News Scrapbook 1981-1982
JUN l l 1~
8 1982
WORK OF JAMES ROCHA ON VIEW AT USD'S FOUNDERS GALLERY The paintings of Ja- me • Rocha, a collection representing nearly three years' work, will be on exhibit of Founders Gallery, University of San Diego, during the sum- mer months. The Galle- ry is open from 9 a.m. to4 p.m. on weekdays, and admission is free. Rocha, who teaches painting at the Universi- ty, received his B.A. from the University of Califor- nia, San Diego and a Master's from James Madison University in Virginia. he has exhibited widely In the East, where he took several avvards, including the Appala- chian National Drawing Competition this year. Many of Rocha's works included in the exhibit employ mixed media techniques on paper or canvas. Color Is used as a primary expressive force in conjunction with the textures of acrylic, pen- cil, pastel, and paper colle. Rocha's emphasis is on the exploration of a subjective space within a non-objective, non-re- p resenta ti on aI format.
LEMON GROVE REVIEW JUN l O 198l Rocha Paintings Displayed at U. of Sa Dieg The JYiin1Jn°s oI .JRmes Ro ha a c-oll<'dion r r res nt- ing rpa r ly :J yN rs' , ork. will be on PXhihit at F<>Untlc>r~ Gal • lery, l ' . of S ,m J l1ego, during the ~u.11mPr months. Thi' Gallery ls on<'n from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on WPC'kdays and admi<·sion is f "· Roe a, who C'a<'Ii p· intlng at the Univ1•1 ity, re ived his B.A. from the x;, of C,alf01 nin, .San Diego and a '\fai tPl''!l from JamP5 • ladi•on U. in Virginia. He has exhibitrd wid, ly in the EnH, whPl'e hP took sewral awai;&, includ- ing the Appalad lan Nntionlll Drawing Competition th18 year. Many of Rocha' s works in- clud('(J in thP exllihit employ mixed media teehniques on pa- per or ean,as, lor ill used as a primary expressive force in conjunction with the tex ture of ncrylic-, p, ncil, pastPI, and papPr colle.
eollecti;n 'ka will be on
ly three years of wor ,
representmg near d exhibit at the Foun ers months The gallery San Diego, during the summer on ~kdays, and is open from 9 a .m. to 4 p.m. admission is . ting at USD, received his Rocha, who tea e~ pam M A from James B A. from UC San Diego _an~ . h. xh'bited . . . sit in Vrrguua. He as e I Madison Uruversty h he took several awards, widely in the eapal,wchie~~ National Drawing Com· including the Ap a petition this year• k m· eluded the exhibit M of Rocha's wor s any . media techniques on paper or employ ~ed. ha . is on the exploration of a canvas. His emp ~bin a non-objective, non- subjective space wi representational format. Gallery at the University of
I Wotlc Through SePI ,o ·• m to 4 p.m.;
_.,_ G&llerf: James Rocha flecenFrlda" """'O Mond&Y· ''
fOUnu,,,• 7 UnlvlfsltY of San """" . Wednesday, to 9 p.m.
JtJN lo 81
Th paintings of Jame
U D Founders Gallery - currently on display. h USD art professor' arell Alcala park S.~, Roe a, 266 De Sales Ha , USO, Room 291-6480.
Colleges Foundera Gallery: James Rocha: Recent Work. Through Sept 7 University ot San Diego. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesdays to 9 p.m.
JUN 1 'l 198Z
Diego arid a ~laster·s from James ~ladison Crmer,11:- in V1r;inia He ha, exh1b1ted in the East where he took se\·eral awards, inc!udin~ the Appalachian '.\'a'..o:u l Dra.,,,ing Compet,t10n tl:t; year.
The gallery 1s open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekda)s. and admi- •ion is free Rocha. who teaches pain- ting at the unirersit}. re- ceived his B .-\ from the l'ruversity of California San
SA.: DIEGO - ·The pam- tings of Jame, Roe 2 _ a coUectio represen ;ng nearly three years· wor , w!ll be on ex ib1 a Foun- ders Gallery, Cnirersit) of San Diego during the summer month.s
Pa inting Teacher ShowsWork
LA JOLLA LIGHT - _, -~~-
Two-day tennis workship schedule
and Tennis,"
philosophies methods have
s n-
. University of
been magazines, and in a na-
an iego assistant baslcetball coach Dick Satterlee has accepted the head coaching job at Eastern Oregon State College m LeGrande, O~e.... Martin Thompson, 18, beat Andrew Stubbs 4 and 3 m the 36-hole final of the British Ama~eur golf championship at the Royal Cinque Ports club m Deal, England. . . . Tommy Hudson put together back-to-back strikes in the 10th frame to defeat Bob Handley 247-238 for the $95 000 Seattle Open bowli'ng title I
A tennis workshop for teachers will be held at the University of San Diego on July 31 and August I from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The workshop is open to current teachers/in- two-day
structors of tennis as well as those interested in teaching. Registration of $65 includes two units of continuing education credit. For in- forma tion, call 293-4585.
tional column.
workshop provides methods of organizing tennis classes and demonstrates how motor-learning theories can be applied to tennis. The importance of mental imagery, auditory memory clues,
"progression" methodology, and the role of practice in learn- ing will be explained and illustrated. Workshop director Edward S. Collins, M.A. is men's tennis coach at the University of San Diego and has experience as a high school tennis coach, a club pro and director of tennis clinics and camps that have been attended by 18,000 students. Col- 1ins' teaching
L------~-~--~ ---~ The two-day
TORERO TAPPED - Richard Satter- lee a tstant basketball coach at the Umverslty of San Diego, has taken over a head coach at Eastern Oregon State College, the La Grande, Ore school an- nounced Satterlee ucceeds Lee Insko, who re- igned In March. The 50-year-old Satter- lee ha been coaching basketball for 23 years. He wa selected from 14 appll- nts.s___________
SENTINEL MAY 3 o 19=8'=-------- <%CJ THE UMVERSITY of San Diego men's basKa1 i team finished the 1982 campaign with a record of 29-24-1, while finishing 13-15 in the Southern California Baseball Association. Andre Jacas broke the Torero record for stolen bases with 35 (Kerry Dineen, 33, 1971). Andy Asaro's 17 doubles placed him second behind Bill Pinkham and Jamie McDonald (18) for most doubles in a season. Senior lefthander Glenn ,¥Odwin tied or. finished second _in ~eve~al categories, including games started (21, tie with Gary Myron of 1971). innings pitched (148, second behind Myron's 162 in 1971), and s_k!te outs (142, second behind Steve Davis' 148 in 1968). Godwin also was voted to the Southern California Baseball Association first Team by conference coaches. He finished the year at 14·4, with an ERA of 2.92. He averaged 8.6 strike outs per game while giving up only 69 walks. +++
T THE LSD basketball team faces the toughest schedule in its history this winter. The Toreros, who play in the West Coast Athletic Conference, will take on such teams as Air Force Academy, UC Irvine, San Diego State and umg Beach State. In addition, they \\-ill play in the Big Blue Classic at Utah State. USO opens its season Kov. 22 when the University of Alberta pays a call to Alcala Park. Air Force will follow Nov. 27. Conference play starts Jan. 20 against visiting St. Mary's College.
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