Butler Elem Faculty Handbook 19-20 V2

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Faculty Handbook 2019-2020


Please email any questions or suggestions to the principal

Butler Elementary School Faculty Handbook Table of Contents

ACCIDENTS OR ILLNESS-STUDENTS AND TEACHERS .......................................... 3 ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES........................................................................................... 4 ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................... 4 BENEFITS ....................................................................................................................... 5 BIKES/WHEELS.............................................................................................................. 5 BOOKS-TEXTS-ETC ...................................................................................................... 5 BUILDING HOURS......................................................................................................... 5 BULLETIN BOARDS & DISPLAYING STUDENT WORK........................................... 5 CALENDAR (SHARED “BUTLER EVENTS” OUTLOOK CALENDAR) ..................... 5 CELL PHONES/PERSONAL CALLS OR SKYPE .......................................................... 6 CHECK-OUT à STUDENTS.......................................................................................... 6 CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES............................................................................................ 6 CHILD ABUSE REPORTING ......................................................................................... 6 CLASS PARTIES AND TREATS .................................................................................... 6 CLEANLINESS ............................................................................................................... 7 COLLEGIALITY ............................................................................................................. 7 COMMITTEES ................................................................................................................ 7 COMPUTERS: LABS & TEACHER COMPUTERS........................................................ 8 CONFERENCING WITH PARENTS/GRADES .............................................................. 8 CONTRACT HOURS....................................................................................................... 8 CONFIDENTIALITY....................................................................................................... 9 COPYRIGHT LAWS ....................................................................................................... 9 CORE CURRICULUM .................................................................................................... 9 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT ........................................................................................... 9 CUMULATIVE HISTORY FOLDERS ............................................................................ 10 DETAINING STUDENTS................................................................................................ 10 DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................................... 10 DISMISSING STUDENTS............................................................................................... 11 DISTRICT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES................................................................... 11 DRESS CODE.................................................................................................................. 11 DOCTOR/DENTIST APPOINTMENTS .......................................................................... 12 DUTY SCHEDULE.......................................................................................................... 12 EARLY ENTRANCE ....................................................................................................... 12 EMAIL ............................................................................................................................. 12 FACULTY MEETINGS ................................................................................................... 13 FACULTY ROOM/TEACHER WORKROOMS .............................................................. 13 FIELD TRIPS ................................................................................................................... 13 GUEST SPEAKERS......................................................................................................... 13 HALL PASSES ................................................................................................................ 13 IN-DAYS: COLD OR INCLEMENT WEATHER............................................................ 14 KEYS/BADGES............................................................................................................... 14

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Butler Elementary School Faculty Handbook Table of Contents – Continued

LIABILITY ...................................................................................................................... 15 LUNCHROOM PROCEDURES....................................................................................... 16 MACHINES (COPY MACHINES, ETC.) ........................................................................ 16 MONEY PROCEDURES ................................................................................................. 16 MOVIES / VIDEOS ......................................................................................................... 16 NEW STUDENTS............................................................................................................ 17 NOTES HOME................................................................................................................. 17 OFFICE ............................................................................................................................ 17 PARENT COMMUNICATION........................................................................................ 17 PTA: PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION .................................................................. 17 PERSONAL BELONGINGS ............................................................................................ 18 PERSONAL LEAVE........................................................................................................ 18 PROFESSIONALISM & ETHICS.................................................................................... 18 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR EVALUATION (CTESS) .............................................. 18 RECESS SUPERVISION ................................................................................................. 18 REIMBURSMENT........................................................................................................... 18 REPORT CARDS/GRADEBOOK.................................................................................... 19 SAFETY AT SCHOOL .................................................................................................... 19 SAFE SCHOOL POLICY................................................................................................. 19 SCHOOL LUNCH: ALTERNATE OR FIELDTRIPS ...................................................... 19 SCHOOL TELEPHONE................................................................................................... 19 SEXUAL HARASSMENT ............................................................................................... 20 SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRALS............................................................................ 20 STUDENT BELONGINGS .............................................................................................. 20 SUPERVISION ................................................................................................................ 20 SUPPLIES ........................................................................................................................ 20 SUSPENSION.................................................................................................................. 20 TARDINESS (STUDENTS & TEACHERS) .................................................................... 21 TEACHER OBSERVATIONS ......................................................................................... 21 TEACHER LEAVING CLASSROOM ............................................................................. 21 TEACHER PLANNING TIME/LESSON PLANS............................................................ 21 TELEPHONE USE........................................................................................................... 21 TESTING ......................................................................................................................... 22 TRANSFERING STUDENTS .......................................................................................... 22 VISITORS ........................................................................................................................ 22 VOLUNTEERS ................................................................................................................ 22 APPENDIX 1 – EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.............................................................. 23 APPENDIX 1 – EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.............................................................. 24 APPENDIX 1 – EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.............................................................. 25 APPENDIX 2 – BULLYIING & SEXUAL HARASSMENT............................................ 26

