Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993
University of San Diego
Someday 1992-1993
Alcala News USD hosts presidential debates Few students will forget the /- into thedebate,Perotsuggested weekend of Oct. 3, 1992, the " tl1at the event be 1noved out date of the second Presidential into the courtyard. "It's such a debate. USD spent months in .,. nice day out there," said Perot. preparation for this show down "Why don' t we move this thing between Incumbant President outside, instead ofbeing cooped George Bush, Arkansas Gover- up in here like possums in a nor Bill Clinton, and Indepen- pickle barrel?" Clinton and dentCandidateRossPerot. The Bush agreed, and the proceed- campus began swarming with ings were halted while the media personnel on the evening event was hastily moved out- of Oct. 2 when the three candi- side. dates arrived on campus to After the debate, the candi- make personal appearances for...,..:,.;.________ dates stayed for pictures with the USD community. As The candidates debate the issues in front of Camino-Founders the students, and dinner in the George Bush reminisced with ~-------------------------' caf (baked shark, Chicken Capri, students in the Grille about his loud," said freshman Brandi which was purchased by the Norwegian Vegetable Medley, collegedaysatYale,BillClinton Dooley. "I mean why can't they university especially for the oc- California Rice, and Chicken tooktheopportunitytoplayhis drill more quietly?" T h e casion. Gumbo). Bush left later that saxophone with the Founder's candida tes spent the day of When the parade reached evening in the Presidential he– Chapel Choir for a special mass Oct. 3rd preparing for the de- Camino Hall, the site of the de- licopter, Perot left in his per– in honor of the debates. Ross bate,butemergedasexpectedat bate,thecandidatesdismounted, sonal helicopter, and Clinton Perot talked with PresidentAu- 3:30 p.m. for the parade down and were led into the theater by drove off in his campaign bus. thor Hughes about donating MarianWay. ThousandsofUSD a student honor guard. For the The Physical Plant staff money for a building to be students lined the street, hold- grand finale, Barbara Bush, worked into the wee hours of named in Perot's honor. Perot ing banners, waving flags and Hillary Clinton and Margot the morning, cleaning up and addedthat he would assist in shoutingtheircandidate'sname. Perot, each dressed in red se- getting the campus ready for funding the project, "only if the Thecandidatesfollowed behind quined dresses, were simulta- classes the nex t day. "Man are USD students really wan t me th e USD oboe and bassoon neously shot out of cannons, those guys slobs," said Ramon to." marching band; Bush atop an from whence they parachuted Alvarez of the Physical Plant. Many of the residents of the elephant, Clinton riding a don- onto the roof of the theater, as "If this is the way they treat a Founders-Camino dorms woke key and Perot on an ostrich. To the band played "It's a Grand place,I'mjustnotgoingtovote." early the following morning to everyone's surprise, the vice- Old Flag." The next day, the only visible thesoundofheavyequipment, presidential candida tes arrived Thedebatelasted90minutes, signs of the debate were the as the various television net- just in time for the parade, fol- during which the candidates occasional red sequin laying works set up their equipment lowing their bosses in a brand traded quips and sharp remarks amidst the blades of grass on inShileyTheater. "ltwaslikeso new red-white-and-blue tram, about each other. Forty minutes thelawnsofCamino-Founders. USD enters landscaping war--tuitions rise
entire new staffbusy, the physi– cal plant replied that they were considering beginning work at 6a.m. with daily lawn mowing and leaf-blowing around the dorms, monthly re-sodding of the lawns, and perhaps an ar– ray of topiary art on the medi– ans along Marian Way.
In mid-January the USD ad- a plan which would once again merged into other class sections. ministration was sent into chaos place USD at the top, as the uni- A new tuition hike of $2500 was upon learning that the Univer- versity with the most also announced for the Spring sity of Southern California groundskeepers in the state of semester of the school year; the (USC) had finally surpassed California. The professorial staff new funds will go to pay for the USD in total number of was cut in order to meet the hiring of 350 new grow1dske persemployed. The added expense that the hiring of groundskeepers. administration immediately new groundskeepers incurred, When asked whattheuniver– flew into action, implementing and the affected students were sity would do to keep the
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