Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


B. Finances 1. What financial contribution will the partnering ministry make to this church planting partnership? 2. What reporting requirements does the partner have? C. Facilities: Are there property issues related to ministry facilities or team housing that need to be determined? D. Ministry effectiveness 1. How often will the church plant plan be evaluated and how will each partner participate in this evaluation? 2. Is there a requirement for written reports and how often are these to be submitted? 3. Would there be an option to extend the Partnership Agreement if needed? V. Rights of the Emerging Church (Please consider attaching a similar statement of indigenous church planting principles - please see sample Addendum B.)

VI. Sign and date the agreement with the signatures of World Impact leadership and the governing authorities of our church planting partner.

Addendum A: Common Values

• We are in agreement with the affirmations of faith of each ministry (attached). • We believe that ministering to the poor and oppressed is a mandate from God for all his people (Matt. 25.31-46). • We believe that all people are commanded to aggressively pursue the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt. 28.18-20). • We believe that it is God’s design for every Christian to be an active member of a healthy Bible-believing church (1 Cor. 12.14-20; Rom. 12.4-8; Eph. 4.16). • We believe that God’s Kingdom on this earth is manifested through the Church and that God is working through all of history to draw a people to himself from every tribe and nation for his pleasure and glory (Eph. 3.10; Matt. 25.18-20; Rev. 7.9-10).

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