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ACCIDENTS OR ILLNESS INVOLVING STUDENTS OR TEACHERS AT SCHOOL In the event that a student becomes ill or is involved in an accident while at school, the office will notify a parent/guardian so arrangements can be made to care for the student. When an accident occurs, assess the situation, notify the office, and move the student only if the student is able to move on their own. An accident report should be filled out for any accident which requires first aid, medical treatment, or removes a student from school or school activity. Parents should be contacted by the classroom teacher to make any decisions concerning injuries. Any student suffering hard bumps to the head or moderate injuries of any kind are to be reported to the office immediately. An accident report must be filled out on all injuries of this type and parents must always be notified. Keep the student as comfortable as possible while awaiting parents or medical personnel. At school, we administer first aid only that is basically limited to emergency care, ice, and bandages. Slivers and foreign objects are not to be removed by a staff person. Under no conditions should students be sent home without being checked out through the office. Only those persons listed on a student’s registration card are able to check out a student. Do not administer medication to students. The only medication that would be given to a student will be done at the office and only with the proper written documentation from a physician and parent/guardian. This includes over the counter medications. Do not touch any bodily fluids from another human being . Children can hold their own bloody noses. Gloves will be provided for all classrooms. Send students to the office for necessary first aid.

• We will notify the parent of any injury to the head no matter how big or small!

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Any injury to a staff member that occurs during contract time must be reported to the office within 24 hours of the injury . All Worker Comp Injuries must be reported to Kevin Ray at 801-826-5143 . Employees must obtain initial treatment from approved providers.

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ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES • Teachers are to escort their classes to the multipurpose room promptly when called. • Classes should enter and exit in a quiet, orderly manner. • Seat your class in the multipurpose room following the assigned grade level seating. • Teachers are expected to keep control of their class during the assembly. • Teachers need to stay with their classes and model good assembly etiquette. • Students should: § Listen and follow directions the first time they are given. § Be courteous by listening and clapping when appropriate. Booing, hooting, whistling, and other rude behavior is not acceptable. § Keep hands, feet, and other objects to self. • At the end of the assembly, students will be told to remain seated and exit under the direction of their teacher. The principal will not dismiss individual classes. • When directed, teachers will take control of their classes, keeping them seated quietly until it is their turn to leave in an orderly manner, simultaneously from back to front and front to rear. Weather permitting, Kindergarten classes may exit out the east doors. ATTENDANCE Students: Each teacher is responsible for keeping accurate daily records of attendance, tardiness, and enrollment. It is imperative that the attendance records are accurate. It is the responsibility of the teacher to mark attendance on the computer daily. Do not give the assignment to a student. The attendance record is a legal document that is audited and may be subpoenaed in court. Each teacher is accountable for the information recorded in the attendance program. Attendance entries for all absent students and lunch count are to be completed no later than 8:50 am (afternoon kindergarten by 12:20 pm). Students arriving after 8:25 must go to the office and get an admittance-slip from the secretary. Office personnel will change the absence to a tardy. Please do not allow a student that has been marked absent to enter class without a slip. Teachers: 1. Call and/or email the school to let us know you will be out sick. 2. Arrange for a substitute using Skyward/AESOP 3. Notify the office by 2:00 the day of the absence as to whether or not you will be returning the next school day. 4. Teachers are expected to always leave complete lesson plans. 5. Each teacher needs to prepare a folder for a substitute teacher. The folder is to contain items that will assist the substitute teacher in carrying out instruction in your class. The folder should be easily located. Teachers are encouraged to develop a substitute packet containing work for students. 6. Notify the office of subs we should avoid or invite back. We keep names of substitutes who have worked out well for other teachers. They can be requested when you call for a substitute. We also inform the substitute office of bad subs.

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BENEFITS Teacher benefits are outlined in the Professional Agreement.

