it has been agreed on with the Company, that an entire lighting of 1420, says fourteenhundred and twenty, hours shall he the basis for the payment to he made by the city to the Company. It is therefore now settled, that for the lighting of the city of Copenhagen 8c Christianshaven during 1420 hours according to §. 8 with 800 Gas - lamps with large Bat-Wing Burners , each consuming 5 cubic - feet English of coal - Gas pr. hour and giving a light of at least three times the intensity of that now afforded by 2000 oil-lamps, consuming each a pot white seacalfs oil during 70 hours, or, if the promised lighting is not procured by the 800 Gas - lamps, then for the number, which according to '§. 8 may be deemed necessary, shall be paid to the Company pr. annum, each year calculated from the 1st day of August in the one un­ til the 1st of August in the next year, danish Rbdlrs. 12500 says twelve thou­ sand five hundred Rixbankdollars r. S., each Rbdlr. being worth 24 Sk. Hamburg Banco, as long time as the price of white sea - calfs oil does not exceed in this City 20 says twenty Rbdlrs. r. S., hut when the average price of this kind of oil in the months of September 8c October (which will be found out by adding together the several prices settled during these months in the official price-currents and dividing the amount so added up with the number of the sums added together) should exceed 20 Rbdlrs. r. S ., or 10 Rbdlrs. Hamb. Banco, then for each 1 Rbdlr. r. S. wherewith this middle- price exceeds 20 Rbdlrs. r. S,, for the year being calculated from the 1st of* August until the 1st of August next* year, there shall be furthermore added 400 , says four hundred, Rbdlrs. r. S. to the aforementioned payment to be made to the Company, in such manner, that when for instance the middle price of oil is 21 Rbdlrs. there shall be paid 12900 Rbdlrs.; when this mid­ dle price of oil amounts to 22 Rbdlrs. then to be paid 13300 Rbdlrs. and so , , , / , , , . on, until the middle price of oil has reached 30, says thirty, Rbdlrs. r. S. in which case the payment will be 16500 Rbdlrs. r. S. being the maximum of tbje sum, which the Company may claim, to what price soever the oil shall arise. Only an augmentation of half rixbankdollars will be taken into con­ sideration. . Should the concerned authorities on behalf of the City, after some time instead of such a varying payment, prefer the fixed annual sum of 14500, says fourteen thousand five hundred, Rbdlrs. r. S. proposed by the Company’s Agent, without regard to the prices of oil, the City shall be allowed to chuse Such mode of payment, on continuing the same for the whole time remain- iu§> and making up the, deficiency of the average price of 14500 Rbdlrs. for the preceding years. «:•

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