Alcalá View 1986 2.8

University of San Diego Archives

Prof's book guide to cheap eats around San Diego L ooking for a n in expe nsive place lo eal oul on your nexl lunc h break? Co nsid e r L ind a Visla Mex ica n Food , Ca r m e n's Linda Visla Mex ican Food , Pho Pasteur Restau rant or Real Guslo S eafood. Each resla uranl is located in n ea rby Lind a Visla , and each com es hig hly recom- m e nd e d by Dr. George Bryjak, assistant profes- sor of sociology. whose re- ce n Ll y publish e d pap e r- ba c k , " Th e S a n Di ego Budge l Gourm e t-Din ing Out for Under $5." is a g uid e to budgel r es - lauranls lhroughout San Diego. Mark calendar for July 30 M a rk l h e d ale of Wednesday, Jul y 30 on your cale n- da r. That's th e date of lh e sec- ond a nnua l Staff Appre-

George Bryjak

Dr. Bryj ak . somelimes accompa nied by Dr. Gary Macy, assoc ia le professor of religious slud ies , spent five months sam p li ng a rea restaura nts whil e research- ing lhe book. He inc luded re vi ews of 7 3 re sta ur- ants - rang ing from such li ttl e known ealeri es as Per- ry 's Cafe a nd Coo Coo Bol- li e n' Beef lo su c h b e tte r known spots as lhe Spice Rack and World Famous. T h e book is available in a rea bookstores. • p loyee of th e Yea r a re among th e ac tiviti es pla n- ned. "We' re a lso planning a few o t her surprises," ac- cording to Calista Frank, Human Re sourc e s coo r- dinator of employment a nd training. As th ey did last yea r, a dministrators will cook and s erve lunch. For more information, contac t Huma n Resources at ext. 4594 . •

"This is our once a year time when we pa use from our da il y sch ed ul es lo say thank you lo a ll of our em - p loyees who serve the Un i- versity," says Dr. Judith Munoz , direc tor of Huma n Resou rces. A d eej ay, doo r priz es, pres enta tion of sl a ff serv- ice ce rtifi cates a nd p ins, a nd a nnouncem ent of the Uni ve rs it y's 1986 Em-

ciation Picnic-an a fler- noon whe n the University 's employees will get togeth er for food and drink , music, prizes a nd othe r entertain- m e n t. All employees-staff. a d- m in is lr a lors a nd fac ul - ty- a re inv ite d to atte nd a nd pa rti c ipate in t h e ac - tivities. The picnic will be- gin a l noon at lhe grassy a rea east of Founders Ha ll.

Vol. 2, No. 8

USD Employees Newsletter

May 1986

New staff, promotions Welcome to the fo llowing new staff employees who recently jo ine d t h e USO community: Daniel Clark . sec r e- tary, Arts & Sc ie n ces : David Elliott. cle rk , Mai l Cente r : Susanne Fitzpa- trick sec r eta r y. Law School: Carol Harpster. senior secretary, Housing: Michael Hove , gardene r, Physi ca l P lant : Ginny Hunter . clerical assistant, Controll e r : Julieta Pas- tor, tec hni cal ass istant, Copley Libra ry: Margue- rite Peoples, m e di a as- sis tant , Me dia Ce nt e r: Suzanne Sniffen . cash- ie r , Co ntroll e r : Debbie Vankinsbergen. duplica- tor operator, Print Shop. Congratu lat ions lo th e following staff employees who recently rece ived pro- motions: Katharine Berry, from technical assistant I to li- brary assistant I, Copley Li - brary; Maria Rico from technical assistant II to li- brary assistant I , Copley Li- brary. • A l ca l a Vi ew is publi s h ed month ly Augu st th rough May by the Publica tions and Hu- m an Resources offices. The n ewsletter is distributed to all University of San Diego em- ployees. Editorial m a terial for possi- ble u se in A lcala View sh ould be submitted by the first of th e m onth of the desired publica- tion . Ma terial should be deliv- ered or sent to DeSales 274. Editor: John Sutherland Editorial Board: Belly Arnold Sara Finn Judith Munoz

Mime Jay Miller draws the attention of studen t Julie Barrett to a brochure exp la ining USD's new College Cab program for students.