BIKES/ WHEELS Students should walk or carry their bikes/skateboards/scooters when on school grounds. Bikes should be parked and locked in the bike rack. During the school day, students are to stay away from the bike rack. Teachers are asked to please help enforce this policy. The school is not responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles. BOOKS-TEXTS-ETC. Teachers shall account for all materials such as textbooks, manipulative materials, calculators, etcetera checked out or used by students. If a student loses or damages an item, the student shall pay for it. Teachers are held accountable for school materials. BUILDING HOURS Students - School hours for students are here from 8:25 to 3:00 Monday through Thursday and 8:50 to 1:20 on Friday. Students are allowed in the building no earlier than 8:10 a.m. during inclement weather. Teachers - The building is typically open from 7:30-5:30. There are exceptions from time to time. I am open to helping you out from time to time by keeping the building open later or even opening it on a weekend if you really need it. Come see me if you are getting stressed out or feeling the need for some extra preparation time. BULLETIN BOARDS & DISPLAYING STUDENT WORK Bulletin boards are an extension of teaching. They should be new and inviting, neat, attractive, and supportive of content being taught. Student work should be posted in various curricular areas. CALENDAR (SHARED “BUTLER EVENTS” OUTLOOK CALENDAR) We will also be keeping a shared, digital, master calendar on Outlook (your email program). All faculty and staff will be responsible for regularly consulting the school calendar. New district requirements state that teachers must use email and meet other minimum standards of technology use. You are responsible to arrange training with our Ed. Tech. Please inform Teresa by email if you have items that need to be added to the master calendar. Please consult the master calendar in your planning cycle. Please inform the office at least two weeks in advance when you have an event (field trip, presentation, or other) that will impact others in the building. Once you have received training, you will be responsible for knowing the information & attending events outlined in the master calendar.

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CELL PHONES/Personal Calls, Skype or FaceTime Students who carry cell phones must store them turned off in their backpacks. Students who are caught using a cell phone during the school day, including recesses and lunch, will have them confiscated and parents will be required to pick the phone up from the office. Students bringing phones to school do so at their own risk. The school assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged phones. * Teachers should avoid the use of cell phones during instructional time. * Using school phones to conduct personal business should be limited during contract hours. It is not appropriate to make personal phone calls, Skype, FaceTime calls, etc. during planning time. These calls can be made during on your lunch break, recess or off contract time. CHECK-OUT A student may not leave the school grounds during regular school hours for any reason unless he or she has been checked out through the office. Parents need to come to the office and sign out their children. The office will call students to the office. Parents should not interrupt instructional time. A person must be listed on the student’s registration card to be able to check out the student. CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES All chemical compounds/substances used at school must have school approval through Jim. Do not bring personal cleaning products for classroom use. Check with the Jim when cleaning is needed for the appropriate/safe product to use at school. They will be provided for you. Please speak with Uriah if you have questions. CHILD ABUSE REPORTING Any staff member who knows, or reasonably suspects that a child’s health or welfare has been or appears to have been harmed as a result of abuse or neglect, is required by law to report it to the State Division of Family Services and to the principal within 24 hours. DCFS can be reached at the following number: Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline at (855) 323-3237 . CLASS PARTIES AND TREATS Class parties are to be limited to Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. Please try to coordinate with your grade level on parties. These parties should not last longer than one hour. Use these parties as an opportunity to teach manners, courtesy, responsibility, etc. Surprise parties given by students to their teachers must be cleared with the principal. According to the Department of Health regulations and District Policy, treats must be commercially produced. Food or treats, in conjunction with your classroom activities, must not interfere with the regular school lunch program. Gum chewing is not allowed at school (unless used as incentive by the teacher and carefully monitored).

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CLEANLINESS Every teacher is expected to maintain a physical classroom environment that is conducive to teaching and learning including attractive display boards, clutter free workspace and desks, and organized closets and shelves. Assigning students to different chores can facilitate maintenance. This includes workrooms and store rooms. These should be divided equitably under a team agreement and kept clean and organized. To facilitate after-school clean up, teachers should instruct students to put chairs on desks or tables and pick up items from the floor that cannot be easily vacuumed (such as crayons, crumpled papers or paper scraps, and paper clips). When using paint, glue, or other messy substances, please place newspapers under the project and avoid messes on the carpet. All spills that occur must be reported immediately to the custodian or the office. At the day’s end, please turn off lights, computers and lock the door. All of us must share the responsibility of keeping the faculty room, workrooms and PE closet maintained and clean. The custodial staff will clean the floors daily. The rest is up to us! Wipe and clean up after yourself. Throw away your trash. Follow the schedule for cleanup assignments. COLLEGIALITY Collegiality is defined as “cooperative interaction among colleagues.” It is imperative that faculty and staff members treat one another with the highest degree of respect in the spirit of collegiality. This is a rewarding yet difficult job. The stakes are high. We need to be the best we can be and treat one another in an exemplary manner supporting each other through thick and thin. Our students and our community are watching us. COMMITTEES It is the expectation that every teacher will serve on school committees almost every year. Assignments will be planned in order to balance the workload.

