Alcala Yearbook 1992-1993

Students Who Are Parents

The Students Who Are Parent Club is a support group for students at USO who are also parents. It allows these students "to feel like we belong among others." The club is open to undergraduates, gradu– ates, single, married, men and women.

SEAC The Conserva tion Club started the re– cycling program on campus ov r four years ago, and now is renamed SEAC- the Student Environmental Action Club. SEAC continu s to help in expanding the program. Raising environmental awareness while working at improving th recycling program are SEAC's main goals. SEAC has become increasingly diverse over the past year; adding animal rights and petitionsignings to its activities. SEAC continues to clean-up the planet by start– ing with USO. Participation in Earth Week '93 is ex pected to be great and SEAC, along with other organizations, will provide various activities - all environmentally friendly.

Clubs & Organizations

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