Around • Alcala Park

clie nts hundre ds of thou- sands of dollars. The expe riment allows a judge to preside over cer- tain types of hearings and other court proceedings by telephone. The equipment features four outside phone lines, enabling a judge to preside over a h earing with up to four attorneys. According to law profes- so r Robert Simmons , who conceived t he project, te leco nfe r e n c ing e limi - nates the need for personal appearances by attorneys a nd their clients, t he reby saving large amounts of money. ****** Th e Student Affairs Office and the Associ- ates Student Body re - cently introduced "Coll ege Cab" - a free ride program for students in unsa fe s itu - ations. The program is believed to be the on ly one of its kind in the United States. It provides st ude nts with a free tax i cab ride any day or tim e if th e ir ca r brea ks

down, they are in a n un- comfortable date s ituation or they have ha d too much to drink. USO con tracted with Or- ange Cab Co. of San Diego to provide the rides at a n estimated cost of $1 ,000 to t h e University for the semester-long experiment. ****** Th e English depart- ment h as inaugurated a tutoring program for ele- me ntary school students in southeast San Diego. Thirty-thr ee USD st u - dents are teaching English, reading a nd ma th to child - r e n at fiv e e le m e nt ary schools, a ccording lo Sr. Betsy Walsh, professor of Englis h a nd program s u - pe rvisor. Becaus e of t h e program's s uccess. s he ex- pects to continue the pro- gram n ext fa ll. " To ex te nd t h e pos- s ibili ty of the educationa l process lo the poor a nd lhe ma rg ina li zed m embe rs of soc ie ty is the pri vilege a nd th e responsib il ity of th e Cat holi c unive rs ity:· Sr. Wa ls h says. •

Th e College of Arts and Sciences recen tly re- ce ive d a $50 .000 grant from th e Atla ntic Richfield Foundation to pu rc hase three pieces of equipment. The liquid scin till ation counte r, UV/visibl e spec- trophotome ter and Sorvall ul trace n trifug e rotor will enable facul ty to more ade- quately introduce students to mode rn research tech- niques. The de partments of biology, chemistry, physics, environmental studies, marine studies and th e n ew electrical engineering program will b e n e fit from the e quip- ment. ****** The School of Law is working with S a n Di ego Supe rior Court on an ex - pe rime nta l tel econfe renc- ing project desig ned to save the courts. atto rneys a nd

Who'll be employee of year? I l won't be long before Renate Valois' name h as some company on the plaque ha ng ing outside the Human Resources of- fice in DeSales Hall. The plaque hone rs USD's employee of the year. Va- lois, a secretary for the Co l- lege of Arts a nd Sciences, was lhe first rec ipi ent of the award a l last July's em- ployee picnic. Now a screening commit- tee is reviewing lh e list of nominees for th e 1986 award. The winner and three runn e rs- up wil l be a nnoun ced at the Staff Appreciation Picnic on Jul y 30. (S ee se parate story for picnic details.) Passages Birth A da ughter, Alexis Ann , to Jonathan (Mail Center) a nd G i na Olsen (Print Shop) on January 11 . 1986. Deaths Longtime Health Center nurse Patty Neugebauer, who had been ill and un- able to work for a lengthy period . on December 24. John McCabe , a pro- fessor in the School of Busi- ness Administration since 1965, on February 14. Mrs. Alta Jones, mothe r of Edith Wolcott, secre- tary in lhe College of Arts and Sciences. in Februa ry. Ma nue l Loza. fath er of Silvia Killingsworth , secretary in the School of Law. on Ma rch 20. •

Construction of the -$10 million University Center is nearly 50 pe rcent comple ted. The center is scheduled to open in the fall.

vide companionship or guidance? The Big Brothers pro - gram . es tablished in San Diego in 1961, pairs little broth e rs, boys aged 7-13 without a male parent in the home, with male adu lts in a one-to-one relationship to provid e a role mod e l whi le sharing activities. There is a companion pro- gram which matches girls aged 7-1 3 with an adult woman call ed The Littl e Sisters program. The two programs pro- vide a du lt compan ionship to 263 San Diego children . There a re 200 chi ldren on a waiting list hoping to be simi larly pa ired. Th e Big Broth e rs organization conducts an extensive screening proc- ess before matching an adult and c hild . Considera- tion is given to geo- graphica l location of the two, common int e r es ts . prefe rred activities, person- ality and the chi ld's family situation. Human Reso urc es h as brochures with furth er de- tails of the two programs. Stop by DeSales Hall 100 to pick one up. •