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• Students should never be on a computer without adult supervision. • Supervise internet sites visited by students. • There is to be no food or drink around computers. • Anything written on district computers is subject to district scrutiny. • Almost every classroom is equipped with a mobile lab. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure the following: 1. Turn off all computer components nightly and set them to charge. 2. Keep components clean. 3. Report malfunctions in writing immediately to the designated technology specialist. Specifically state the problem. CONFERENCING WITH PARENTS/GRADES Open and frequent communications with a parent/guardian on student progress is essential for effective education. A minimum of two SEP conferences will be held each year for each student. Students are to receive the grades earned. Grades should reflect student content mastery. Preparation, responsibility, turning in assignments on time, extra credit and other information not contained in the core standard and objective should be disaggregated and reported separately . When a student will be receiving a low grade, please make sure to notify the parent/guardian in advance. Progress reports or midterms should be sent home with each student in grades 4 & 5 and be signed by a parent, then returned to school for your files. CONTRACT HOURS Elementary teachers are contracted to work an eight-hour day. Contract hours are 7:55 am to 3:55 pm. Teachers must be present at least 30 minutes before and after school. The building hours during the school year are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. On occasion, this schedule may vary due to activities and/or commitments of the custodial staff. Staff members will be notified regarding early closure whenever possible. Please be out of the building by 5:30 pm so the custodial staff does not have to wait. Ø If you are in a bind, ask Jeff if it is possible to stay later. Arrangements can be made to come in odd the odd Saturday if absolutely necessary.

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CONFIDENTIALITY Please be conscientious with information concerning students, parents, and school business. Be sure that discussions about school concerns are done at an appropriate time and place. When talking with friends or neighbors outside of school or to colleagues within the school, keep comments positive. Selling our school is everybody’s responsibility. The best way to guarantee your job is to advertise our success. Volunteering parents should read and sign a confidentiality agreement if they are looking at student work or working with students for practice or remediation. These documents are available in the office. They emphasize that parents are not to discuss student performance or behavior with anyone other than the student’s teacher. COPYRIGHT LAWS Many DVD rental businesses require a written contract before they will rent to anyone. Some contracts specifically state that the DVDs rented will not be used where public performance rights are necessary, or for any use, other than home viewing. Please note that this is not a violation of copyright law but using them in schools violates the license agreement and is a violation of contract law. Remember, DVD providers do not hold privileges of offering public performance or any other rights to schools. Purchased DVDs can be used for face-to-face instruction. Face-to-face teaching means an introduction, possibly stopping the DVD at selected points for answering questions and conducting a short discussion and concluding or completing a follow-up assignment after viewing. All DVDs should link to the core being taught. Most books and resources include proper copyright rules either granting or denying copy use. Follow these rules carefully. CORE CURRICULUM Teachers are required to teach the state and district core curriculum. Each teacher should be able to access the core curriculum for all required subjects. You can find the Common Core State Standards and the District Curriculum Maps on the district’s website . There is a great demand on academic learning time and we must be careful to use the students’ school time wisely. Core concepts require careful planning, leaving little time for other activities. Consult the master schedule for instructional time requirements. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT Corporal punishment is not approved by the Canyons School District as a means of discipline. Any slapping, hitting, shaking, grabbing, forcefully guiding or other touching of students for disciplinary purposes is called corporal punishment. If a student upsets you to the point feel compelled to touch the student, it is expected that you get help from another adult and handle the situation in a calm manner. If a student needs to be physically removed, call for Mr. Nalwalker. Physical restraint is not to be used except to protect the child, other students and/or teachers, and this is to be done only by trained staff and no longer than necessary.

