Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


d. Selection: Ordination . Upon recommendation by the senior pastor, candidates for license and ordination to the gospel ministry shall be examined and approved by the Pastoral Team. Candidates must be members of AF, having demonstrated over time their commitment to Christ and to His church, evidencing Christian maturity and character, and a commitment to the gospel ministry. Candidates must submit written materials to the Pastoral Team covering subjects as to the candidate’s conversion experience and call to gospel ministry, defense of AF’s doctrinal statement, as well as their understanding of and commitment to the ministry of the gospel. On recommendation by the Pastoral Team, the congregation shall ratify the candidate’s call by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at its regular business meeting. indefinitely; the relationship may be terminated on sixty days written notice. If a written petition requesting a pastor’s resigna tion, signed by at least 30% of the membership, is submitted to a member of the Elder Council, then the Council must review the request and make a recommendation to the congregation at a special business meeting. At quorum must be present at this special meeting, and a simple voting majority shall dismiss a pastor. 2. The Elders Council. The Elders Council shall be responsible for maintaining the effective and efficient operation of the church, and providing aid, support, and resources to the members of the Pastoral team, and congregation. a. Duties . The Council shall meet regularly with the Pastoral team for prayer, support, and discussion of the church’s needs and progress, and to monitor the church’s progress towards its goals. The Elders Council shall set the salaries and benefits of all pastoral, ministry, and program staff, seeing especially that the Pastoral Team (the senior pastor and pastoral staff) are adequately provided for as they labor on behalf of the congregation (1 Cor. 9.7-12). The Elder Council shall draft and approve the church’s budget, oversee AF’s resources and monies, manage AF’s member ship roll, and have the authority to act on behalf of the church on all matters not specifically reserved for the members or pastors as stipulated in this constitution. The Council shall meet at least quarterly to perform its duties. e. Term . Members of the Pastoral team (senior pastor and other pastoral staff) shall serve three year terms which may be renewed

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