"These awards are a way to publicly recognize the d edication and effective- n ess of the m e n a nd women who have respon- sibilities for USD's day-to- day operations," according to Dr. Judith Munoz . di- rec tor of Human Re- sources. The 1986 Employee of the Year will receive a gift and a personal plaque in a ddition to having his or her name added to the per- manent plaque in DeSales. Th e top e mployee and runners-up will be invited to a lunch eon with USO President Author E . Hugh es later in th e year. Selection of the honorees will be based on job com- petence. dedication to the job, departme nt and Uni- versity: initiative and wil- 1 ingn ess to ass um e r es - ponsibility: relations with others: and exemplifi ca- tion of the values of th e University. The screening commit- tee reviewing nomina tions submilled from admini- strators across campus in- c lud e s Dr. Iris Eng- strand . professor of history : Sheldon Krantz .

dean , School of Law : Fr. Michael McKay , director, Campus Ministry: Joan Murry . director. Alumni Re lations : John Trifi- letti , res id e n ce director : Dr. Pat Watson. dean, Ac- ademic Servi ces: John Ze- terberg. director. Physical Plant: and Munoz. The committee will sub- mit the names of four final- ists to a committee com- posed of Dr. Hughes, a USO trustee and a membe r of the Alumni Association. • Can you serve as a big brother? By Lou Hassan D o you spend a few hours eac h wee k p laying ball, visit- ing local a ttractions or just ta lking? Cou ld yo u share some of those hours a nd activities with a youngster ,vho has no pare nt lo pro-

Coming Up

MAY Through May 23

All m edia exh ibition fea- turing works of USO grad- uating a rt majors. Noon-5 p.m .. Founders Gall ery. Free. 260-4600 . ex t. 4261 . 1 "An Omnibus Commen - tary on Contemporary Lit- erature: Prophets Among Us." An informal look at contemporary n ove lis ts such as Ali ce Wa lke r. Grace Paley a nd Louise Edrich. Dr. Mary Quinn. assistant professor of Eng- 1ish. 4 p.m. , Ma nch es ter Confe re n ce Ce nte r. $4. 260-4685. 2-4 Spring dance concert by USO s tud e nts. 8 p.m .. May 2 a nd 3: 2 p.m .. May 4. Admission c h a rge. 260-4600. ext. 4272. 6 J oint recital by pia nist Fr. Nicola s Reveles a nd tenor William Eich orn. Works by Scarla tti . Mar x and Finzi wi ll be performed. 7 :30 p.m .. Camino The- a te r. Admission charge. 260-4600. ext. 4427. 7 Wom e n 's s oftba ll vs. US IU . 2 p.m .. softbal l fi eld. 9 Me n 's base b a ll vs. St. Mary 's College. 2:30 p.m .. baseball field . 10 Me n 's base ball vs. St. Mary's Co ll ege . Noo n . baseball fi eld. Graduating sen ior ban- qu et. sponsore d by Student Alumni Associa- ti o n . 5 p.m .-midnight. Atlantis Restaurant. $20. 260-48 19.

The USO m en's and women's crews ha d good reason to be happy April 5 . Each won the race for the Cal Cup in their respec tive division during the annua l Crew Classic on Mission Bay.

24 Law S ch ool comme nce- - ment. 10:30 a.m .. campus stadium. Bacca la urea te Ma ss. 4 p.m.. campus stadium. Undergraduate gradua -

Lion party. Parents. guests invited. 8:30 p.m .. m a in patio. Founde rs/Cam ino Ha lls. 25 Grad u ate student com- m encem ent. 10:30 a.m .. campus stad ium .

Undergraduate commence- ment. 2:30 p.m .. campus stadium.

26 Memorial Day.


University '-{ 0an Oie8o

Publications Office DeSales Ha ll Room 274

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