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• All cumulative folders are to be kept in the office. Teachers may check them out for a specific period of time. Cumulative folders are not to be taken out of the building . • The office staff will request cumulative records for students transferring into our school. • Teachers must complete cumulative folders for students transferring out of our school. • Teachers are responsible for the placement of student testing results and other paperwork in the individual student’s cumulative folder. Cluttering the folders should be avoided. DETAINING STUDENTS Students cannot be kept for more than five minutes after school without prior notification/authorization of a parent/guardian. Please notify the office anytime you detain a student after school. DISCIPLINE The Butler Elementary Discipline Program is a positive approach to student self- responsibility based on the premise that teachers have a right to teach and students have a right to learn. No one has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process, nor violate the best interest of an individual in the school community. This plan establishes a consistent systematic approach to deal with both appropriate and inappropriate student behavior. Students are explicitly taught what is expected of them in the classroom, on the school grounds, on the bus, and in the common areas of the building. Students also know the consequences for inappropriate behavior and the rewards for appropriate behavior. This consistent, systematic approach enables students to be secure in the understanding the conduct expected of them from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Each teacher is responsible to have a classroom discipline plan in place , including a positive group contingency . The majority of behavior concerns (approximately 85%) should be dealt with in the classroom. There are times when concerns go straight to Mr. Nalwalker. Students may not be sent to the office without an accompanying Office Discipline Referral (ODR) Corrective action with students should be non-threatening, non-punitive, and should encourage students to develop empathy for others and an awareness of standards for socially appropriate, responsible behavior. Always encourage growth in life skills. Do not threaten consequences that are outside your control (suspensions, loss of privileges at home, etcetera).

Communicate with parents by phone or email any concerns when they first come up.

It is the teacher’s responsibility to close the loop with parents. Don’t assume that parents have received the message. Please, verify that parents have read your communication.

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DISMISSING STUDENTS Students are not to be dismissed prior to 3:00 pm on regular school days and 1:20 pm on Fridays. Morning Kindergarten is to be dismissed at 11:05 AM and 10:25 AM on short days. Afternoon Kindergarten will dismiss at 3:00 PM / 1:20 on short days. It is not necessary or appropriate to line students up early in the hall or in the classroom. Do your best to coordinate the end of a short 5 to10-minute cleanup time with the end of the school day. Students should be walking out of the classroom door as the final bell rings. Any student who leaves school during the day must be released through the office only. If a parent comes to the classroom during the day to check out a student, send them to the office. Do not release the student – even if you know the parent. It is for their child’s safety! Please do not send students to the office to wait to be picked up. The office will call when the parent arrives. DISTRICT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Teachers are responsible for knowing critical district policy that relates to their job and apply them in their professional practices. District policies can be found on the web at https://policy.canyonsdistrict.org/ DRESS CODE All clothing worn to school should be in keeping with the learning environment of school. Clothing should be neat and clean. Any clothing that prohibits a student from going outside at recess is not allowed (i.e. shorts on a snowy day). Inappropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to: tank tops, halters, bare midriffs, inappropriate messages, and sagging pants. Under garments, including boxers, bras or bra straps should not be visible. Hats are not to be worn inside but may be worn outside to protect from the sun or inclement weather. Teachers are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the dress code. This means that teachers must discreetly inform a student when they are not following the dress code. On the first offense, warn the student, instruct them not to wear the inappropriate clothing to school again. Contact parents and advise them that if it happens again, they will have to bring a change of clothes for their student. On the second offense, send student to the office to call home. On any subsequent dress code violations, fill out a discipline form and send the student to the office. Teachers should dress professionally and should abide by the student dress code (see district policy). Sweats and t-shirt attire should only be worn on special occasions such as field day, etc.

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DOCTOR/DENTIST APPOINTMENTS If at all possible, Dr./Dentist appointments should be scheduled before/after contract hours. When absolutely necessary, appointment may be scheduled after school between 3:00 and 4:00. If appointments must be scheduled during faculty meetings or other meetings. teachers may need to apply for sick leave or personal leave. Please speak with the principal to discuss any special situations. From time to time, I am willing to cover classes to allow you to make appointments scheduled in the last hour of the school day if there are no other options. Please make arrangements with me before making arrangements for teammates to cover your class. DUTY SCHEDULE The following duties and activities will be assigned on a school-wide basis outside supervision, faculty room cleanup and outside cleanup with class on designated days/weeks. This schedule has been shared with you on Google Docs. EARLY ENTRANCE We will allow children coming to school into the building no more than 15 minutes before school begins during inclement weather. A teacher from each grade-level will be required to supervise the students in the vestibules. We will continue to encourage students to plan on leaving home at an appropriate time so as to arrive at school close to the first bell. When students come to school early on inclement weather days, they are to quietly enter the stairwell through their grade-level door. Early entrance rules: 1) Remain seated in the vestibule outside each grade-level hall

2) Talk quietly or read 3) Once in, you stay in 5) Quietly make your way to class when told

EMAIL Most communication will be done by the office using email. Teachers are required to check their email at least twice daily. New district requirements state that teachers must use email and meet other minimum standards of technology use. Teachers are expected to respond to parent inquires including email, phone messages, etc. within 48 hours. You would expect the same of your child’s teacher or your physician. If you are untrained or experiencing technical difficulties inform the office and/or submit a “ticket” through the district I.T. website to REQUEST HELP . You may also contact our Ed-Tech or the Help Desk (826-5544) for assistance

