Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


d. Failing to participate in the life and ministry of the church family over a period of one year

e. Living in unrepentant sin, and refusing to the restoration offered in godly, biblical reconciliation and church discipline

6. Discipline of members. In strict keeping with the wise counsel outlined by Christ in Matthew 18.15-20, we shall encourage in all cases the following procedure when one member detects sin in the life of another member: a. When sin is observed, a private meeting should be arranged as soon as possible to lovingly confront the member, in a spirit of meekness and fear (Gal. 6.1-3). b. If the member refuses to listen, then one or two witnesses shall be taken along to attempt to restore the sinning member. Our commitment will be to keep the process of restoration in as limited a circle as possible, and to provide good counsel, Christian love, and godly support to the troubled member. Again, all parties concerned shall express a spirit of gentleness and a desire to bear the burdens of the troubled member (Gal 6.1-2). c. If the member refuses to listen to the two or three, a member of the Pastoral Leadership team should be informed concerning the sin. The Pastoral Team may then call a meeting and request in writing that the troubled member be present along with all parties involved. d. If the member fails to appear before the Pastoral Team or rejects their counsel, the Elder Council shall determine the actions to be taken, which may include bringing the member before the church and/or removal from membership (Matt. 18.17; 1 Cor. 5.11-13; 2 Thess. 3.6-14). e. The Pastoral Team shall determine whether or not the counsel has been properly heeded and whether the member is to be restored to fellowship or dismissed from membership.

f. A dismissed member may request reinstatement of membership upon repentance and reconciliation.

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