancho Gua- jomeand the Pala Forfurther in- formation, write Early California Tour, Office of SummerSessions, UniveristyofSan Diego, Alcala Park, San Diego 92110. Mission.
The University of San Diego Chapter of ~eta Gamma Sigma, the national business scholastic honor- ary fraternity, recently in- ducted 38 new members. Harold B Starkey, presi- dent of First Federal Sav- ings, was inducted as this year's honorary member. The new membership in- cludes 12 juniors, 15 gradu- ating seniors, seven MBA graduates and three faculty members~.'------•--- ..
Study tours will include half-day or full-day tours to such places as Heritage Park, the Villa Mon- tezuma,andtheStar oflndia. Places to be visited and where lectures, film, and slides will be shown are: OldTownState Park,CabrilloNa- tional Monument, the Roya!SpanishPre-
four-week travel and study program will be offeredfrom June 21through July 15 by theUniversityof San Diegoforp r ons wishing to learn more abdutCalifornla and San Diego history. Th~ammaybe au~ rtakenfor cr·em:tm:!d will meet eVe!'!l"'fflOrning thr ·tsof history
DAILY CALIFORNIAN JUN 8 198~ PROGRAMS/ The University of San Diego will host a variety of religious programs in continuing education June 14 through July 16. Pre-registration is requested. There are cred- its and fees for the classes Call 293-4585 for class times, fees, locations, lead- ers and credits.
LA JOLLA.LIGHT JUI{ 10 BK USO offers summer religious program
"Pastoring to Today's Chris- tian Community," a variety of religious programs offered through USD, will be offered - June 14 through July 16. Workshops will cover such
topics as "lmtitute in Spirituali- ty," "The Inner Journey," the •"Sixth Annual Theological In- s tit u tc: Pauline Biblican Themes," "Free Like God," and "A Minbtry of Enchant- ment."
The seminars last between two to four days, and range in fees. For further details, call the USD Office of Continuing Education at 293-4585.
USDCampus To Host Summer Religious Program S N DIEGO - Begmnmg on June 14 and continuing through July 16, the University of San Diego campus will ho t a van ty of rellgiou programs in Continuing Education under the title" Pastoring to Today's Chnstian Community " Pre reg1 trallon I requested For details and re erva- tlon call USD' Office of C-Ontmumg Education at 29:J 4585 • June 14-18 - "Sixth Annual Theological Institute: Pauline Biblical themes," 9:00a.m. to noon, SalomonHall, 1.5 continuing education credits, $100 registration fee. The institute will address the theological and ethical teachings found in the writings of St. Paul; it will be led Fr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., Ph.D., S.S. L., professorofnew testament Department of Biblical Studies, Catholic University of America. Fr. Fitzmyer is also editor and consultant for several publications. •July 6-9- "Prayer Seminar, 9to noon, Camino Student Lounge, 1.2 continuing education units, registration $80. The topic, "Jesus" will explore prayer (desert experience), works (miracles) and words (parables) of Jesus. The goal of the seminar is to "help participants respond to Jesus more fully in their own lives with an approach that is more practical than theoretical." Fr. Mark Link, S.J., Teacher and author, Loyola University, Chicago, will present the seminar. • July 6-9 and July 12-16 - Two workshops, "Moral L mltcd accommodallon on campu are available at a dally co t (including meals) of 22, double occupancy or 28, mg! occupancy
JUN l 3 198l
The University of San Diego's Umvers1ty of the Third Age, an educational opportunit) for people o\·er 55 years, will start its summer session on July 7 and continue through Aug. 12. Call 293-4585.