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FACULTY MEETINGS Faculty meetings will be limited to no more than twice per month. Attendance is required. A schedule is posted on the shared calendar and will be published as a courtesy each week in the Cat Scat newsletter. Please remember, except in emergencies appointments for medical or personal reasons should not be scheduled during faculty meetings. FACULTY ROOM/TEACHER WORKROOMS Use of the faculty room and faculty workroom is reserved for the staff and adult volunteers. Students are not allowed in the workrooms or faculty room for safety and supervisory reasons. Keep these rooms neat and free of clutter. Clean up after yourself. Large copy jobs should be performed after school or if you choose, before contract hours in the morning. FIELD TRIPS Field trips are used to enhance the core curriculum. Careful planning, preparation and supervision are paramount. Parent permission must be obtained for a class to leave the school at any time. In the case of a forgotten note, as long as the teacher or the office has spoken with the parent, the child may go along on the field trip (Email written confirmation to parent for documentation). If a child cannot attend the field trip, prior arrangements must be made for the child to remain at school. Work must be left for the remaining student. Proper field trip forms (available in the office) must be completed well in advance including sack lunch orders and bus orders. Field trips need the approval of the principal. Adult volunteers may not bring along other siblings of any age. All adult volunteers must have an approved background check by the district . Obtaining a background check and approval must be done at least three weeks ahead of the scheduled field trip. Please keep your parents informed of this from the beginning of the year and provide them plenty of time to prepare to chaperone a field trip. GUEST SPEAKERS/VISITORS All guest speakers must be pre-approved by the principal prior to speaking in classrooms. All speakers and visitors must obtain a visitor’s pass from the office to be anywhere on school grounds. If you see someone without a pass, please ask him/her to obtain one from the office for student safety, or please alert the office. HALL PASSES Students must have a hall pass at all times when out of the classroom without a teacher’s supervision. Please have a pass for students who are out of class using the restroom. Remember to fill out an office pass when sending students to the office.

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• All students, as well as assigned duty personnel are expected to dress for the weather. If a student is dressed inappropriately, send them in for a coat. Do not make them stay outside! • All students are to go outside at recess time, unless the teacher stays in to supervise. • The assigned recess duty aide will notify the office of inclement weather conditions. The office will decide if it will be an in day based on district guidance and make an announcement over the intercom. • When an “in-day” is called, the playground aides will cover duty by grade level during lunch recess. • Teachers are responsible for students before school and during other recess periods on in-days. One teacher from each grade should supervise students in the vestibule at the top and bottom of the grade-level stairs before school. • Notes from parents for students to stay inside should be honored; however, these requests should only be for short periods of recuperation. These students are to stay in the sick room or quietly read a book or do make-up work in the classroom. KEYS Teachers are responsible for the keys issued to them. No keys should be duplicated. The principal, secretary, and custodian have master keys and are available to open rooms when needed. The security of our building is everyone’s responsibility. Do not allow another to borrow your keys, including students. Be sure your rooms are locked when you leave for the day. Credentials (badges) are a key to our building. Always wear your credential during working hours and know where it is at all times. Notify the office immediately if your credential is missing.

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LIBABILITY Few things cause more agony for a teacher than pending legal action. This agony can be avoided through “Legal Risk Management” practices. You are the professional. If you behave in a “reasonable and prudent” manner, and if your actions are not “arbitrary and capricious”, and if you act to protect the rights of students, parents, and peers, you will not likely have to face the unpleasant experience of meeting a student’s parent in court. The following guidelines might be helpful: 1) Reasonable and Prudent – behavior that a reasonable person, acting in a prudent manner, would likely pursue: Reasonable : see that students for whom you are responsible are adequately supervised at all times. Inspect equipment/ play area/ classroom periodically for hazards. Approach strangers on the premises and ask what they need, or ask for identification. Interrupt and stop potentially dangerous activities. Unreasonable : leaving students unsupervised, if only for a couple of minutes ; allowing potentially dangerous activities to continue, once you are aware of the potential hazard; expecting students to move heavy equipment on their own; failing to allow ill/injured students to contact their parents; not allowing students with noted medical needs appropriate follow through. 2) Arbitrary and Capricious – unequal or inconsistent treatment of individuals in such a way that rights/privileges are protected for some, but not afforded others. According to no apparent or consistent standard, such a standard would need to meet the “reasonable and prudent” test. Do provide the same opportunities for all your students. Don’t play favorites in either a positive or negative direction. 3) Protection of Student Rights : School attendance has been defined by the courts as a constitutional right. Home suspension must be preceded by a due process hearing and is to be handled by the principal. Reasonable efforts should be made to protect students’ privacy and property. If a search is necessary, contact the principal for assistance. If student property is confiscated (with cause), it must be returned to the student that day or contact must be made to the parent stating it will be kept until the parent can come get it. If you become involved in a questionable situation where you think liability may be an issue, be sure you contact the principal immediately. Do not make any statements or sign any documents until you have been authorized to do so. Guard against any statements that could be used against you or another staff member, friend, or student. This includes letters to vouch for a parent or guardian’s character. When in doubt, ask the principal!

