Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


Bylaw 3 – Leadership

1. Pastors and the Pastoral Team. It shall be the duty of the pastors to equip the members of Anyname Fellowship church so they may fulfill its stated purposes and goals as a community of worship, Christian fellowship, gospel witness, and good works. They shall be responsible to pray, proclaim God’s Word, steward the churches resources, and oversee the spiritual health, direction, and ministry of the church. The head of the Pastoral team (the senior pastor) shall be responsible to provide leadership to the team itself, staff, and to the members of the congregation so that the church’s purpose is being accomplished. a. Duties . Pastors are responsible for facilitating within the church the four areas of Christian community development: worship, body life, witness, and good works. Each member of the Pastoral team shall be given specific responsibility in an area of church ministry. They serve as ex-officio members with voting privileges of the Elders Council. The area of their job responsibility shall be reviewed at least annually by the Elders Council. b. Qualifications . All members of the Pastoral team are considered teaching elders according to the New Testament standards, and therefore must meet the character requirements of 1 Timothy 3.1-7, Titus 1.5-11, and 1 Peter 5.1-4. In addition, they must demonstrate one or more of the gifts of Ephesians 4.11-12. The senior pastors and associates must be licensed or ordained for the gospel ministry. c. Selection: Calling . A search committee shall be appointed by the Elders Council to interview and select candidates. The best available candidates as determined by the committee shall be presented to the Elders Council for consideration. Upon approval of the Elders Council, the candidates shall be given a variety of interaction opportunities with members of the Pastoral team and the congregation, in addition to participating in the various components of the church’s life together, including preaching at one or more of the worship services. The congregation shall then vote at a special business meeting on whether or not to extend a call. A two-thirds majority of members present and voting shall be required to call a person to join as a pastor on the Pastoral team.

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