Butler Elem Faculty Handbook 19-20 V2

CELL PHONES/Personal Calls, Skype or FaceTime Students who carry cell phones must store them turned off in their backpacks. Students who are caught using a cell phone during the school day, including recesses and lunch, will have them confiscated and parents will be required to pick the phone up from the office. Students bringing phones to school do so at their own risk. The school assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged phones. * Teachers should avoid the use of cell phones during instructional time. * Using school phones to conduct personal business should be limited during contract hours. It is not appropriate to make personal phone calls, Skype, FaceTime calls, etc. during planning time. These calls can be made during on your lunch break, recess or off contract time. CHECK-OUT A student may not leave the school grounds during regular school hours for any reason unless he or she has been checked out through the office. Parents need to come to the office and sign out their children. The office will call students to the office. Parents should not interrupt instructional time. A person must be listed on the student’s registration card to be able to check out the student. CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES All chemical compounds/substances used at school must have school approval through Jim. Do not bring personal cleaning products for classroom use. Check with the Jim when cleaning is needed for the appropriate/safe product to use at school. They will be provided for you. Please speak with Uriah if you have questions. CHILD ABUSE REPORTING Any staff member who knows, or reasonably suspects that a child’s health or welfare has been or appears to have been harmed as a result of abuse or neglect, is required by law to report it to the State Division of Family Services and to the principal within 24 hours. DCFS can be reached at the following number: Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline at (855) 323-3237 . CLASS PARTIES AND TREATS Class parties are to be limited to Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. Please try to coordinate with your grade level on parties. These parties should not last longer than one hour. Use these parties as an opportunity to teach manners, courtesy, responsibility, etc. Surprise parties given by students to their teachers must be cleared with the principal. According to the Department of Health regulations and District Policy, treats must be commercially produced. Food or treats, in conjunction with your classroom activities, must not interfere with the regular school lunch program. Gum chewing is not allowed at school (unless used as incentive by the teacher and carefully monitored).

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