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LUNCHROOM PROCEDURES Students are to enter the lunchroom quietly and follow line procedures until they are seated at their tables. They are expected to use “restaurant” voices and remain seated. Students are to sit on their pockets facing into their assigned tables. Food is not to be shared. Students will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria for at least 15 minutes. When finished eating, students are to clean up their area and wait for the adult on duty to excuse them. Please hold your class accountable for following these procedures. If we are consistent from the beginning, our students can be successful all year. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU PICK UP YOUR STUDENTS FROM RECESS AT THE APPOINTED TIME! MACHINES (COPY MACHINES, PAPER CUTTERS, DIE CUTS, ETC) Various machines for staff use are located in the workroom. Follow directions to insure proper use. Report all problems to the office immediately. The workroom is home to dangerous and expensive equipment. Students are not permitted in the workroom to collect materials or otherwise. MONEY PROCEDURES State law allows for a free public education in grades K-8. Please do not collect money from students for workbooks and other curriculum materials. If students have lost or damaged materials or books, send them to the office. If you ask for donations for activities or fieldtrips, students may not be excluded if unable to donate. You may only request donations for the actual cost. Money is never to be left in a desk or about the room, and it is never to be left in the school overnight. All money is to be collected in the office, including lunch money. If you order from book clubs, you may collect this money and keep your own records. MOVIES / VIDEOS Movies shown in the classroom are to have an educational purpose and enhance the curriculum. Include in your plan book all movies shown and the curricular objective. Videos should be used for face-to-face instruction. Face-to-face teaching means an introduction, possibly stopping the video at selected points for answering questions and conducting a short discussion and concluding or completing a follow-up assignment after viewing. All videos should link to the core being taught. Parents are increasingly concerned with the overuse of videos/movies/television in school (including the final days of school and during the holiday season). Be prepared to explain the educational purpose for the film’s viewing and its related curriculum. Parents not wishing their students to view a film may indicate their objection in a letter. An alternate educational activity must be available. • Movies are not to be shown at school for entertainment or rewards without prior approval from the principal. Only “G” rated movies are allowed. • As a grade level, you may show a movie for entertainment/incentive no more than one time per year. Once I have approved the movie, you must receive permission slips from all parents in your classroom in order to show the movie during class time.

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NEW STUDENTS When a new student is brought to your room, it is expected that you will welcome the student and do everything possible to help them feel comfortable and adjust. Be cautious of the messages you send. If you have concerns regarding the placement of students, talk to the principal. Whenever possible, new students will be entered into classes at the beginning of the school day. Students registering during the day will not start school until the next morning, thus giving teachers time to prepare for them. Always have an extra desk and chair in your room with necessary supplies just in case you receive a new student. NOTES HOME Teachers’ notes going home are to have a professional appearance. Send a copy of all class notes (email preferred or hard copy if necessary) to Teresa. The office will keep a copy of all notes on file to keep us informed so we can answer parent questions. It is always a good idea to have someone else proofread your notes. I am happy to assist. OFFICE Please be aware that parents are often in the office or the immediate vicinity. Be careful to avoid negative talk and refrain from discussing students by name when stating academic, behavioral or personal information about them. Professional behavior and decorum are critical (see “Confidentiality”) PARENT COMMUNICATION Teachers are encouraged to communicate openly with parents about the educational experiences of their students. Parents should hear about school successes more frequently than negative experiences/interactions. When reporting bad news to parents, remember to be objective and non-judgmental. Children sometimes make bad choices, but they are not bad. Major behavioral and academic concerns should not be a surprise to parents. It is incumbent upon every classroom teacher to keep parents apprised of concerns long before parent-teacher conferences or report card time. Email communication is encouraged. It leaves a great paper trail. PARENT-TEACHER-ASSOCIATION (PTA) We interact with the community at several points every day. The PTA provides our school excellent program support. We enjoy strong support from our PTA, and we strongly encourage all staff members to support them. Be conscious of the impressions you are conveying. Remember that although PTA volunteers are an integral part of our community, strict confidentiality and professionalism must be observed and practiced at all times. You are strongly encouraged to join the Butler PTA . These amazing volunteers work many unpaid hours on behalf of the students and teachers. If you are unwilling to join the PTA, you should think twice about accepting or expecting gifts and/or services from them.