• June 21-23- "Free Like God," 9 a.m. to noon, Camino Hall, Room 163, Registration is $80 and includes 1unit of continuing education credit. walter J. Burghardt, S.J., S.T.D., theologian in residence at Georgetown University and professor emeritus, Catholic University of America, will discuss "The Human Person as Image of God." • June 24 - Fr. Burghardt will speak on "The Word Made Flesh Today," addressing bringing the word of God to life today, with special emphases on language and imagination. Registration is $30; no continuing education credit is available. • June 21-25- "A Ministry of Enchantment," 9 a.m. to
Person: Moral Society," and "Love and Sexuality in Christian Perspective," will be led by Paul J. Surlis, S.T.D., associate professor of moral theology, St. John's University, Jamaica, N.Y. On July 6-9, 9:00 a.m. to noon in Camino Hall, room 161, Fr. Surlis will evaluate the developmental theories of Piaget and Kohlberg with reference to contemporary social issues and examine oppressions related to race, sex, class, and the military and political dimensions of ethics. Registration fee is $80; 1.2 continuing education credits available. • On July 12 through July 16 - 9 a.m. to noon, Camino Hall, room 161, Fr. Surlis will examine the nature of love and sexuality in the light of Christian values and the findings of contemporary research in biology, psychology, and culture. Special attention will be paid to the influence of socio-economic and political developments on personal sexual issues. Registration is $100, 1.5 continuing educa-
noon, Camino Student Lounge, 1.5 continuing education credits, fee $75. "Children, Faith, and Creativity," pre- sents a mixture of theology and practice involving participants in the use of Scripture, symbol, and celebra- tions through song, storytelling, and music. This workshop will be led by Jack Miffleton, composer, poet, and storyteller and teacher in the graduate program for religious education and pastoral ministry, University of ---,~------·~--- San Francisco. tion units available. SAN DIEGO UNION •June21-25- "East MeetsWest," 9a.m. to noon. Camino Hall, room 161, registration fee $100. Joseph J. Spae, CICM, PhD., currently attached to the Vacation
Secretariat for Non-Christians and co-director of the University of Chicago Institute of Theology and Culture, will lead a discussion of "The Convergence of Spiritualities." He will explore Eastern currents of Buddhist and Hindu thought and experience and their convergence with Christian beliefs and ethics. • June 28-July 2 - "Ethical Studies," 9 a.m. to noon, DeSales );fall, room 213, 1.5 continuing education credits available. Fee is $100. "Catholic Social Ethics in the American Context" will be discussed by Charis E. Curran, S.T. D., professor of moral theology, Catholic University of America and former president of American Society of Christian Ethics and senior research scholar, Kennedy Center for Bioethics, Georgetown University. Dr. Curran presents the development and major themes in Catholic
Saturday, June 26, 1982
Prayer In School Will Be Subiect Of Monday Seminar
"Prayer in School: A Dilemma for American Society," part of the 1982 Clergy Dialogue Series, will be held from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. Monday at the University of San Diego's Camino Lounge. The speaker will be Dr. Charles Ballinger, a San Diego County Board of Education representative and president of the local chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. He is also chairman of the Ecumeni- cal Conference Social Service and Issues Committee. Respondents will include the Rev. Richard Duncanson, chairman of the Roman Catholic Diocese's Ecumenical Commission; the Rev. James Mishler, executive director of the conference; and a representative of the Jewish Community. President Reagan recently announced that he would support a constitutional amendment that would provide for voluntary prayer in public schools. Reaction from secular and religious organizations has been sharp, both in support and in opposition. Many church groups and Americans United have op- posed such a step. The Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop of the Catholic Diocese here, has supported such an amend- ment, as have leaders of the conservative Christian churches. The charge for the seminar is $5 including lunch. The seminar has been organized by representatives of the San Diego Ecumenical Conference, Rabbinical Association, Southeast Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, Na- llonal Conference of Christians and Jews, United Jewish Federation, American Jewish Committee, Roman Catho- lic Diocese, Anti-Defamation League and the Office of Continuin Education .. a'-t=USD,:c;, __________
~ocial ethics,
by calling
,WH 2 0 l:iaZ
The Umversity of San Diego s Uruversity of the Third Age an educational opportunity for people over 55, will start its summer 10n on July 7 and continue through Aug. 12. Call 293-4585.
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