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PERSONAL BELONGINGS Lock your door when you leave your room. The door should not be left open as students may return unsupervised. You are responsible for your own property. Teacher and student belongings are not covered by the district or school insurance. Encourage students to leave personal items at home. PERSONAL LEAVE Canyons District policy specifies that personal leave must be pre-approved by the principal. Whenever possible, schedule personal appointments outside of contract hours. It is recognized that emergency situations do occur. If a situation arises when you must be gone, always clear it with the principal ahead of time. Please check in the office prior to leaving the building. Personal leave in conjunction with holidays is awarded through district lottery. Be sure to apply well in advance! PROFESSIONALISM & ETHICS Staff members are expected to be responsible in the manner in which they conduct themselves. Remember your conduct can help you avoid awkward or compromising situations that could tarnish or destroy your teaching career and diminish your reputation and that of your profession. It is unprofessional to talk negatively about our school, principal, other faculty or staff to parents and other community members. Use appropriate channels to voice concerns and offer suggestions for making our school better. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR EVALUATION All teachers and administrators will be evaluated annually. You will find detailed information about our district evaluation system (CTESS) on the district web page. http://www.canyonsdistrict.org/ctess RECESS SUPERVISION Instructional aides will supervise lunch recess. Teachers are responsible to provide supervision for scheduled morning or afternoon recess. REIMBURSEMENT Other than items on pre-approved list , teachers may only be reimbursed for items purchased when pre-approved by the principal. Approval must be obtained prior to purchasing items . Please send an email to Jeff for approval. I will respond with something clever like “Approved.” Print my reply and attach it with your reimbursement form and receipts. Please buy the items using the tax-exempt number as tax cannot be reimbursed. A form can be obtained in the office. Except in emergencies, school supplies should be purchased through the district warehouse when available. Check with Renae for our Office Depot price first. It is usually better than what is available at regular prices at other retailers. Pre Approved Items: • School supplies not available in district warehouse • School supplies at a better price than in the district warehouse

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REPORT CARDS/GRADEBOOK Report cards will be issued three times yearly at the end of each trimester. Teachers must maintain documentation to justify grades given on report cards. Grades should be updated regularly. Please find detailed information on the district web page. http://www.canyonsdistrict.org/i-canyons-report-card SAFETY AT SCHOOL • Students are not to bring hard balls or bats – wood, metal or plastic. • No tackle games of any kind. • All wheels must be walked or carried on school grounds and locked up during school hours. • No snowballing – snow stays on the ground. • Toys or games from home are subject to approval by the teacher. • No playing in the parking lots. • No swearing or fighting. • Trading or selling items between students is not allowed SAFE SCHOOL POLICY The Safe School Policy works to give all students the right to attend school and school- sponsored events without undue concern for their physical safety. It establishes procedures and penalties for: 1) any acts of violence or threat; 2) possessions of any type of weapon or facsimile; 3) any form of organized gang activity; 4) any type of criminal behavior. Please explain the policy to the students and help enforce it. A more detailed explanation is included in the Butler Family Handbook. Any infractions of the Safe School Policy are to be referred to the principal immediately. SCHOOL LUNCHES: ALTERNATE / FIELDTRIPS If you are planning on having a special lunch with your students, such as pizza, you MUST let our lunch manager know IN ADVANCE. Pizza and other entrée items at class parties or celebrations may only be eaten after lunch . Provide lunch manager a count with names and student ID numbers for fieldtrip sack lunches at least two weeks in advance to facilitate food orders for the kitchen. SCHOOL TELEPHONE Students are to use the school telephone (not personal cell phones) in cases of emergency. Teachers should screen the requests to use the phone. STUDENTS MUST HAVE A WRITTEN PHONE PASS FROM THEIR TEACHER TO PLACE CALLS. Students may not call to get permission to go to a friend’s house after school. Phone calls during class for teachers will receive a message. If it is an emergency, someone will relieve you from your class to take the call. Please make personal phone calls during your breaks. This includes the use of cellular phones, FaceTime and SKYPE.

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